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31 minutes ago, bfehillbilly said:

Damn dude I feel for you gotta be tough not being able to enjoy the fruits of your labor sounds like you may need to see a doctor I think your like me and don't even have one but the way your describing your condition it sounds kinda serious get well soon 

Terrified to go docs mate been like that for years now..I always some how pull through man.

I do take meds got a dodgy chemist so just pay cash for what I need, expensive but with the phobia its the only way.. im sure ive ended up with pneumonia caused by covid around 5 months back now..been having reoccurring chest infections and flare ups and just haven't been able to get my health back..I gone 3 or 4 days where felt brand new only to wake up in a pickle again bro..seriously ive forgotten how many times I felt that way the last 5 months.. but it keeps beating me up and fuking my chest and lungs..but in myself felt ok..then lasts Saturday bang it was like a steam train it wiped me out..couldnt eat drink or stand but I never give up although without the food I could fight back..the antibiotics and painkillers was fuking my stomach so it just got worse and worse..this time bought some really strong antibiotics that cover a wider range of ailments like bronchitis pleurisy and pneumonia but they have just fuked me..body temp has been through the roof up to 39/40 at its worst so real bad fever chillsand sweats..pains in my ribs back chest bruv ive been so scared its put me in tears more than once.. and itsjust medicine alone so no help..ive just hung on tight the best I could but did feel I wasn't gonna make it a few times this last week.. now im up im eating but forcing it more than wanting it ya no but ive something to fight back  with.. its been like being in a gun fight without a fuking gun no chance was I gonna come out on top.. moving around but very breathless man but it does feel im over the worse...its just the carnage that  its left my body in but wehave light at the end of the tunnel at last and im heading straight for it :yep:

Thanks for your concern bro means a lot :yinyang:

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Jus reading a bit over here... I read on your main diary at one point you was ill but thought I then read you were on the mend. Sorry to hear this is still ongoing .. 


Wishing you a full recovery 














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10 hours ago, Revive said:

B this time around well it was the same last time with covid tbh I just dont want my greens anymore..I cant even enjoy the odd 1 ive tried to smoke mate so im pretty pissed off after pulling in what i just have.. only about an hour ago im sat thinking while processing those bags how i need to change my approach just so I can enjoy it again...remember bro im a 15/20 joints a day man... wake and bake and smoke till sleep is how I been rolling for years,love my bangers mate..ive thrown more joints over the balcony than ive smoked this time around and gone off indoors for a sulk each and everytime.. thats my only enjoyment, sure ill have the odd beer but my weed is what I really love..so today I've made up my mind to spend a few hundred quid on something decent and try to convert..ive got an airport solo in the cupboard but I need some better clouds than that if im gonna take this step but what I can say the taste I get of that hasn't been compromised at all...think I've no choice but to move in this direction now mate cause the way things are right now and how I feel joints just ain't for me anymore :(

Covid fuked my lungs months back now and it just hasn't been the same since :yep:

Sounds like me mate 5 -6 blu ts a day and about 40 bongs lol

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2 hours ago, Exile420 said:

Sounds like me mate 5 -6 blu ts a day and about 40 bongs lol

Maybe the chest needs a break eh lol

If I ripped a bong nowadays I'd be toast

Edited by Revive
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Maybe look into getting a Magical Butter Machine, 

then you can turn some of your excess into coconut oil or mct etc. 


People talk about getting a start with the noise from the blades inside the machine, 

but I reckon it's no louder than a soup making machine(very similar gadgets). 


It's a great way to get more cannabinoids into your body than you can smoke :D







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@Revive mate, I used to be like you. When I was younger I avoided doctors for more than ten years, dentists too. That was okay because I never got seriously ill. After a couple of health scares more recently I wouldn't hesitate to see the GP now or the dentist. 


I didn't want to say anything earlier, but you said you think it might be pneumonia. That is pretty serious, you can't just shrug it off. You need medical attention.


Maybe give your GP a ring for an emergency appointment, describe your symptoms and history (i.e. it starting with Covid). If you can't get a GP appointment, get your missus to take you to A&E. You might be waiting around for a while but you'll get seen eventually.


Once your lungs have recovered, as others have said, maybe you could think about stopping smoking. Vaping is easier on the old lungs but edibles are worth giving a try for sure. :) 


All the best and I hope you're back to full health soon.

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2 minutes ago, Crow River said:

@Revive mate, I used to be like you. When I was younger I avoided doctors for more than ten years, dentists too. That was okay because I never got seriously ill. After a couple of health scares more recently I wouldn't hesitate to see the GP now or the dentist. 


I didn't want to say anything earlier, but you said you think it might be pneumonia. That is pretty serious, you can't just shrug it off. You need medical attention.


Maybe give your GP a ring for an emergency appointment, describe your symptoms and history (i.e. it starting with Covid). If you can't get a GP appointment, get your missus to take you to A&E. You might be waiting around for a while but you'll get seen eventually.


