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Gotta agree with @ratdog (yet again) and say formulex is very good for young plants and awfully underrated of late , barely gets a mention on here these days.


(all of the focus houseplant feeds growth tech make are just formulex tweaked a bit)



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9 hours ago, mysticriver said:

im doin this next time, and was thinking of 'shogun start' - as I already use shogun nutrients

do I still use calmag? or do u not know

what do you use for ur seedlings?




I just use Vitalink plantstart and a rootstim for my seedlings or cuttings and no calmag

Edited by lennyd79
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12 hours ago, mysticriver said:

im doin this next time, and was thinking of 'shogun start' - as I already use shogun nutrients

do I still use calmag? or do u not know

what do you use for ur seedlings?




Ok mate I use shogun with no issues I don't start using cal mag until they look established if I growing in soil or iws I start them in the round disc you soak hope this helps ever thought of growing in something else save the ball ache

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9 hours ago, Baron von greenback said:

ever thought of growing in something else

yes bro, I would like to try rdwc, or better still the gavie from @stu914

just dont fancy the learning curve, at least until I can do this 1 well enough




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Give me a shout if you want to try it, not much of a curve really bud, just a few points to remember, get those right and the plants grow themselves.

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Just now, stu914 said:

just a few points to remember,

have u got a post/diary, where everything is explained. I dont know much at all about it - just what ive seen, and it looks to have positives in terms of no medium (and nowt' to dispose of), no chiller req'd, no calmag baseline (or is there, as I would still have to use RO 'watter'), and I cant think of anything else that I know




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Just now, mysticriver said:

have u got a post/diary,


Search 'New Mish Mash Hydro system' and it should come up...sorry I don't know how to link...

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10 hours ago, mysticriver said:

yes bro, I would like to try rdwc, or better still the gavie from @stu914

just dont fancy the learning curve, at least until I can do this 1 well enough




Ok mate I struggled a bit in soil only 2 grows then I got a iws system and it was easy as long as EC pH and water temp are right you can't fail it does everything for you and if I can do it anyone can but stu914 system is good it's all more or less the same it comes to money really good growing @mysticriver

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13 hours ago, Baron von greenback said:

a iws system

looks good. how do you use ur system do u have it with coco or clay pebbles?

and also, does it feed from the top and drain to the bottom trays were its then recirculated back into the res, or, is it a bottom feeder where the water goes to the bottom and gets sucked up? actually, I think I already know the answer to that, as if u are using clay pebbles u wud hav to top feed as they wouldn't suck/soak up very well... 

again yes bro it looks good. do u have to well wash the medium so it doesn't contaminate the res?

how many pots (ive got 8 in a 1.2x2.4) how much that system set ya back?

so ur having some success with it yes




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11 hours ago, mysticriver said:

looks good. how do you use ur system do u have it with coco or clay pebbles?

and also, does it feed from the top and drain to the bottom trays were its then recirculated back into the res, or, is it a bottom feeder where the water goes to the bottom and gets sucked up? actually, I think I already know the answer to that, as if u are using clay pebbles u wud hav to top feed as they wouldn't suck/soak up very well... 

again yes bro it looks good. do u have to well wash the medium so it doesn't contaminate the res?

how many pots (ive got 8 in a 1.2x2.4) how much that system set ya back?

so ur having some success with it yes




Ok mate it's in clay pebbles the water comes from the bottom sits there for say 5 mins then gets sucked back in the Res I wash the pebbles before I use them and between each grow I have 25 pots but it's actually a 36 pot system mines 4 m by 4 m I think that's my flower room  it didn't cost me that much bought it second hand  there's some good system on the bay just have to travel I only done 2 grows and the last one I took them out of soil ripped the roots to bits and they still produced I have had to shut that down and do a couple of plants in veg tent as my neighbours a wanker and phoned environmental health about the smell of smoking weed not even growing also it's all automated with a pump in water butt you have to get one with a blue connector that fits into brain that pumps it into the brain were gravity let's it flow to pots then when pots are full the pump in brain pulls it back into water butt it's all on timers plus the brain has valves that trigger the pumps to stop flooding all you have to do is fill water butt add nutes and keep pH and EC right @mysticriver

