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Crow River

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6 hours ago, Revive said:

 @Crow River How about some canes pushed horizontal through the holes at the bottom of the cage then stones on top so they can't move ?


Yeah that might work, good shout. Will take a look next visit. It's pretty sheltered there, but if the wind gets up in a certain direction I suppose the cages that are more exposed could get caught and toppled.

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6 hours ago, Revive said:

Its tricky when there's activity close by mate isnt it.. especially walking around in camo gear on a early summer evening lol


Tell me about it! Hood up, face covering, long trews, gloves, sweating buckets... Define early evening though, doesn't get dark until 11pm these days! So I start later and later, trying to avoid busy times. Evenings have been pretty cold lately, which is good for me as folk stay indoors more. Once the evenings get warmer, things will get trickier...

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14 hours ago, Crow River said:


Yeah, the same bottles I use to carry the plants to the plot...

Deffo be trying this 

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Tonight finally managed to plant out the auto girls that are in full flower.  


Because I was up against it time wise, I had to combine two activities in one visit: final plot prep and planting. This was a bit challenging for two reasons:


- The flowering autos had grown quite tall, so I had to fashion extra tall "bottles" ro transport them.

- The soil is full of stones, so I took some compost/coco mix with me, as well as water.


Luckily I had figured out last visit that I could lock the bike up nearby, so humphing the massive rucksack (with about 40 litres of soil, plus 10 litres of water in it) was not quite so tricky. 


The numerous stones made digging quite a lot of work. More suited to a fork than a spade, then clearing loose stones out of the holes with a trowel. A few scoops of compost/coco mix in each hole, then plants watered in. I made some stakes from tree branches that I cut last visit. I planted all the autos as they're all flowering away, including two Mandarin Panties Auto, and two Thunder Banana Auto. Eight plants in total. 


It all took a bit longer than I thought. Also I forgot to take my bloody pegs, so that and the light fading meant I couldn't get cages around the girls, they just fell over. Obviously quite risky to leave them like that with no protection, but I'd still be at the plot now if I'd tried to bury the cages to keep them upright. I did pee around the perimeter and in-between the plants to try and deter any animals that might pass that way...


So a bit half-arsed all round really. Autos in full flower planted outside with no cages. Ah well, hopefully get it all sorted next visit. :yinyang:


Pic below is not great because the light was going by the time they were all in the ground, at nearly half ten... The Thunder Banana Autos are back right, the Mandarin Panties Autos nearer the front. I'll try and get pics of them individually next visit.



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Planted out the semi-autos last night, plus a couple of clones. Also took another 10 litres of water to the plot. I was pleased to note that the girls I left unprotected last time have not been harmed by man nor beast. However a couple of Thunder Banana Auto had been blown over, so needed tying to stakes. 


So after planting out another six girls this plot now has the following Seedstockers strains growing:


2 x Thunder Banana Auto

2 x Mandarin Panties Auto

Triton Biscotto Lime clone


Rather than cages, I decided to do a perimeter fence. This was due to the large number of plants. I broke my self-imposed rule of having fewer than 9 per plot, because it was just easier to extend the plot slightly than clear a new one.


So that’s that, just water / feed needed at this plot now. You can see how bone dry the soil is in the pics below, I’ll need to water fairly frequently in this hot weather. Next visit I should have a bit more time to take some decent pics of each plant.


I’ll take a few days’ rest, then it’s on to the main photoperiod plot…




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Did another water run along the railway plots this evening.


I'm pleased to note that all the plants are doing just great. Pretty happy that most seem to be thriving. Majority of autos are now in early flower, just the semi-autos are still vegging. There's been no repeat of the cages blowing / being knocked over, which is a bit of a relief. 


Another month to six weeks and some of the autos might be ready to harvest! :)


A few pics, some camera shake on a few but evening light is tricky to photograph in using a phone... Anyway hopefully gives an idea of how things are going.


Mandarin Panties Auto



A tall girl, maybe 70cm. Not flowering yet but can't be far off. Could get taller...


Thunder Banana Auto



She's stayed fairly small, might make to 60cm eventually I suppose. Early flowering in progress.


Five autos in a row



All very encouraging I must say. We have a week of blazing sunshine and warm temperatures ahead, hopefully the plants will love it. :) 

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Brief round-up regarding the seedlings in the veg cab. 


The first wave of photoperiod girls are now 40 days old, or nearly six weeks. I had intended to plant them out by now, but haven't even started prepping their plot. They are starting to get fairly big, so I might top the taller girls soon. 


Here they are. BCN Critical XXL Fast are in the middle.




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Visited the new autos plot this evening. I thought they might need some water, and I wanted to retrofit some slug barriers in case we get some rain soon.


Some of the girls were looking a bit droopy, some a bit unhappy, and one rather poorly. Some were just fine, total contrast. Anyway I gave all the flowering girls some tomato feed, and the rest plain water. Also a teaspoon of slow release fertiliser granules for every girl. 


Pics and comments below.


Here's how the plot looked on arrival. As you can see some girls are looking lush, and others don't seem very happy.



Thunder Banana Auto were both spindly anyway, stretched in the veg cab. But both seem to be doing okay outdoors, especially considering they were lying horizontal on Sunday after being blown over.



Mandarin Panties Auto were looking a bit sad, quite a few yellowing leaves lower down. I expect this is a combination of transplant shock and the very dry, hot weather this week. Also maybe a bit hungry? Still alive though, hopefully the tomato feed will help.



The Triton Biscotto Lime clone seems really poorly, half dead by the looks of her. Extreme leaf bleaching, some of them have gone white and papery. Really concerning. A few smaller, healthy looking leaves but I'll be surprised if this girl survives much longer.



