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9 hours ago, Revive said:

Thanks bud.. tbh this heat is a nightmare so watering is becoming a pain in the arse.. doing what I can for these girls but some are looking a lil scorched..  hopefully some rain will get them out of trouble but its not forecast till Wed..  its breaking my bollox mate lol

Yeah same mate up and down a hill to collect water lol was ment to go in it today to.. 36 today though lol

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4 hours ago, Exile420 said:

Yeah same mate up and down a hill to collect water lol was ment to go in it today to.. 36 today though lol

Last night I was watering till 4am lol

Few girls are damaged mate..tops drying out and scorched but rest of plant ok.. makes methinks its sheer heat rather than drying out as the rest of the plant ok and not wilted to fuk.. some just cant take it it seems.. may end up topping for fresh regrowth :yep:

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12 hours ago, lennyd79 said:

Plants are looking good Revive and I've been watering my front and back garden basically daily for around a month now as its been so dry. - I've got this Covid tay (1st time) and I've been floored. 

Thanks buddy.. yeah first time covid for me too here and im not quite free from it yet.. knocked the bollox out of me.. I wish I  old have watered everyday but full GG so don't have that luxury :(

Girls have been suffering and so have I.. 

Be lucky :yinyang:

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Right folks i just went to check the girls last night after yesterday extreme heat. They was suffering a bit and in real need of a good downpour..the ground is like concrete in places and even the lush green vegetation of the knotweed is dying off..im deffo not as well hidden as I normally am this time of year.. even the nettles are starting to die off.. looking at this im fortunate things are still pretty much intact and knows hard as its been doing water runs its prob saved them..

I'm not gonna lie the fast cookies is really starting to piss me off.. its a very confused plant ill say that.. she not exactly revegging but has lots of mutant leaves and weird leafy bud.. shes been flowering for a good while now too so what im seeing in terms of flower production im not impressed at all..

The gelato 41 is doing ok and is still sitting in veg thank god.. she a good size bush now with plenty of heads to bear fruit, she won't be that tall i doubt but will deffo have some width to her.. 

The super skunk is also doing ok. Recovered well from the aphids infestation but is still being attacked by every fuking insect known to man..they love her..

Rucu cucu has come on loads, very healthy looking..not loads of potential bud sites on her but still a few.. seems to have grown out of the mutant issues and it comming along fine.. just praying for some rain now really.. there was a fair few dead and yellowing leafs on them so I had a lil clean up of some of those but need to spend a bit of time there really.. with covid kicking fuk out of me its been hard to get anything done if honest so ive just done what I can.. heres a few pics of the girls..large.20220719_204256_compress62.jpglarge.20220719_204238_compress66.jpglarge.20220719_204220_compress51.jpglarge.20220719_204209_compress29.jpglarge.20220719_204201_compress34.jpgfrom top to bottom..

Rucu cucu 

Super skunk 

Gelato 41

Fast cookies 


large.20220719_204726_compress21.jpglarge.20220719_204505_compress36.jpgfirst pic gelato 41 with fast cookies in the background..

second pic the left hand side row is fast cookies gelato 41 super skunk and rucu cucu 

Be lucky y'all :yinyang:

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Just a couple pics today..

Gelato 41 looking impressive now.. big wide ass bitch and not to tall, well for now anyway..large.20220722_203907_compress77.jpgmy lil rucu cucu is having ago for herself and comming alone nicely..large.20220722_203827_compress67.jpgsuper skunk has recovered well and just keep getting bigger, some extra training needed on her at some point.. large.20220722_211757_compress13.jpgfast cookies.. this very confused bitch is gonna be discontinued from this diary.. very disappointed in this var.. auto,d on me as you all know and went into flower..then stopped and started revegging before starting to flower again.. leafy salad buds at best here, certainly more leaf than flower :(

large.20220722_204508_compress43.jpglarge.20220722_203902_compress87.jpgthats all folks..

Be lucky :yinyang:

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Hey @Revive good to see you getting back to tending your ladies bud, must've been murder not being able to do fuck all for them during that heat, on the plus side...... the plants have put on monster growth the last fortnight, just compared your pics from 11/7 to these ones today, would that be the norm outdoors or do you think the extra sun strength has boosted them? What a weed, eh? :)


Shame about the fast cookie but the others are looking grand :yep: hope you get your taste back soon too :)


p.s can't keep up with all your diaries lol


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Just now, Head Rose'n'Tail said:

Hey @Revive good to see you getting back to tending your ladies bud, must've been murder not being able to do fuck all for them during that heat, on the plus side...... the plants have put on monster growth the last fortnight, just compared your pics from 11/7 to these ones today, would that be the norm outdoors or do you think the extra sun strength has boosted them? What a weed, eh? :)


Shame about the fast cookie but the others are looking grand :yep: hope you get your taste back soon too :)


p.s can't keep up with all your diaries lol


Hey buddy.. its been a rough couple weeks for me but have just done my best.. tbh I think if we had it more rainfall they would have possible exploded a lil more although im very happy with there progress.. really need a lil rain here bro but there's nothing forecast,well they say a shower in a couple days.. gonna try getsome water to a few today and maybe a lil food perhaps..

