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@Revive   Cheers mate,  up & down days mate but pushing on :yep:    Not been up to the GG plot for a bit , hoping next weekend ,  reports say its all coming along :) 


Yeah  my  G41 has fuller fatter fans , actually pretty decent sized ,  shes about 9 days into showing her bits :yep:     Shes taller than most i have out and spreading herself out now ,  very happy with her.     got so many pics & places to put them[.... its taking forever to sort them ... some its been wks since pics went up lol      Although i did a 100 pic dump on here earlier :yep:

now got to sit and put them in their right places 

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Great to hear your bearing up ok @OldFord

They got some vigour these G41, even the 1 ive got on my auto plot that went out later and has had lil care is doing ok, about 5 foot now and just getting on with it while others suffer around her..id run her again for sure based on what ive seen so far..

Yeah pics are a pain to sort.. I just dump them now and can't be arsed with all the labelling its just long.. i try to take them in a certain order so I know whats what if someone asks about a particular var.. these diarys take up some time and you have a few squire.. right im off to find these pics of yours :)

Be lucky buddy and go steady :yep:

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Just now, Revive said:

@OldFord I couldn't find your pic dump you got so many diarys lol



Just dumped it :yep:    This Years Offerings  , Under Glass ,    99 pics lol   There go's half my day lol   

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How do my fellow grow buddys..

Just a quick update... we are now 1 down:yep:

Harvested the rest of the fast cookies as we had a load of rain forecast..I thought for the sake of a few more days and the fact there was zero rot on this girl it was the right decision..

Considering this 1 went auto,d on me she yielded ok id say.. ths is what came off her in the end..large.20220815_124506_compress32.jpglarge.20220815_124451_compress78.jpgshe will fill a jar or 2 :)

The bud is pretty decent just a lil airy..very sticky and very stinky so lets see how she drys and cures..

So we are down to 3,

Super skunk..starting to show preflowers 

Rucu cucu... still in veg 

Gelato 41.. showing preflowers 


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On 7/11/2022 at 11:18 PM, Revive said:

Tbh lately ive stopped being so anal about manicured buds.. now I just remove the fans then hang with the sugar leaf on.. as its just for me to smoke its no big thing to remove the sugar leaf as I go or most times as its covered in trichs I just leave it on..


That's exactly what I do.


This method also adds some protection to the buds as well. Just think of your buds like bananas, you wouldn't take the peel off before storing a banana would you?

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12 hours ago, Arbre Medicinal said:


That's exactly what I do.


This method also adds some protection to the buds as well. Just think of your buds like bananas, you wouldn't take the peel off before storing a banana would you?

Its a lot less work too and im all up for that :yep:

I just collect the trim as I go now, no biggy :yinyang:

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The drop of rain the last few days has done the plot the world of good.. lil visit yesterday to shake some bushes..large.20220818_203008_compress95.jpglarge.20220818_202225_compress27.jpggelato41 still making her presence known.. I could do with her slowing down now she plenty big enough and starting be become a pain for the space she is taking up..

large.20220818_202204_compress54.jpglarge.20220818_201457_compress13.jpgsuper skunk.. very wide girl this 1.. you can see by the second pic how much she has now filled and her size..its all her..

large.20220818_201546_compress14.jpgrucu cucu..comming along nicely now this 1..needs to start flowering or i doubt she will finish before the rot gets to her..

Won't be long now till we can see these ladys in full flower and looking there best..

Had a tidy up, removed dead leaves and done some weeding as its starting to sprout up everywhere since the plot got a good soaking :yinyang:

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its been 8 days I think since I first took the tops off the fast cookies, I reckon I can get another few days out of them before its ready for jars..11 days isn't the end of the world, a bit of a slower dry would have been much better but with the temps being so high still ill take that..

Pulled I tiny nug to take home for a bit gander and it looks pretty decent if honest.. fully cooked and zero rot/mould. Shame she auto,d on me but shit happens..large.20220819_213506_compress1.jpg

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Hey folks.. had a sleek on the knotweed plot to check on the girls.. its looking good on here now..

The G41 is no longer the biggest girl on the plot..

The super skunk has now claimed that status,she's propper wide and in real good shape.. 

Even the lil rucu cucu is a big ass bitch now.. shegot abitof training and looks to be on the turn so should hopefully get going in the next week.. well I guess you be wanting some pics sphere you go..

Super skunk..large.20220821_191543_compress9.jpglarge.20220821_191549_compress20.jpggelato 41large.20220821_191603_compress82.jpglarge.20220821_191908_compress93.jpgrucu cucu large.20220821_191731_compress6.jpglet's see how these girls look in full bloom..

won't be long now folks :yep:

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Big , happy and healthy :yep:    Looking mighty impressive despite the challenges mate  ,  doing a wicked job with them :george:         Home stretch now mucker :yep:

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7 hours ago, OldFord said:

Big , happy and healthy :yep:    Looking mighty impressive despite the challenges mate  ,  doing a wicked job with them :george:         Home stretch now mucker :yep:

Hey buddy..thanks man :yep:

Tbh i just gave them some love and did the best I could.. I think all the goodness I foraged from the forests for my mix and the homemade comfrey that I've been feeding them with has really payed off too..ive dropped out all the FBB and bonemeal this season cause of animals digging up the place and there doesn't seem to have been any detrimental effect on these girls.. as you say there big healthy and happy and thats all we can wish for..  hopefully they put on a decent flower show and get over the line bro.

Not long now, most of the hard work is done until the scissors come out again..

Thanks for popping in buddy :yep:

Be well :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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Right folks we are 11 days since a harvested the tops of my fast cookies,another day or so that will be getting jarred for the cure.. tbh this bit of bud has infact turned out ok..very sticky and covered in trichs.. wanted to grab a clearer pic for you guys so you can get a better idea of how she finished up..prob a tiny bit over cooked for how I normally like it id say its 50/50 Amber milky so not much in it.. looks decent, here you go :yep:large.20220823_105412_compress99.jpglarge.20220823_104827_compress45.jpglarge.20220823_104758_compress85.jpg

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19 minutes ago, OldFord said:

@Revive    Cooked to perfection mate :yep:      None of this clear / semi milky shit !1  lol      Proper builders tea herb  ,  Just how i like it :yep:

I doubt there's a clear trich left on her tbf buddy..

I did have a lil try of her after a took the pics and she hits heavy.. maybe shes an evening smoke more than a daytime but sometimes my days are nights ;)

She has done me proud in all fairness :yep:

Thanks for looking in oldford..

Be well :yinyang:

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