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The monster is coming


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Take it easy! Leave the tree climbing to others.  You have got all those girls to look after.  Hammering down here again, drying up Tuesday pm and nice again Wed/ Thurs. With all your learning on this monster I think a Kg is a distinct possibility next year :)

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I go arse over tit at least once every time I’m out! lol 
Cant wait to see that flc in full flower! :yep:

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No more tree climbing for me @Alys i learnt my lesson. lol

Yep hopefully the sun will start shining a bit  for all of us GG bloody raining all the time is depressing.


@Hole in the clouds was pissing myself mate just missed the black bin which is half full with water jumped off the stump and slipped as i landed.

Thankfully i landed at bottom of bed and no plants damaged so just ended up with a bruised bum and ego. lol


And on the matter of  " Cant wait to see that flc in full flower! "

I think u and half the site mate including me are waiting on that. :yep:





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2 hours ago, murphyblue said:

No more tree climbing for me @Alys i learnt my lesson. lol

Yep hopefully the sun will start shining a bit  for all of us GG bloody raining all the time is depressing.


@Hole in the clouds was pissing myself mate just missed the black bin which is half full with water jumped off the stump and slipped as i landed.

Thankfully i landed at bottom of bed and no plants damaged so just ended up with a bruised bum and ego. lol


And on the matter of  " Cant wait to see that flc in full flower! "

I think u and half the site mate including me are waiting on that. :yep:





Hahaha lol


amazing, @murphyblue that’s cheered me up no end, you lucky sod,  :wassnnme: 
dodged a bullet there, stay planted to Mother Earth brother murph, I wanna see that lovely FLC and the rest of that lovely plot in bloom and broken bones don’t aid us guerrillas :pitchfork:


Loving the shot though :yes: 


big love bro

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I found my self with an unexpected free day today so headed out early.

Gave everything a tidy up and feed and cut and pushed back the undergrowth a bit.

Finished trimming the FLC cut loads off but all the plants energy now will go above the grid think thats right. lol

Anyways pics.







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Looking absolutely beautiful mate. That FLC is an absolute monster.


Two things that I'm curious about (not criticism at all, just genuinely curious)


Are you not worried about giving away the location to your plot by going there so often. Yano like leaving a trail and stuff?


And have you ever experienced any negative affects to your girls by stripping the bottom of them? I've read many times that doing it outside can leave them prone to infection cus your not controlling the environment etc etc. Because of this I've gotten a bit paranoid and avoided doing it.


Thanks in advance:D

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@Underdog don't really like discussing plots online for obvious reasons but lets just say there's NO trail to follow. :yep:

Obviously for some though more visits would be a problem so don't recommend it for everyone plus its bloody hardwork. lol


I usually try and leave every little branch on if i can until they start flowering.

Because i bend most of the plants that same little branch could turn into a main top so i leave them on.

But this also means when they do start flowering there's loads of small stuff that will just use the plants energy and i probably wouldn't even bother bringing home.

I have done it last couple of seasons and not had any problems.

Ok on the FLC i was a bit brutal but i expect there will be very little light under the grid and now all the plants energy is going above the grid where the buds are.


You got plenty of plants out try it on one and see how it turns out. :yep:



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@murphyblue dude you made me chuckle with your stump climbing antics lollol we have these crazy ideas when we get older :doh: good to hear you never ended up injured laying in the middle of a load of dsmaged plants, close 1.

The plot is looking amazing mate, some beautiful healthy and happy girls dispite the fuking weather, its propper shit mate :wallbash:

The flc..mate she's something else :wub:

Cracking arial pic of the canopy, there's 1 or 2 tops there ;)

She has taken to everything you have put her through and is really healthy looking :yep:

A credit to all your hard work..keep it up brother murphy and keep those pics comming :)



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3 hours ago, Revive said:

@murphyblue dude you made me chuckle with your stump climbing antics lollol we have these crazy ideas when we get older :doh: good to hear you never ended up injured laying in the middle of a load of dsmaged plants, close 1.

Yeah can you imagine him having to be air lifted out of his plot lol That’s would be one for the headlines! 

Even then I reckon he’d be asking the pilot to hover around a bit before leaving so he could get that perfect ariel shot… lol

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50 minutes ago, Notorious B.U.D said:

Yeah can you imagine him having to be air lifted out of his plot lol That’s would be one for the headlines! 

Even then I reckon he’d be asking the pilot to hover around a bit before leaving so he could get that perfect ariel shot… lol

lollol I can picture it now...with a bag on his head trying to stay incognito :bag:

Hilarious @Notorious B.U.D 

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