Thanks for the kind words bro, im slowly getting there now.. glad the diarys are keeping you entertained enough to follow me on this journey, appreciate the support :)

Be lucky :yinyang:

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large.20220728_211815_compress88.jpglarge.20220728_211537_compress33.jpglarge.20220727_210959_compress91.jpglarge.20220727_211011_compress64.jpglarge.20220728_211636_compress31.jpgthought I'd just throw these in for now.. from top to bottom..

Super skunk has been strapped down, this girls has some vigour and want to keep her to about 5/6 feet for easy maintenance plus shewing throw to much shade on the girl behind her otherwise..


Rucu cucu is the next pic.. had a slow hard life this girl but imaging a bit of ashow of herself now and playing catch up..


Next 2 pics are fast cookies.. ill say no more about these.. took an extra with the flashing to see if it would show up the leafy bud a lil better


Finally my big girl.. gelato 41..looking mighty impressive and still sitting in veg so expecting big things from her..


That's me done folks..

Be lucky y'all :yinyang:

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large.20220731_204619_compress88.jpglarge.20220731_204523_compress23.jpglarge.20220731_204156_compress2.jpglarge.20220731_204346_compress48.jpg2 days later.. plenty of change in a short space of time..  love thispart of the season.. girls feed and watered this eve..

from top to bottom

Gelato 41

Rucu cucu 

Super skunk 

Fast cookies 


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Just a few more from yesterday..large.20220803_204002_compress21.jpglarge.20220803_204044_compress61.jpglarge.20220803_204118_compress2.jpglarge.20220803_204135_compress69.jpgfast cookies.. parts of this girl will be ready to harvest in about 10 days I would have thought.. buds are looking better very sticky and greasy.

large.20220803_203052_compress56.jpgrucu cucu.. this lil lady has been playing catch up for a while now but is comming alone nicely now.. seems to be growing ok now no more mutant growth like when she was younger..

large.20220803_203809_compress13.jpgthe super skunk that I have been trying to tame is getting some shape back to her now with lots of new lowers comming through the middle after being opened up..

large.20220803_203905_compress21.jpgGelato 41.. looking more impressive each visit.. shes a very wide girl and should look banging once she gets her flower show on.. pics really dont do this girl justice..

Well that me for now..have a great day.. sun is shining here again.. will we ever get some rain..

Be lucky :yinyang:

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2 hours ago, Exile420 said:

gelato is looking good mate suprised she isnt flowering now for yeah.

Cheers mate.. funny you say that just back from a lil check and she just starting to get going by the looks of it.. hopefully she puts on a nice showing and can get to the finish line without to much rot :yep:

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Another lil site visit this eve.. girls had a good watering.. both the super skunk and the G41 are now starting to show quite a few preflowers so won't be long before the flower show begins..bitofSOP went down on these 2.. the rucu cucu is finishing strong bless her, real picture of health she is.. an then the fast cookies..  making a late push this girl and is full of bud.. some of it is fully cooked as you can see by the pics so will but bring some other home in the next few days.. really sticky and stinky but still not getting much cookies off her.. bud is a bit airy but ive not grown this out before so maybe this is just the structure of the flowers on her.. 

The G41 is a big lump now, really cant wait to see this 1 in full bloom.. so many bud sites she could well hit double figures if she starts to pack it on.. 

My super skunk has been tamed or she would be pretty tall, instead she is another wide bitch and still some stretching to go with her I hope.. shes filling out and has been spread right out to allow light onto the girl behind her.. 

Few pics for ya starting with the fast cookies.. few bud shots so you can see how much she has swollen..large.20220808_201250_compress75.jpglarge.20220808_201026_compress42.jpglarge.20220808_200437_compress47.jpglarge.20220808_201243_compress72.jpglarge.20220808_200910_compress99.jpglarge.20220808_200956_compress30.jpglarge.20220808_201013_compress70.jpglarge.20220808_201213_compress65.jpgnext my rucu cucu.. she nearly wasnt here this 1 had to rack her shell by hand toget any life out of her.. she was a bit mutant and slow but look at her now..large.20220808_200629_compress90.jpgreally healthy girl she is..

Super skunk next.. hard to get a decent pic of her tbh can't really get far enough back for you to see her best side..large.20220808_201101_compress74.jpglarge.20220808_201704_compress3.jpgand lastly my G41.. she a winner this 1..

large.20220808_201419_compress49.jpglarge.20220808_201036_compress18.jpglarge.20220808_201204_compress37.jpglarge.20220808_200606_compress10.jpgwell thats all for now..

Be lucky :yinyang:

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