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Murphy's 2024 RGS I want a hoodie diary.


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Does that knotweed cause you any issues? Did you make a clearing in the knotweed or does it just grow on the outskirts? Might have to start looking for it there’s loads of it round here on waste ground etc

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Doesn't really cause to much of a problem to be honest dude its easily cut back if it gets too wild.

Plus its great cover it grows well over 8ft.

I know its classed as a pest but don't think they will ever get rid of it now it grows everywhere.


While i am here i dropped the fems into water tonight.


3 x OPG x Fucktard.

3 x OPG x Freezeland.

3 x OPG x Zoap.

3 x Fast Orange Cake.


I am a bit behind would have liked em out by now as the weather for once has been perfect.

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I think a lot of the scaremongering is to drum up business by these removal companies it’s easily controlled in reality. Prob too many health worries about mass spraying or some bollocks.

haha funnily enough I’ve just gone back through thinking I’d missed the little ones! I’m late this year too. Was a cold spring though, didn’t seem right.

All the best! 


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Should get the autos out over the weekend hopefully.

From RGS  i got 2 Ztrawberry and 2 auto amnesia.

Same as u dude i delayed popping the auto's by a week i think cos it was just too cold out.

Got 8 healthy looking autos going out and the weather looks spot on with sunshine and showers.

I really do think i have given myself too much work to do this season though but it will be fun whatever happens. lol


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I lost my auto plot yesterday so had no option other than plant 8 autos in the bed at my main plot.






Auto amnesia.








Bed pic.




Mighty gold wasn't looking happy still growing but not right.




And a load of fems had cracked so potted them .


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Posted (edited)

Good luck for this years gorilla grow mate 👍

Edited by Military Grade
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Thanks @Military Grade and good luck with ur muffin u got a spot yet.


Right dudes seedlings.




Most of the little ones are RGS.


Fucktard boyo flower/pollen.



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8 minutes ago, murphyblue said:

u got a spot yet.

No confirmed one yet, Currently waiting for the fields to dry up a bit after all that rain we had, then i'm gonna load up the vape and go for a walk 👍



10 minutes ago, murphyblue said:

Fucktard boyo flower/pollen.



That shoud keep you busy 👍

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Up with the birds this morning and off i trotted to plot lovely sunny morning.

Sadly though a ztrawberry auto has been totally eaten just a stump left.




Its a pity cos the other one has grown well in the week its been out.




The amnesia been battered a bit as well.




As has the UEL which i rebent.




The mighty gold was looking happier i just moved the stake along on her.




And a couple of overall plot pics.



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Coming along nicely @murphyblue  good to see things going out. Shame about the decapitation, maybe there’s enough of it to send out another shoot. 

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U gonna put some chicken wire up brother Murphy 

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Never needed it here if i'm honest dude.

Was slug or snails that did it the stump was covered in slime.

As i don't like using slug pellets gonna set up a load of beer traps around the plot.

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All the small pots in the tray are RGS.




I'm a bit behind but getting there. lol


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Unlucky about the ztrawberry mate, the others coming a long nicely 👍

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The little ones have picked up a bit after a seaweed feed.

Still small though so will keep em in for another week.

The ones in the tray all RGS.



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