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In the Garden/Greenhouse 2024


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All looking class sir 👍


Congrats on getting the lady over the finish line in testing conditions with a clean bill of health !

Just proves that Autos have come a long way and are def worthy of a spot in the gardens !       
Well happy for you mucker and fingers crossed for the remaining autos.

At least you have reduced the volume levels in the garden now lol 

all the best with it mate 



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@OldFord definitely reduced brother.

I remember reading a post somewhere about someone wanting a stealth plant for the garden that didn't smell and was recommended Northern Lights. 

I can honestly say the one I grew absolutely reeked it could almost be smelled inside the house on hot still days , she was loud man.

I'm pleased she's drying to say the least lol


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@CustardVape   Yeah normally NL is a safe bet but its all pheno dependent and even more so when tou add in auto traits.


I only have Nrivana NL fems left as the slugs and old gits all got to the SS auto NL's before i did lol      

Got 2 i think ...will find out next wknd 

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@OldFord hopefully the old gits will get the SS NL to the finish line and you get to sample the goodies. Be interesting to see how the fems get on , I presume there being light depped?

I bet your itching to get home now to see how there all doing man , it's going to be a lovely sight for you to see :yes:


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@CustardVape     I believe from the pics ...the big Nirv NL is full term and the smaller one is in dep...i think lol      Can only go by the pics i seen.

Will know more when home.   
See what else the old gits have helped themselves to whilst i aint been about lol    

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A quick check on the remaining plants this morning and all is good. The weather has turned humid again with drizzle but it's set to clear up later. I hope to harvest them next weekend so hope they'll hold out another week 🤞

The drying shed is holding a good 20° and between 50-60% humidity so quite  pleased with that and have been turning the buds regularly in the bags. They smell delicious :yep:

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4 hours ago, CustardVape said:

They smell delicious

And look stunning, what a treat, enjoy your harvest bud 🥰

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@Military Grade I used the same method last season and it worked well. I can't hang them in there at height it's just too hot and the Mrs won't let me do it in the house lol

So in brown bags with the top closed , on the stone floor, window open slightly and a small fan blowing over the tops of the bags and turning the buds regularly. It was 24° at head height earlier yet 20° on the floor and it cools to around 16° at night so should get a reasonably slow dry all going well. 

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@CustardVape   nice dry method mate, using what you got. Got to keep the Mrs happy. I also got chucked out the house hence the shed.

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Found a small patch of rot on one of the Blue Moby. No suprise really , her flowers are very dence and compact. She was pretty much finished so all good. 

She served up some sweet purple buds that smell of candy/blueberry. 

She's now in brown bags drying.  That leaves Super Skunk , 2x Blue Moby and Gelato. 

I need to order some more brown bags because i didn't think I'd harvest this much lol



A couple of Blue Moby buds before brown bagging.






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You have cranked some fine looking buds out of a shitty summer with autos non the less this is the best auto grow I have seen on here quality and quantity makes me want to get greenhouse and a big ass fan congratulations and job well done 

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Super Skunk at almost 13 weeks.  Only a subtle smell about her but if you brush against her she stinks and she's really sticky. I'd say she's done so will chop her at the weekend.




@CheechChongReturns Auto Gelato. 

She smells citrus , great for outdoors because of her structure. Cheers buddy.





I also harvested the rest of the Blue Mobys. 

On the lowers I found these cheeky little fuckers having a nibble. There was a fair bit of caterpillar shit too so binned some of the lowers.




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