Once your lungs have recovered, as others have said, maybe you could think about stopping smoking. Vaping is easier on the old lungs but edibles are worth giving a try for sure. :) 


All the best and I hope you're back to full health soon.

Aint seen a docs or dentist for over 20 years mate sadly this has turned into a very serious phobia now.. I know I cant just shrug it off bro and although not prescribed by the docs ive sourced the relevant antibiotics through my dodgy chemist.. no Mrs buddy its just me the lone ranger here.. ive run the course of antibiotics and feel lots of improvement in myself as we spk although im very weak still..

I know my attitude is wrong about this, im the first person to agree with anyone who tells me so but what can I do..I will come over in a sweat at the thought of even picking the phone up let alone making the call its that bad mate..Terrified is the word most fitting.

The whole stopping smoking thing has been taken out of my hands it would seem cause I just dont like it anymore..not smoke ciggy or roll ups for years now just bangers bangers bangers..now I hate them..rolled 1 this morn 3 puffs later ive thrown the cunt over the balcony..

Gonna grab a decent vape I think, prob a tinymight 2 then im gonna make a load of dry sift and see how that goes for now..

Ive got oil infusions in the fridge mate but been smoking bangers for around 40 years now so hard to break the habit, however now i can't stand the taste of them i might have half a chance of dropping them out my life forever.. 

Weed has always been a thing that helps me deal with my mental health itsnot a nice place up there in my head so I try to stay out of it the best can..always on the go cause it keeps me distracted and thats how function.. its been hard lately on me cause being so sick I can do shit and not being able to smoke cause I hate it..all ive had is this terrible illness and some crazy crazy thoughts.. but I won't be beat until someone unplugs me for good....testing and trying times buddy :yinyang:

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29 minutes ago, Revive said:

The whole stopping smoking thing has been taken out of my hands it would seem cause I just dont like it anymore..not smoke ciggy or roll ups for years now just bangers bangers bangers..now I hate them..rolled 1 this morn 3 puffs later ive thrown the cunt over the balcony..


That's your body trying to tell you something. Good that you listened! :) I gave up smoking (tobacco) more than twenty years ago. Never regretted it. Still smoked weed though :rolleyes:. Eventually stopped that too, mainly vape and edibles these days.


If you can't see a doc because of your phobia then I guess you're in the hands of your friendly pharmacist. Apart from medication, you need rest. Maybe tricky if you're used to being really active, but you need to do it. Eat some healthy stuff, fresh veg, fruit. Drink plenty of fluids. 


As you haven't smoked in a while, your lungs will be trying to get rid of all the gunk and tar and you'll be coughing like nobody's business. Same happened when I stopped. Not nice but it will pass eventually and you'll feel a lot healthier. :) 


Definitely take @Shumroom's advice and make some edibles. Then you can get your meds without having to bother your lungs while they're trying to heal.


You can easily decarb a few ounces of weed in a roasting bag in the oven (30 minutes at 100ºC), better if you grind it first. No smell because it's in a bag (tie a knot in it first). Let it cool down in the bag before opening.


Even if you don't have a butter machine you can just buy a jar or three of coconut oil from the supermarket (LiDl is good value). Lids off, place in a saucepan, put water in the pan so it is about an inch from the top of the jars. Heat gently on minimum setting and the oil will melt and turn clear. Spoon decarbed, ground weed into the jars and stir. Add as much as you like. Switch off the heat and let them cool a bit. You can strain it to remove the weed or just leave it in there, but if you do the latter the bottom of each jar will have extra potent stuff in it! :D 


You can just eat a spoon of the oil on it's own, spread it on toast, add it to food, or you can make capsules - but you need a capsule 'machine', dosing syringes, etc.


I like to make capsules with the weed/oil pulp after straining, they give a nice buzz. :) 


All the best, with a bit of luck you'll bounce back from this and be able to enjoy your harvest fully.


E2A: - I have been enjoying making dry sift on a small scale. I press it into blocks of hash. It's fantastic to vape, really knocks me out! So there's another option. Only issue is it needs a slightly higher temperature than the flower. This might cause problems if your lungs are a bit beaten up...


Edited by Crow River
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2 hours ago, Shumroom said:

Maybe look into getting a Magical Butter Machine, 

then you can turn some of your excess into coconut oil or mct etc. 


2 minutes ago, Crow River said:

Definitely take @Shumroom's advice and make some edibles. Then you can get your meds without having to bother your lungs while they're trying to heal.


You can easily decarb a few ounces of weed in a roasting bag in the oven (30 minutes at 100ºC), better if you grind it first. No smell because it's in a bag (tie a knot in it first). Let it cool down in the bag before opening.

Lads as I say i have coconut oil infusions in my fridge so ive been trying to go down that road..

