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Wow I bet your garden smells lovely does the purple wrecks have that unique undescribable smell ? The widow and granddaddy black are simply beautiful all are looking great 

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Thats you all up to date folks 


Hope you enjoy seeing them as much as i did today 🥰


Yes theres a whiff of herb in there air lol    

Til next time have fun , be good , enjoy tour sunday 

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2 minutes ago, bfehillbilly said:

Wow I bet your garden smells lovely does the purple wrecks have that unique undescribable smell ? The widow and granddaddy black are simply beautiful all are looking great 

Cheers mucker.


yeah theres a small odour but the lilies & roses are def keeping up ,  some manure went around the garden midweek with the old gits so its all good.


Purple Wrecks smell of red wine & choc , parma violets ....smell glorious.


Very partial to it , awesome when its well cooked mate !    

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Glad to see your home mucker :)

as for the garden, we'll what can I say it's a beautiful sight brother.

the fellow old gits really have done themselves proud looking after that lot.

just class 👍

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Shit me dude. Hadn’t seen in here since early/mid July… damn 


On the initial scan i was captivated by the Grandaddy Black… the colours mmm i think it was one called the Black Buddha as well? That one to…. And something else cant remember now… but was filling out like something rotten! I.e was looking girthy a.f .. Boom… all looks killer. I am a sucker for those dark Afghan type colours though just on the aesthetics… ! Everything blinding and with this shite Summer weve all been moaning about.. damn! Serious Ganja’oids in the house


seen you got out of hosp to.. Good to hear. Back to your garden of paradises



Edited by Erbman T
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@Revive  Thanks man 🥰       Will have a closer look one by one over next few weeks 👍    Will keep the single cell occupied mate ,  


Yeah the old gits have done well  !      Only feed used has been flower power and almost no input.   Since we are not chopping as thought tomoz ,we can give them a little once over.     Leave them to it.


Renes will need to be picked up with the van as one wont fit in the car ...let alone two lol      Will need to get my bruv to go sort it out with the van mate



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@Erbman T    Cheers mate.    Home and happy my friend 👍


Will use the plants to keep the mind busy mucker.  

They are doimg ok ,  more is betterer lol     

Nothing been done to them  ,  au natural ,   Average pot is 9ltr and only fed flower power  ,  in jacks magic ....nothing else mate.    Im happy with them , will slowly het round them for some love 👍     
Think this is my 3rd run of sags black budha   always a rainbow colour girl with real dark mains ....so so pretty 🥰


Next wks looking decent ..hopefully be drama free man so why not.


Hope you good mate.

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@OldFord it's good that there isn't the need to get these girls down on Sunday, gives you a chance to chill out a bit after only just getting home brother.

There all looking super healthy and with a spell of good weather on the horizon there's minimal risk letting them run a bit longer.. bet you was happy today being amongst that lot my bro?

Really looking forward to seeing the rene golds, any pics of those?

When do you think you will get them back?

Sounds like at there a decent size if your needing a van dude.

That will be a stinky little journey I'm sure lol

The old flower power has served them well, they all look double healthy and seem to be loving life, considering the shite weather we have had there certainly not to fussed.

I'm sure we will all be treated to some beautiful pics over the next few day so I shall look forward to that me ol mate.

Take it easy and be kind to yourself my brother 👍

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Impressive display as ever! Loving the purple black girl there, something special.


I saw a few horseshoe shaped objects sitting in the top of some pots, was curious what they are. You got some kind of watering system in place, or are they weights to stop the girls blowing over?

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2 minutes ago, Crow River said:

saw a few horseshoe shaped objects sitting in the top of some pots, was curious what they are.

I believe there some kind of parasol weights or something sim to keep the pots in place 👍

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Will have to investigate this Flower power!…. Thinkin i should get onboard the Hay train next season maybe (if i dont have a break)




i laughed when i read your bringing in the GRG by van


“call for the reinforcements Sir !”


MAAD !! 

(((Good vibes)) x

Edited by Erbman T
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@Crow River    Thanks mate ,   Yes the black horseshoe things are indeed garden parasol weights , 15kg and assist in keeping the pot in place and covers the surface area of the pot so helping keep moisture in.    Work well for me.


@McHazy  Thanks mucker   Tryin man ,  just gotta keep an eye for the rot as nights look to be damp !    See how it plays. 

@Erbman T    Flower Power is well worth a look ,  was a QVC shopping ch thing then the company got bigger ...Richard Jackson is the company.

MurphyBlue , Custard Vape , Military Grade , myself and a few others on it , i been on it for years, murphy did last year in & outdoors on it with good results.

Powder and liquid forms available.  Seen no adverse effects mate 

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@Revive   I have not seen the pics yet mate ,  chasing for them 👍


Im guessing they will be of similar size to my other girls as all of the same timeframe , so understandably they wont be fitting in a vauxhall corsa without showing the world whats been transported lollol     
So its gonna be a van run to get them and will get my bruv on that asap.

Yeah im guessing the vans gonna smell nice 🥰

Yeah the Flower Power seems to suit our girls nicely and got zero complaints with it.   Cheap and hassle free , just dump it in the watering can , a wee stir and pour.    Works for me mucker.

Just wandering around them yesterday i was in heaven man , not a care in the world or negative thought 🥰  just taking in the sights & smells !
A few seem unhappy'ish but overall they seem content and will make for some tasty meds for sure !  

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