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3 minutes ago, Crow River said:

P.S.:- the "hiding in plain sight" plot is one I can keep an eye on regularly, but from a discreet distance. If I'm wandering around actually in it too often, someone is bound to put 2 + 2 together...


Anyway, sorry for hijacking your thread! :blushing:


Its cool man, no rules to my diarys dude :yep:

Same as that can walk the footpath in the day but no much to see other than if there still there lol

Even in plain sight they can be hard to spot until later in the year when the girls are green and fuk all else is.. mind you autos and some early bud will stay much more hidden.. last season I went and cut some scrubs at ground level and cable tied them to canes stuck in the groundto keep them upright.. put a few around the girls and they was hidden a bit again.. more aggthan I wanted but they was a late show and stood out like a kick up the gonads  lol

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12 minutes ago, Crow River said:

My problem is I live in a city

Same bro..concrete jungle with not much green space that isn't used by every Tom Dick and fuking Harry.. you gots to be a bit cute in those curcumstances.. a bit of wasteland here or there are good if you can find them.. me im not into travelling miles even with a car.. then its just more risk taking and bring bits back and forth.. a car full of stinking bud after a harvest and then a long drive home, nah not for me man..

Be careful on railway lines bro.. maintenance men often frequent these spots even though though we dont see them that much.. 

Look for derelict properties even and use there grounds..or even bits of unclaimed land..there around here and there.. plot location is key I think..moving each year is agg and you cant beat an established plot thats been amended and worked for a few seasons:yep:

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@Revive, aye the urban site will be autos only most likely. The one on the outskirts might suit some photos. There's a lot more space there, but it's a long way by bus or on the bike. Will need to do a few more recces to identify the best likely area to cultivate.

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29 minutes ago, Revive said:

Be careful on railway lines bro.. maintenance men often frequent these spots even though though we dont see them that much.. 


This one's literally got trees and bushes growing between the tracks. Totally abandoned. Nearest working line is a couple of miles away. I'll steer clear of bridges as those structures will be frequented by maintenance teams now and again, plus Joe Public crosses them every day.


29 minutes ago, Revive said:

Look for derelict properties even and use there grounds..or even bits of unclaimed land..there around here and there..


Believe me, I've been scouting around most of this year for suitable spots. Problem with derelict houses and stuff is they tend to attract local teens, junkies, or homeless folk. No chance I'd risk growing weed at such a location, almost guaranteed to be ripped. Also most derelict stuff is getting redeveloped these days...



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25 minutes ago, Crow River said:

Problem with derelict houses and stuff is they tend to attract local teens, junkies, or homeless folk. No chance I'd risk growing weed at such a location, almost guaranteed to be ripped.

Good point man..I grew on some land afew seasons back, the property was derelict but real bad so not like there was a dry space for junkies or homless to use.. imthere was some legal battle going on too so it was like it for years.. again depends where it's located something like that in a built up area is bound to have trouble written all over it.. its tough finding decent spots.. last season a spent weeks cutting tunnels through gorse and bramble on a big bit of rough unused land on private property.. plot is still active but isn't ideal for anything decent..grounds shit and it suffers bad with flooding and drying out.. but I wasn't to know that before many torcherin man hours went in to setting it up.. always looking and always trying its a ball ache at times dude 

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6 minutes ago, Revive said:

last season a spent weeks cutting tunnels through gorse and bramble on a big bit of rough unused land on private property.. plot is still active but isn't ideal for anything decent..grounds shit and it suffers bad with flooding and drying out.. but I wasn't to know that before many torching man hours went in to setting it up..


Ah, that must have hacked you right off. 


Used to be loads of gap sites near me that would have been ideal. Last few years though, they've all been built on for housing mostly. I mean it's good they're using "brownfield" instead of arable land, but not for people like me... :rolleyes:


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1 minute ago, Crow River said:


Ah, that must have hacked you right off. 


Used to be loads of gap sites near me that would have been ideal. Last few years though, they've all been built on for housing mostly. I mean it's good they're using "brownfield" instead of good arable land, but not for people like me... :rolleyes:


This are the challenges we face just to grow a plant that naturally grows in the wild and belongs on the planet.. prohibition is fuked up man.. im in my 50,s and still fuking crawling about in the bushes lol

Don't give up :yep:

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Just now, Revive said:

This are the challenges we face just to grow a plant that naturally grows in the wild and belongs on the planet.. prohibition is fuked up man.. im in my 50,s and still fuking crawling about in the bushes lol

Don't give up :yep:


Me too, mate. Good to hear your words of encouragement. As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way... :) 

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6 minutes ago, Crow River said:


Me too, mate. Good to hear your words of encouragement. As the saying goes, where there's a will, there's a way... :) 

Bang on mate :yep:

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Just a few pics from this evening.. its getting busy on the plot..


gelato 41...large.20220910_190708_compress27.jpglarge.20220910_190517_compress16.jpg


Super skunk..

Middle plant



Rucu cucu..large.20220910_190545_compress70.jpgshes a very healthy girl and now in full flower..

Thats all for the mo folks.. 

be lucky:yinyang:

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Been doing the rounds today.. rot is rife in these current conditions so just a lil check up.. we are all good, the girls are doing there thing and cracking on, its looking mighty pretty on here now so a few pics for ya..

gelato 41



Super skunk 


Rucu cucu 

large.20220912_191831_compress16.jpgrucu on the left, part of the super skunk to the rightlarge.20220912_191804_compress8.jpgthats all for now, home straight folks:yep:

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