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Should you LST outdoor plants?

Bram Toker

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16 hours ago, Idicanna jones said:

@Bram Toker yes the cookies and cream was a garden effort matey


Just a quick follow up question. Was the one in the picture topped or did you just go with LST?

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Not one for topping autos myself. Others will probably disagree but no topping and minimal defoliation for me

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Well provisionally I'll be going with some of the names suggested. I'm planning an outdoor garden grow (probably under a polytunnel) consisting of a couple of Euforia autos, a couple of Cookies & Cream autos and I'll supplement these with a couple of Sweet Zombie photoperiods (leftover seeds from a previous indoor grow). Just to add I'm at a latitude of 52 degrees so southerly without being deep south..

Edited by Bram Toker
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I'm not really a fan of tunnels/greenhouses, the benefit of extra warmth is a trade off with much higher humidity and less air flow i.e a bigger risk of mould. They're good for veg into early flower. if you have the sides and ends open during flower so its more of a canopy that works, but then you basically have a giant kite. 

Edited by MindSoup
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Yeah, to add to @MindSoup's point, my first attempt in a polytunnel was a real mouldfest. Need good ventilation if you're going to do it. Last year I kept the "windows" open all season, which helped keep rot to a minimum. If it's a garden grow, then maybe a mix of some plants in the polytunnel or greenhouse, and some out in the open? Keeps all bases covered.

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Personally with a garden grow I wouldn't bother with a polly tunnel, growing in pots at least allows you to move them under some cover when it's hacking down so you stand a bit more of a chance.

Being able to be hands on daily should make a big difference but outdoor UK will always be a game of chance so probably best to hedge your bets imo

Some early autos and later fast/semi autos so they don't get to big is prob a good idea.. hope it goes well what ever you choose 👍


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Ok taking on board the advice given I was thinking of sticking them in a polytunnel to stop them getting drenched by summer rain (since they will be in pots perhaps I will only move them to the polytunnel when it's raining). Obviously the risk of mould will increase if conditions are too humid but I thought perhaps this risk would be mitigated by leaving both ends (and any other ventilation points) open. Clearly any such structure would have to be very well secured to avoid a Wizard of Oz scenario.

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Yeah mate like you say they're good for getting the girls out of the rain, although a lean too roof made of clear poly carb is probably bthe best solution for that. 

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4 hours ago, Bram Toker said:

Ok taking on board the advice given I was thinking of sticking them in a polytunnel to stop them getting drenched by summer rain (since they will be in pots perhaps I will only move them to the polytunnel when it's raining). Obviously the risk of mould will increase if conditions are too humid but I thought perhaps this risk would be mitigated by leaving both ends (and any other ventilation points) open. Clearly any such structure would have to be very well secured to avoid a Wizard of Oz scenario.

  I'd get clip on fans for your tunnel  ,then again I'd not use a tunnel , it's not true GG .

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2 hours ago, B-real said:

it's not true GG .


Yes, I suppose regardless of the possibility of using a polytunnel, growing in the garden isn't really an authentic guerilla grow either. At this point nothing is for certain with regards to my planned garden grow. All I'm doing at this point is pitching ideas to get feedback from those more experienced than myself. Presumably the clip on fans would need a mains electricity supply. Unfortunately I don't think that will be an option.

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3 hours ago, Bram Toker said:


Yes, I suppose regardless of the possibility of using a polytunnel, growing in the garden isn't really an authentic guerilla grow either. At this point nothing is for certain with regards to my planned garden grow. All I'm doing at this point is pitching ideas to get feedback from those more experienced than myself. Presumably the clip on fans would need a mains electricity supply. Unfortunately I don't think that will be u checked out grown under glass section , could be something there to help u figure out whatever u need.


Edited by B-real
Clip on fans USB powerbanks
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Has anyone grown Sweet Zombie (Expert seeds) outdoors? If so, how mould-resistant did you find it?

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On 07/02/2024 at 16:39, Bram Toker said:

Yes, I suppose regardless of the possibility of using a polytunnel, growing in the garden isn't really an authentic guerilla grow either

🤣What does it matter,aslong as you get some nice weed at the end of it mate..if you have a polytunnel already then go for it.

First thing is secure the shit out of it,tie it down and then tie it down some more.

Don't try and cramp to many in ,you want as much air flow as possible when it comes to about 3 weeks into flower onwards.

 keep in tunnel all through veg it's when they are in full flower you need to keep an eye for mould.

You could just leave them out of the tunnel when in full flower and pop them back in on a rainy day .

ATB with it mate


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Good advice mate. Thank you.


To be honest I don't actually have a polytunnel but was thinking of getting one this season for tomatoes, peppers etc. If it helps with sheltering weed plants from the rain even better.

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White widow also auto gorilla are worth looking at..check out realgorillaseeds.com if you haven't already,lots of tried and tested stuff there and they have some new autos for this season 👍

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