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Crow River

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This afternoon, I took the Triton Biscotto Lime mum down to the bramble plot to plant out. I was apprehensive about the girls there, given they were looking hungry last visit. I needn’t have worried. The rain over the past two weeks seems to have delivered the fertiliser top dressed last time. They’re all looking very healthy. 


After planting the final arrival, I weeded around the plot and then top dressed with chicken manure and coco coir, plus bonemeal for any flowering girls, before mulching with straw. The idea is that it will help retain moisture, and stop the soil drying out so much. With a few dry days ahead, the timing is good. 


I’m pretty pleased with how the girls are getting on now. The tallest plants are around 150cm high, and presumably will grow a bit more over the next month or so. They are all bushing out too, so the plot is starting to look quite full… :)  


I’ll be back in a fortnight to check on them, and I will bring some tubs to pick brambles as they are ripening nicely and there are thousands! lol 


Plot on arrival



BCN Critical XXL Fast x 2



Triton Biscotto Lime mum



Plot after weeding, top dress and mulch


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  • 3 weeks later...

Apologies for the lack of updates lately, life has been a bit busy. Managed to make it to the embankment plot yesterday evening. By the time I arrived the sun had set and it was getting dark. This is a plot I can't visit during normal working hours - due to a nearby business I might be spotted so I have to arrive after they close for the day. Good practice for the month or two ahead, as the nights are fair drawing in...


So I blundered around in the dark, a small torch held low to the ground. Managed to nearly poke my eye out on a cane while trying to water one girl. Spent the rest of the night in agony, but seems to be fine today luckily. Anyway, quick summary...


The tallest of the girls are now two metres / six feet high, the tops are above head height. Even the bushy clones are around four or five feet high. I never expected them all to get so lofty it must be said. Seems a bit of neglect suits outdoor weed.  Everything is in flower, except the Triton Biscotto Lime and one other strain, though the latter seems to be about to start. 


I planted out two girls in the remaining gaps in the two rows at the plot. They probably won't get very big before going into flower, but we'll see. Certainly they're dwarfed by the trees around them...


All girls in flower got a top dress of bonemeal and a root drench of Flower Power. Those still vegging got a smaller amount of bonemeal, plus a root drench of liquid seaweed. The two new arrivals got some slow release granules, liquid seaweed drench, and a wee drop of Flower Power too. I did a quick weed, nothing too thorough as visibility was poor. I'll return in a week or two to see how things are going.


Took some photos with my phone and flash, the results are a bit impressionistic but hopefully give an idea.


Six footers




In the foreground the stick that got me in the eye. Ouch!



Everything has grown



Triton Biscotto Lime clone



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Did you see the moon last night?


Totally Orange/pink colour.


Looking good :punk:


An upside down pop bottle on canes helps reduce the possibility of accidentally poking yer eye oot :doh:


Obviously you don’t want to draw too much attention,

so there might be something else you could use :D 







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6 hours ago, Shumroom said:

Did you see the moon last night?


Totally Orange/pink colour.


Looking good :punk:


An upside down pop bottle on canes helps reduce the possibility of accidentally poking yer eye oot :doh:


Obviously you don’t want to draw too much attention,

so there might be something else you could use :D 








Yes, saw it as I was leaving the plot. Guy across the road was filming it, I thought he was filming me for a minute, then realised he was interested in the moon! :D 


I do normally put old wine corks or pop/fizzy water bottles on the ends of canes at the allotment. But for the GG plots, haven't bothered so far. Well that is about to change after nearly losing an eye last night... :skull: I do save wine corks, they will be less conspicuous than bottles, not only smaller but silent too. :yep:

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It's more than three weeks since I visited the bramble plot. Went sown a bit earlier than usual, around five in the afternoon. The girls are doing fine, quite a few in flower now, but not all. Most looking nice and healthy, a few still a bit hungry with some yellow/dying leaves.


Both BCN Critical XXL Fast are in flower, the Triton Biscotto Lime mum is still in veg. I gave all the girls a handful of bonemeal top dress, and a root soak with Flower Power. Did some quick weeding of any invaders that were encroaching on my plants. Took some pics, and then went brambling . Gathered about a kilo and a half of berries, enough for a batch of wine. Will pick some more next visit, there really are thousands round the plot...


Overall, I'm pretty happy with how the girls are doing. Not as tall as the plants at the embankment plot, but they've not been out as long. Tallest are maybe between four and five feet high. Still time for them to stretch mind you...


