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One Man, One Plot and some Real Gorillas

dingo bingo

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I would take a guess at u had the light either a bit low power wise or set to high above them looking at the node spacing.

They look fine though dude i would be getting them out and planted let mamma nature sort em out.

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Plus 1 for getting them outdoors now.

There more than ready to brave the great outdoors and will welcome the big light in the sky...when some fuker turns it on that is lol

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Hi mate

i dont think youve done anything wrong. Most often plants i grow indoors and even plants i grow outdoors don't show side branches until i either tie them over for LST or they are getting much more mature and closer to flowering


some strains they do come out earlier.. but i find the majority just stretch up as yours are. Especially at that stage


those are nice size seedlings for going out… should be handy to have them a bit more established like that with this weather should give you a head start. Transporting can be more of an issue but defo give you a better chance out there with the way it is out there this year


good luck

Edited by Erbman T
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Thanks for the input guys. The upside of my indoor grow being delayed has been keeping the GG plants (photo's) vegging in the big tent under a 600W MH, they're a foot tall now and I could get big plants to the plot without being seen I think.


Worth keeping them inside a bit longer to wait for better weather or just get them planted out this week?

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I’d get them out it’s amazing how you see them stretching out into the 360’ light straight away. 

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Might as well just grow them inside if you are wating for the stupid weather in this country, meant to be thunder next mon/tue/wed/ 

Edited by Hazeworks
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Thinking of getting them planted tomorrow morning - got plenty of rain forecast so that will help get them settled in hopefully.


Do I still need to worry about slugs seeing as the plants are so big already?

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6 minutes ago, dingo bingo said:

Do I still need to worry about slugs seeing as the plants are so big already?

Slugs will have a bloody feast mate if it rains like it has been

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The slime brigade will find them soon enough  ,  but with decent sized plants its less risky.


Pellets, straw , copper tape .... do what you want ...the little ninja fuckers will still get a sly munch lol 

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4 hours ago, dingo bingo said:

Do I still need to worry about slugs seeing as the plants are so big already?

I would, you will be suprised how quick these fuking gastropods will devour your plants even though there a fair size

Get some pellets down brother 👍

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Thanks guys, will get some pellets down today and will get a good mulch of Strulch/straw down later this month.


I decided to plant out today, stashed the plants late last night and will return later today to plant them.

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Yea returned home from my plot last night and the fuckers have decimated about a 3rd of my first wave. Literally one heavy night of rain Sunday and the new style pellets we have now just dissappear. Not like the old toxic ones hehe. Best of luck 

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i am glad the last owner left the toxic ones behind in the shed :P

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I bought doff 2.50 ones rain did em away in a couple of rains then bought the 5 pound doff ones and they went at the same kinda rate , supposed to be 14 days shower resistant more like 48 hours maybe abit more. But there non toxic so won isn't it for the wild life , just means every few days check up , although it says don't apply pellets more than 3 times I think iirc.

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Damn, seems like pellets are not much use then. I went to the garden centre on the way to the plot but all they had was a gel by Doff which I guess won't be much good either. I got some copper tape but need to get some cups/pots or something first and then I'll get them to plot ASAP with some straw.


My efforts on this plot last year were minimal - I didn't use any slug deterrent or even chicken wire and had no problems whatsoever, but that probably has more to do with the fact that I didn't plant out until mid July I guess?

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