Here's a shot from later on, after watering, feeding and the retrofit of slug guards.



A bit of a mixed bag overall, but perhaps to be expected. Especially given the autos were in full flower when planted out. Still, some strains seem to be tougher than others. I'm really hoping the forecast rain will materialise, because this plot is so incredibly dry. The girls need some rain! :hippy:

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This evening I visited the new auto plot. Took 10 litres of water with some liquid seaweed added to give to the girls. I reckon the downpour on Sunday came at the right time: that and another batch of rain a couple of days ago have been very beneficial. The soil still has a bit of moisture in it (heavy clay with a lot of stones), and weeds were starting to sprout, as are the onions I planted in-between the girls. I did a bit of weeding, fed all the girls, pulled off a few dead or dying leaves. 


I have to say that mostly the ladies are doing quite well. I'm really pleased with how well they have endured that incredibly dry spell we had. All the ones that were a bit sad or poorly are looking much healthier now. Even the poor wee Triton Bicotto Lime clone seems to be fighting back. Cannabis sure is a tough beast! :)


Some pics below. They were taken as the light was fading, so some camera shake on a few, some are out of focus...


A shot of the plot before watering.



Thunder Banana Auto x 2



Mandarin Panties Auto (Not sure why, but forgot to take a photo of the other one!)



Triton Biscotto Lime clone (apologies for the poor photo, a bit atmospheric at least). New growth coming on! 



Plot after watering and weeding


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Went to the railway tonight after sunset. Enough light to see by, but taking photos was nearly impossible. All the girls are doing just great, I'm really pleased. I was glad I avoided certain bits of the line, because there were signs that folk had been under bridge arches recently, and there was fresh graffiti on a wall further along, I could smell the spray paint. No signs any of the plants have been disturbed, which is a relief. I gave them all a feed of liquid seaweed, otherwise there was no need of water after last night's rain. 


Some plants have got pretty tall, while others don't seem to have stretched at all. The Mandarin Panties Auto is still around 70cm or a bit more. The Thunder Banana Auto has stayed short. Both girls are in flower. I'm thinking it will be late July before anything's ready to harvest.


No pics this time because it was too dark. Next visit I'll try to get down there at a more reasonable hour...

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Its all ticking along mate  :yep:       Yeah i hear you on the Mandarin Panties being tall ,  i have 3 out in varying gardens including my own and they are all tall / slender / almost delicately structured but they stay upright lol          I will say mine is swelling by the day , just took a tad longer then expected to start ,  but shes def gathering pace ,  the aromas are exquisite though !


Just seems to be that plot auots start slow & straggly then get busy :yep:      Heres to a nice noticeable  swelling upon your return :george:

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A quick update on the girls in veg cab and tent, which all should have been planted out by now.


Veg cab is like a jungle these days. The girls look a bit hungry, they had a feed the other day but just plain council pop today. BCN Critical XXL are the tall girls in the centre, front and back. Hopefully they will go out tomorrow...



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Finally managed to plant out the six girls from the veg cab this evening. Put up a perimeter fence, mainly because it was quicker and easier. Can extend it slightly when the three clones go in there. 




Centre and front are two BCN Critical XXL Fast.


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After the rain eased off a bit, I went to the railway plot to check on the girls. No need to water, but I was worried that the strong winds at the weekend might have caused some damage. As it turned out, everything was fine except one cage had been blown over. I managed to get some decent photos as I went early evening. Almost worth getting soaking trews and feet making my way through the wet undergrowth. :) No signs of human activity, except more fresh graffiti in a bridge arch. 


The girls are 72 days old, and some have quite a lot of brown pistils on their buds. Didn't spot any signs of mould or rot, a few leaves have been munched on a couple of plants, that's about it. We will get a few drier days later this week, but the weather's looking "changeable", so showers and thunderstorms ahead. While it's great not having to do water runs, a wee bit of sunny dry weather in say a fortnight would be really helpful to ripen those buds...


Mandarin Panties Auto - about 90cm tall.



Thunder Banana Auto - getting a bit bigger as she blooms.




Five autos / semi-autos - Thunder Banana Auto closest, Mandarin Panties Auto in the middle.



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Okay, another update for you lovely people. Was down at the auto / early / fast plot this evening. Tried to get there while there was still some nice sunshine around. It's been a fortnight since I last visited. Was a bit nervous that I might find sickly or dead plants. But, dear reader, I was very pleasantly surprised. Almost shocked. All the girls are doing absolutely great. :) I was amazed to see how healthy they're all looking. The most impressive was that poorly wee Triton Biscotto Lime clone. Two weeks ago, she looked almost a goner, but there were some small new shoots. Well, you'd never have guessed she'd been unwell. Totally amazing! A tough girl for sure. I think this strain could just do really well outdoors. :yep:


Anyway, some pics. Mostly in focus too! Wonders will never crease...


The sight that greeted me on arrival. Quite a few weeds sprouting after all the rain, so I weeded the plot before feeding all the girls. Those in bloom got tomato feed, those still vegging got Miracle Gro. There are continuous release granules around each plant, but this was just a wee treat for good behaviour. Also trimmed back some overhanging vegetation to the north and east.



Thunder Banana Auto x 2



Mandarin Panties Auto x 2



Triton Biscotto Lime clone



After a bit of weeding



I found a couple of bits of rot on two small lower buds on a couple of autos. Some strains are not coping so well with the humidity and rain after beginning flowering indoors. Still, most of the autos are nearly finished, buds look ripe. So I might be back soon to harvest those that are ready,



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