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Crow River

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Was at the Bramble plot this evening, and sadly the last Shaman did not make it. RIP. 


The grow goes on with other strains, but that is the end of this diary as I've no more beans or plants. Thanks to @Antonio_DutchPassion for supplying the seeds, despite the setbacks I've enjoyed growing this strain and indeed consuming last year's harvest. 


I'm still growing Dutch Passion strains, and will continue to do so as they're not only tough, but there's lots of variety to get into.



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  • 4 weeks later...

Shame to hear about that mate.. shit happens right


Anyway, hope you'll have more success next year, you know where to find me if you want to start early in the 2025 season. Cheers

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Thanks @Antonio_DutchPassion these things happen. I hope my future grows will be better defended against rodents and other wildlife... :) 


I will most likely grow some Frisian Dew next season, I already have the beans so no problem there. If you have some very hardy autos or fast/early versions, these could be interesting to test out.


Anyway, speak in the New Year I suppose. All the best of luck with your own projects.

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