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Crow River

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The third BCN Critical XXL Fast poked above the soil, but was trapped in the seed shell. Tried to take the shell off, but the seedling was brown and rotten. :( A few other (non-Seedstockers) failed to germinate, and I have a couple of other stalled seedlings. Only one Seedstockers missing in action out of nine. :yep:


Maybe I'll pop some replacements, or might just take this opportunity to reduce my plant numbers...




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  • 2 weeks later...

Apologies for the lack of updates recently, been busy.


Went down to the ralway plot this evening. Took seven autos / fasts / earlies with me. Dug some topsoil to finish off the plots, then planted out the seven. Included one each of the following:


Mandarin Panties Auto

Thunder Banana Auto


I need to prep some plots elsewhere for the rest. 


It was dark by the time I finished, so only have a handful of pictures as the last few were just black. Will take a few snaps next time I'm there.


Thunder Banana Auto


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Potted up the photo seedlings today, and moved them to the veg cab alongside the rest of the autos and semi-autos. 


In the pic below the big bushy girls are two Mandarin Panties Auto centre back. The smaller girls to the left are Thunder Banana Auto. The two photos on the right are BCN Critical XXL Fast. 


The autos, semi-autos really should be outside, but I've no plot for them yet as I haven't prepped the replacement for my lost plots. Soon.....at least they're not flowering. :) 



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Was down at the railway again this evening. Really warm, difficult wandering around in camouflage gear, hood up, face covering... People on the street in shorts, t-shirts, etc. 
Visited the girls along the line. They're doing great, the recent arrivals haven't missed a beat. Signs of a couple of plants being nibbled a bit. I gave them all some water, and put some slow release fertiliser granules down. Just a teaspoon each required. If these plots had been ready earlier, I could have used chicken manure, but not now. I trimmed a few tree branches back that were overhanging or blocking light. We have a spell of good weather for the next week or two, hope these girls can make the most of it.
Finally some decent pics.


Mandarin Panties Auto



Thunder Banana Auto


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Today checked again on the girls in the veg cab. Photo seedlings are coming along nicely for a plant out next month sometime. Autos, semi-autos and earlies are getting big now. That will create some transportation issues for me when moving them out, but also the true autos have started to flower. They're at day 37. The semi-autos / earlies are still just vegging.


So I have a problem. Ideally these should have gone out already, but losing a couple of plots has set me back. I don't have a plot ready for them - was hoping to do prep on Sunday but couldn't manage. I might be able to get them all out in a few days' time if luck is with me. Or alternatively I could grow the ones in flower here in a tent, one should be free in about a week. Not sure what to do, they probably won't all fit in one tent. I've been holding on moving them until plot prep was done, but now I have to reconsider. Was going to top any that got a bit tall. Flowering girls throws things a bit as topping them is out.


E2A:- Figured out a way to transport these larger girls safely. So outdoors it is, by the end of this week. Going to wait a few days as night temperatures forecast as low as 5ºC on Thursday and Friday... Will give me time to prep plot.


Mandarin Panties Auto at top of pic, Thunder Banana Auto at left side. BCN Critical XXL Fast on right side.



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Looking good mate. Curveballs are a fucker with autos init! 


Defo get them critical out tho, you'll thank yourself at the end I'm sure of it

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@blerie420, cheers man. No worries re: the Critical girls, they will be going to the photos plot, which I'll be working on as soon as these autos are out. A couple of the larger autos might conceivably stay here in a tent to flower as they are building buds fast. We'll see what the situation is by the weekend, when I hope to plant out...

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Checked on the veg cab and gave all the girls a feed a half strength. Day 43 for the autos, most of which are in flower. :wallbash: They haven't even seen a drop of sunlight yet... Only the semi-autos are holding on in veg. Week 4 for the photo seedlings, which get bigger and bushier by the day.


Seems a shame to put these gorgeous flowering girls out to fend for themselves, but that's what going to happen as I have other plans for the tents and this veg cab. I suppose we'll find out how flowering autos handle transplant shock and cold nights! :rolleyes: :hippy:


Visible in this photo are the Mandarin Panties Autos, top of the frame, and BCN Critical XXL Fast, on the right. Hidden by the jungle are the smaller Thunder Banana Autos, left.



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Did a water run along the railway plots this evening. It's been 11 days since the plants were last watered, so about time.


They are all doing fine considering how dry it's been, and some cold nights too. No sign of flowering at all, such a contrast to the veg cab.


The plants are doing just great. A couple of cages had come loose and were lying behind the plants. I suspect a gust of wind, or foxes. No damage to the plants. It's possible this was the result of a human visitor, but as the granite chippings make using pegs impossible, I think a strong gust is more likely. Some plants are getting quite tall now, the Mandarin Panties Auto, and two others are all the same height as the cages now, 60cm / 2 feet. The others including the Thunder Banana Auto are not so tall, but all have grown. 


So, good progress since the last visit. No rain forecast for at least 12 days, so might need another water run in 10 days or so...


By the time I reached the plot it was too dark to take pics. Next time.


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On 25/05/2023 at 11:48 PM, Crow River said:

Was down at the railway again this evening. Really warm, difficult wandering around in camouflage gear, hood up, face covering... People on the street in shorts, t-shirts, etc. 
Visited the girls along the line. They're doing great, the recent arrivals haven't missed a beat. Signs of a couple of plants being nibbled a bit. I gave them all some water, and put some slow release fertiliser granules down. Just a teaspoon each required. If these plots had been ready earlier, I could have used chicken manure, but not now. I trimmed a few tree branches back that were overhanging or blocking light. We have a spell of good weather for the next week or two, hope these girls can make the most of it.
Finally some decent pics.


Mandarin Panties Auto



Thunder Banana Auto


Are those traps made out of bottles? Thats great tech

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12 hours ago, Itscheese94 said:

Are those traps made out of bottles? Thats great tech


Yeah, the same bottles I use to carry the plants to the plot...

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@Crow River maybe pack some stones around the inside edges of the cages too that may anchor them in place a little better or a couple canes pushed through the soil in the plant holes :yep:

Edited by Revive
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7 minutes ago, Revive said:

@Crow River maybe pack some stones around the inside edges of the cages too that may anchor them in place a little better or a couple canes pushed through the soil in the plant holes :yep:


I rebuilt the 'lip' of stones around two of them last night (in the dark). When I put them up, I tried to push narrow stones through the holes in the wire, then weight those down with heavier ones. But somehow they fell over... Not really enough depth of soil to do stakes... Next visit I'll try and get along while there's still daylight and see if I can reinforce. Might try and tie the cages to some bigger stones somehow.


Have to balance me being able to see properly against me being seen by others... :) The site is screened by trees on both sides but there are people living nearby either side too along much of the line. I freeze as soon as I hear a voice coming from a nearby back garden or open window...



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 @Crow River How about some canes pushed horizontal through the holes at the bottom of the cage then stones on top so they can't move ?

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5 minutes ago, Crow River said:

Have to balance me being able to see properly against me being seen by others...

Its tricky when there's activity close by mate isnt it.. especially walking around in camo gear on a early summer evening lol

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