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This Years ... Varied ... Offerings 2024.


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Thank you so much ladies & gents 🥰     
Means so much folks and high appreciative of the love in this place !  


Just totally shocked !     
She was laughing & joking on the phone at 2:30pm  when i left london ...using the coach as not driving ,  she was handing out cucumbers to the neighbours  at 3pm by all accounts ,  i arrived home at 4:30 and she had gone.  

TELL your loved ones how much you love them ...as you never know when you cant !     

Thanks again for all the love , kind words and caring ....this place is really special and all you wonderful people make it that way :yes:


Loves you all.   


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On a side note .....the plants have been neglected 


The big Blue Cheese got caught by the prolonged rain and suffered a bit of rot and lost about 25% but it was well compact ,  turns out she was pretty well cooked !    Drying now and fuck me does she honk !

The Purple Wreck was also taken down as she wasnt happy in the rains !
Now drying 



The lowers from the chunky Nirvana NL &  the Legend Brocks OHG all taken.


Everything else seems happy & healthy despite the neglect.


Sag's Black Budha ...green pheno will be next and prob this wknd. 

Dutch Passions. Fast  GMO is in her window of opportunity but will push her on to test her outdoors prowess .... looks nice !!!   Smells betterer !


Pics up once i load them in a min ......prob the last pics for a few weeks as got quite a bit to attend to .    I will ...try but no promises 



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thanks for the update mate nice to hear you salvaged some blue. bet that's gonna be some fire!!!  


if you need ote mate your know where I am. 

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@growinggold   Luvs ya man 🥰



Last update for a while folks !    

Enjoy the wander through the plants ....feel free to fondle , handle and sniff ...just no licking !    




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I'm a licker not a flicker but love a good ole fondle and groping. Same here if you want anything I'm around brother ❤️🙏

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Love and hugs @OldFord, such a huge shock. Plants are looking glorious though and hopefully providing some much needed distraction. 

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