Plot on arrival



Triton Biscotto Lime mum




BCN Critical XXL Fast x 2



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Both of my TBLs are flowering but one is about 2 weeks behind the other, so I'm surprised that yours is not showing anything yet.

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5 hours ago, Arbre Medicinal said:

Both of my TBLs are flowering but one is about 2 weeks behind the other, so I'm surprised that yours is not showing anything yet.


I'm assuming it has to do with latitude and day length. Still around 14 hours of daylight up here just now, by the end of the month that will be only 11.5 hours. So I expect most girls that are not already in flower to start this month.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Made it down to the bramble plot late afternoon yesterday. Weather was a bit drizzly, but reasonably warm. The plot felt really autumnal compared to the last visit just two weeks ago. Nearby birch trees have started shedding leaves, undergrowth is starting to die back. The bramble berries all around have started to rot. 


All the girls are well into flower, except the Super Kush mum. Quite a few yellow leaves around, but mainly on certain strains, including BCN Critical XXL Fast. Now this could just be fade during flower, but on most girls it seems a bit early for that. So I'm assuming they're just hungry, and some plants redivert resources from the leaves to build buds if nutrients from the soil are insufficient. A more concerning problem was spotting a few dying branches: two on a Shaman, and one on the Triton Biscotto Lime mum. The latter had been damaged somehow, so I removed it. 


I went round removing any dead or dying leaves from all the girls. Gave them all a handful of bonemeal as a top dress, and all got a root soak of Flower Power too. Might bring manure for the hungrier girls next visit. 


All in all, it's going okay. But I have a nasty feeling several girls will be affected by rot as buds ripen. The forecast for the last week in September is looking better than the current wet spell. Dry, bit of sun, decent temperatures for maybe a week or so, going into early October perhaps? An opportunity at that point to harvest some buds if they're ready. 


Oh I also picked 1.5 kilos of brambles, not the rotten ones though. Another batch of wine underway now...  


Plot on arrival



Triton Biscotto Lime mum



BCN Critical XXL Fast x 2



Plot at departure


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@Ccs141, cheers! Edge of the seat time over the next few weeks. Hoping at least some of the girls finish without too much damage from wind, rain, pests, mould...

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@Itscheese94, cheers man. The girls give off remarkably little odour. It's only if I brush past that I get a whiff of some lovely funkiness. I suppose it might be different if a gentle breeze on a warm day carried the smell hundreds of yards. What are the chances of that happening in late September or October in the northern half of the UK? :) 

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Just now, Crow River said:

@Itscheese94, cheers man. The girls give off remarkably little odour. It's only if I brush past that I get a whiff of some lovely funkiness. I suppose it might be different if a gentle breeze on a warm day carried the smell hundreds of yards. What are the chances of that happening in late September or October in the northern half of the UK? :) 

Yeh i find that too, rarely i smell them outdoor unless, im super close or its harvest time. I have a little one like yours though proper stinker it is keep smelling it contant When i brush by lol. Anyhow Good luck with your grow bud looking great.

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Yesterday I was at both the bramble plot and the embankment plot. Lovely afternoon, glorious sunshine and a fresh breeze.


The Seedstockers girls at the bramble plot are doing fine, although a strong gust at some point over the past week had caused one of the BCN Critical XXL Fast to lean over at a jaunty angle. I righted her and tied to a sturdier stake than the inadequate one she had before. Hopefully that will help when storms hit over the next couple of days...


The yellow leaf problem on the Criticals seems to have diminished. Regular feeds seem to be doing the trick. I removed some dead or crispy leaves from both. Otherwise they are both looking good.




The leaning tower



I have been pleasantly surprised by the performance of the Triton Biscotto Lime clones. They are both in flower, and seem to be thriving. The girl at the bramble plot hasn't missed a beat since I removed a broken branch last week. The one at the embankment plot has continued to stretch, presumably because she's flanked by much taller plants. She's also just getting on with it. I'm pretty impressed so far, we'll see how they cope with the coming storms but promising up to this point.


Bramble plot TBL



Embankment plot TBL



So far, so good for the Seedstockers photo strains. All the girls got a handful of bonemeal, a Flower Power root drench and some liquid seaweed.


I'll be visiting both plots more frequently until harvest, to check for any damage and/or rot. So will update again probably at the weekend.



Edited by Crow River
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