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This Years ... Varied ... Offerings 2024.


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Sunday salutations folks 👍


Been a rough week !   Feeling like shit ...tired & tender , got zero energy and just not feeling it but im upright and ambling about the garden so lifes got a sunnier tinge to it !


The stuff is the drying boxes hasnt stank the house out !    So im a happy chappy , the air con unit has slowed the drying down and its feeling & looking pretty good , will give it another 3 or 4 days then chop and dump them on the drying nets for a further week before jarring up. 

The garden girls & smell defence team still working in harmony ,  nothing ready for chop ...Sag's Black Budha lowers could come down today but as next week seems ok weather wise ..we shall carry on.

The Nirvana NL that started dep and was kicked out ...has about 2wks to go and appears to be fox tailing nicely.

Brocks OHG is looking class and well into flower ,  

Brocks SHD xBBG is something i have never seen before ....a BBG leaning pheno !    Always a short squat sat leaning pheno ....i appear to have a tall fat BBG indy leaner ....very excited by this !    Over countless runs i have never seen this so im intrigued. 
Most of the girls look happy...a few sulking but im trying.


At present @Antonio_DutchPassion Fast GMO is the loudest in the garden and racing on & frosting up !    Closely followed by the Dinafem Blue Cheese ...shes very penetrating and carries where as the DP Fast GMO is a real pungent acrid funk that grabs your nostrils and slaps ya lol   

I have a little test running , @Shumroom   some leftovers from SeedSrockers Auto Amaretto Tarmac ...i was in hospital when the old gits chopped her and she looked very fat , well cooked and very dark coloured ....i have leftovers cooking and was testing their hardiness ....5 wks past chop and their best ...and still no rot !!    Class mate ...pics coming in a minute. 

So enough chat and more pics as more is betterer 👍    A big pic dump

Garden girls and smell defence team , some generic plants and a pussy cat lol


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SeedStockers auto Amaretto Tarmac chopped 5 wks ago and lowers still holding out ...very stealthy garden auto and very hardy.   Impressed mate 👍


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A Dutch Passion fast GMO ....filling up & out nicely ,  a real acrid stench that kind of slaps your nose when you get close ! lol 

Very nice plant so far ...

i did tell Antonio i poss wasnt the best person to run a Fast as a test ...i hate how they normally ..stall / stutter /  generally fuck about !    So far im happy to say its behaving and shaping up nicely. 

The round-about sized plant ....is Antonios own cooking and has HUGE big pot potential !    Beautiful plant so far ,just keeps getting bigger and shes showing her lady bits now , a real heavy deep aroma but dont travel ...def garden suitable ...for now lol   A long way to go but im impressed so far mate 👍

Had to move her as she just keeps getting wider !   


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150 pic dump ....the little cuts in the greenhouse are slime brigade  donated  OSG Widow 90's    Seem happy enough now ...will only be a tiny bounty but time will tell !    Other random cut ...i got no idea lol   

pics .....


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Bloomin’ Marvelous. Started very strong with the colours on the stunning MPP and the standard never slipped. 

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9 minutes ago, CuriousOrange said:

Bloomin’ Marvelous. Started very strong with the colours on the stunning MPP and the standard never slipped. 

Nice huge plant my freind 😁I think your neighbours like the view too 🤣

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Posted (edited)

@CuriousOrange @CustardVape @MindSoup


Thanks guys ,  yeah they are coming on !      Still a long way to go for most !

We shall see 👍


@Norbinyo   Cheers mate ,  yeah they getting big now lol 


I really couldnt care less who see's them mucker 👍

Read back through the various years diaries and you will see 8, 10 , 12ft plants waaaay up over the fence tops lol     I really couldnt care less man ! 
Check out my previous Dinafem DinaMed CBD's ....those were 12ft huge kolas on display for all to see ... very pretty too ! 🥰

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@Norbinyo   DinaMed CBD lol        I simply dont care who sees them , the smell i do care about !    Get your gatden grow on and fuck the system  👍




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@OldFord brother that little catch up made my Sunday :)

some like to read the papers with there Sunday morning coffee fuk me are they missing out lol

beautiful looking plants, healthy happy and a real treat for the old mince pies ;)

the structure on some of these girls is impressive, and seeing those buds fully cooked and basking in the sunshine well what can I say im salivating my brother.

congratulations on getting some of these over the line and plenty more to come by the looks of it.

I for 1 will be watching with excitement.

did the GRG get its van ride yet? Love to see a pic of 1 if not.

keep them coming mucker 👍

hope your feeling ok, you certainly have a view to put a smile on your face if nothing else.

outstanding 🥰

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@Revive  Hey mucker ,  thanks man 🥰


Yeah the drying boxes are rammed , the nets are full , the jars are filling and now using big Tupperware buckets lol      So yeah despite the lack of effort and nit being about much ....its a bumper season so far 👍


The last 2 wks been a struggle but getting around the girls slowly , they seem to be improving marginally mucker so im happy. 

Im being told i can go collect the GRG midweek onwards 👍   Between me being in & out of hospital , school hols & hols for the old git with them , my bruv being the same with the kids , the fuckers taking my licence away its just been a headache but it all looks good for midweek mate !


Now the 1st wave of deps are down ...i got some space too ...as you see i aint got much free space lollol     

Yeah i enjoy a lazy sunday  morning just catching up in the good folks diaries on here !     A big mug of tea loaded with honey and chill in the garden under the big parasol man ,   Been playing early morning and late night to keep out the sun ,  constant blood checks / scans / poking & prodding  mean i gotta behave with no homey / choc / mct but a sunday is MINE !!     Honey in the morning and then MCT or capsules during the day.    Ensures a decent sleep sunday night to face the week.    So a sunday i just get fucked up and catch up on here lol  

Will be over on your patch shortly to check of the hottie Smottie ...to see if we got a gender yet or if your still planning a coming out party lol  lol  


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Stunning garden and pics mate.

Everything looks so vibrant and lively. 

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Amazing big girls you got there! Blue Cheese is coming along nicely. That Black Leb though, wow.

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