I have to be very careful what I get up to in the flat because of the old bill that live opersite.. I mean its very close, like if opened my letter box from the inside I could split on there front door..

Makes things very difficult hence me being up till 5am stripping that's box of bud off the stick...edibles are great for sharing but little fun on your own.. im a very funtional smoker you see and own and run a company too ( when im fuking healthy enough that is) the vape will be my best route for now I think and something I can use on the go just like my bangers...lets get this combustion out the way first and foremost plus ill save 20 quid a week on a pouch of American spirit ;)


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13 minutes ago, Crow River said:
40 minutes ago, Revive said:

The whole stopping smoking thing has been taken out of my hands it would seem cause I just dont like it anymore..not smoke ciggy or roll ups for years now just bangers bangers bangers..now I hate them..rolled 1 this morn 3 puffs later ive thrown the cunt over the balcony..


That's your body trying to tell you something. Good that you listened! :) I gave up smoking (tobacco) more than twenty years ago. Never regretted it. Still smoked weed though :rolleyes:. Eventually stopped that too, mainly vape and edibles these days.


If you can't see a doc because of your phobia then I guess you're in the hands of your friendly pharmacist. Apart from medication, you need rest. Maybe tricky if you're used to being really active, but you need to do it. Eat some healthy stuff, fresh veg, fruit. Drink plenty of fluids. 


As you haven't smoked in a while, your lungs will be trying to get rid of all the gunk and tar and you'll be coughing like nobody's business. Same happened when I stopped. Not nice but it will pass eventually and you'll feel a lot healthier. :) 


Definitely take @Shumroom's advice and make some edibles. Then you can get your meds without having to bother your lungs while they're trying to heal.


You can easily decarb a few ounces of weed in a roasting bag in the oven (30 minutes at 100ºC), better if you grind it first. No smell because it's in a bag (tie a knot in it first). Let it cool down in the bag before opening.


Even if you don't have a butter machine you can just buy a jar or three of coconut oil from the supermarket (LiDl is good value). Lids off, place in a saucepan, put water in the pan so it is about an inch from the top of the jars. Heat gently on minimum setting and the oil will melt and turn clear. Spoon decarbed, ground weed into the jars and stir. Add as much as you like. Switch off the heat and let them cool a bit. You can strain it to remove the weed or just leave it in there, but if you do the latter the bottom of each jar will have extra potent stuff in it! :D 

I make mine simular mate using a slow cooker :yep: but again thiscan only happened in the middle of the night... the decarbing in a bag sounds interesting causefuk metres that stink the gaff out lol


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Just now, Revive said:

I make mine simular mate using a slow cooker :yep: but again thiscan only happened in the middle of the night... the decarbing in a bag sounds interesting causefuk metres that stink the gaff out lol



Yeah I do it at night when the missus is asleep. She can't stand the smell! :rolleyes: Roasting bag keeps odour to a minimum. 


Because you're a fairly heavy smoker, the edibles might not knock you out so much because your tolerance must be sky high. Vaping is more of an instant hit but still a creeper compared to combustion (no monoxide apoxia, etc.). You've got a bit of time to experiment with edible dosages while you're not your best. Might even help you rest and sleep... :) 

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19 minutes ago, Crow River said:

- I have been enjoying making dry sift on a small scale. I press it into blocks of hash. It's fantastic to vape, really knocks me out! So there's another option. Only issue is it needs a slightly higher temperature than the flower. This might cause problems if your lungs are a bit beaten up...

This is the first avenue ill be exploring mate...kill combustion and find a way to process my meds so there kinda with less destruction on my body.. Time for change my body tells me so :yep:

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Just now, Revive said:

This is the first avenue ill be exploring mate...kill combustion and find a way to process my meds so there kinda with less destruction on my body.. Time for change my body tells me so :yep:


The leftovers from making the dry sift can be chucked into edibles too - no need to waste the herb. :) 

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Just now, Crow River said:


Yeah I do it at night when the missus is asleep. She can't stand the smell! :rolleyes: Roasting bag keeps odour to a minimum. 


Because you're a fairly heavy smoker, the edibles might not knock you out so much because your tolerance must be sky high. Vaping is more of an instant hit but still a creeper compared to combustion (no monoxide apoxia, etc.). You've got a bit of time to experiment with edible dosages while you're not your best. Might even help you rest and sleep... :) 

For now bro i don't seem to want anything really..I can spoon coconut oil from the jar cause I love the taste but for now im doing my best to monitor how im feeling and being stoned it makes it very difficult tbh.. 

Next few days im gonna try concentrate on getting my strenth back...im normally a very fit and active 53 year old but now I feel like I'm a very weak and fragile 65 year old..gotta put myself back on the map first and foremost so food rest and finding a new coping mechanism for my mental health is whats the most important right now :yep:

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