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10 hours ago, Baron von greenback said:

water comes from the bottom

do the pebbles suck it up then? - must do...

glad its working for ya




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Roots will suck up feed/water. There’s no medium in DWC or RDWC to suck the feed/water up, because the roots do it. Same way you can throw them on a flood table full of clay pebbles or something and just flood it on a schedule. The medium doesn’t do it. This thread is wild also. Way too much CalMag being put in and it’s causing you problems. If you’re Calcium is high and Mag low in your water, you need to add Mag to the right ratio and dilute with RO if it’s crazy hard with calcium, but adding all of this CalMag is not helping. Your feed should have enough Cal and Mag in it. If not, it’s garbage feed and they’re making you buy extra bottles. Get a bag of Calcium Nitrate and Epsom salt and you can mix whatever ratio you need. Best of luck!

Edited by SnakePlissken
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45 minutes ago, SnakePlissken said:

Your feed should have enough Cal and Mag in it. If not, it’s garbage feed and they’re making you buy extra bottles.



most feed is like this, certainly organic ones, that's why cal/mag has become such a thing now £££!


i buy a decent cal/mag with very little N in it, works quite well, in flower i use GA soft water nutes, but having to use at full tilt isn't great for my plants (or i still get deficiencies) so i'm still playing around...

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3 hours ago, SnakePlissken said:

Roots will suck up feed/water. There’s no medium in DWC or RDWC to suck the feed/water up, because the roots do it. Same way you can throw them on a flood table full of clay pebbles or something and just flood it on a schedule. The medium doesn’t do it. This thread is wild also. Way too much CalMag being put in and it’s causing you problems. If you’re Calcium is high and Mag low in your water, you need to add Mag to the right ratio and dilute with RO if it’s crazy hard with calcium, but adding all of this CalMag is not helping. Your feed should have enough Cal and Mag in it. If not, it’s garbage feed and they’re making you buy extra bottles. Get a bag of Calcium Nitrate and Epsom salt and you can mix whatever ratio you need. Best of luck!

Ok mate when I test my water with my EC truncheon it doesn't register so I add enough cal mag which is Canna to take it to .2 then I add my a and b which is mills up to the required EC am I doing this right or not cheers @SnakePlissken

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@Baron von greenbackSounds like what needs to be done with those nutes. I have soft water, use coco, and don’t need CalMag. If you get yourself a bag of part A salts, part B (Cal Nit), and epsom you’ll have everything you need to feed the plants. There are obviously additives (kelp, fulvic, MSA, and so on) that you can debate the use of, but the part A, part B, and epsoms will grow nice plants. Mills, AN, and the bottled liquid nute companies are really profiting off of you if you regularly grow a decent amount of cannabis. They’ve split up what a plant needs into multiple bottles and you end paying way more than needed. Athena, Floraflex, and I’m sure other dry nute companies do it as well. The plant needs a certain ppm range (exact amounts debatable) of the needed nutrients and the roots don’t see the fancy packaging or cool marketing. The nute company your using should give you a breakdown of what that is per dose. Then you just need to know what base water you’re working with and mix up a feed that hits those ranges. I’d hunt for some dry salts whenever you finish up your bottled nutes. I know you don’t have access to what I have over there, so it’s dumb of me to tell you to go grab Jack’s part A for $50 a bag, but I’m sure there’s something. I’m guessing even Athena is cheaper at $200 a bag compared to liquid nutes. Growing will become a lot easier to understand and cheaper for sure. Best of luck!


Edit: I copy and pasted that one part from a different area of the text, so I guess that’s why it seems larger or emphasized, but I wasn’t trying to. Ha.

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