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This Years ... Varied ... Offerings 2024.


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4 minutes ago, Military Grade said:

@OldFord  You got more variety than a garden centre in your garden lol


Some of them i've never even see before 👍

I blame the fellow old gits !!!      

Was like a ...bring a plant sale ffs lol        

I do all the seed starting and hand them out ,  this year they are getting better and some attempted their own ...i now have an influx of plants ...allegedly :wassnnme:


I was supposed to have more gone and @Revive  Rene's returned , so far im still waiting , cant drive any more so im stuck with ...a few plants til the old bastards come get them lol   

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1 hour ago, OldFord said:

was supposed to have more gone and @Revive  Rene's returned ,

I really hope you can get these back mucker.

I want them in your very capable hands tbh I'm very interested to see what you think of this cross 👍

So far everyone who has grown them out seems pretty impressed with them and there hard as nails so perfect for the great outdoors.

I'm very intrigued to see what you think of them brother.

I know you can no longer drive but can't the old git that took them kindly bring them back?


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Looking great :) 


Did I spy a GMO label?


Watch out for that one stinking the place out 💩lol







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@Revive  hey man ,  the fellow old git with the Rene's isnt a driver and her daughter takes her about.     They def coming mucker ,  just waiting on them coming :yep:       It actually took me a bit to whittle it down to whom had them as i was in hospital and this lot are clueless .... had to get them to literally face time with me whilst looking through countless plants....not all good with phones so awaiting someone to visit them so we could facetime lol     
Just headaches ...and i got enough lol  

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@Shumroom   You did indeed spy a GMO ....


Its a tester for Antonio at DP .... its a Fast !!    

Antonio had seen my ...posts voicing my opinions all based on 1st hand may i add but he seen my dislike of fasts and decided it would be a good thing for me to test them , told him he may not like my feedback and the man still sent them so i will run them :yep:      
Shes looking good, happy & healthy with a def allium / garlic / acidic aroma.


Smell wise i dont think anything will compete with the big Dina Blue Cheese ..shes evil mucker !     Although that little spliff seeds mpp for a little un may give the BC a run for its momey very shortly. 

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I went for a wander around the garden with Bass Cat and had a closer look at the girls ....the DP Fast GMO is flowering !  

So shes def living up to her name.   

Pics up over the wknd


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Sunday salutations good people :thumsup:


Been up all night as not havi g a good time of it ....but try keep my old ass in and away from the plants 👍


A few snippet pics of this weeks progress - 


Some shots of a few of the light dep victims 





SS auto Amaretto Tarmac  &  @CheechChongReturns auto Inala

Both almost done , prob a week or so to roll , so now been moved to a shaded area to finish up.




@Antonio_DutchPassion  DP  Fast GMO


a rather pungent lady ,  seems happy and healthy with a def allium / acrid deep hummm !
Just showing her lady bits and the very first fem to get going.    Impressed so far sir. 



@Antonio_DutchPassion  This is something Antonio. very kindly sent me ,  its his own cooking and shes looking good.    Apologies if i fuck up the genetics ...shes a Platinum Kush x Banana Kush ...i think lol  

Shes very happy & healthy , quite a pronounced kush aroma and filling up & out rapidly !



A few other bits for your sunday perusing folks.  



Finally a shout out to @badbillybob   The next 2 are his cooking.    Mohan Ram x Ghetto Blaster !!!
Both happy & healthy despite the slime brigades attempts !      Some rather deep dark colouration and just as deep & dark aromas. ....not what i would deem garden friendly and im very happy with them. 



In true Warner Bors fashion .....thats all forn now folks lol 

Edited by OldFord
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She's chunking out nicely dude, sho get a nice yield come harvest time, which one is that in the pictures?

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4 minutes ago, MindSoup said:

She's chunking out nicely dude, sho get a nice yield come harvest time, which one is that in the pictures?

Morning mate.    Yeah the Old Widow 90's is def shaping up !
Shes taking on some dark hues and stinks to high heavens :thumsup:

4wks in and forming nicely ,  prob 6wks to roll as i want some ambers and her pretty well cooked....you know me !!!   Gamble  until its not worth it !

Edited by OldFord
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Just been chatting about the legends ....Brocks work with the SHD line ....


i have just pulled out some SHD x AU  - short hazy days x auto ultimate ...and one shall be making a yoghurt infused with a big grinders worth of spoon infused coconut oil ....getting smashed and hopefully enjoying the rest of my sunday with a stupid grin on the old face :yes:

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Glad she's doing well for you geez. I remember mine being absolutely fine and dusted by 8 weeks, but indoors/outdoor flowering times will probably differ, no harm in taking her even further I doubt. Might soften the edges a bit which from my experience would be nice. SHDxAU in edible form must be absolutely mental, you'll be chatting with the faeries geez lol.

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Military Grade

@OldFord looking good mate, it's interesting to see that many plants together, gives you a chance to see how many different shapes and sizes the cannabis plants can come in 👍

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