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Right folks as promised this is what's left in the seedling box.. my lil rucu cucu is a lil deformed and appears to be missing a finger off her leaf..aside from that she is doing ok..its the last timeyou will see her in this tent as she has just been removed on the knotweed plot.. I wasn't gonna put her out yet but this lil lady is clearly a fighter so lets see what sort of fight she has in her..stem was a lil thin for my liking but she was burried deep with just an inch left above the soil.. large.20220604_144927_compress20.jpglarge.20220604_144932_compress3.jpglarge.20220604_144940_compress95.jpglarge.20220604_144946_compress0.jpglarge.20220604_144953_compress9.jpglarge.20220604_145001_compress22.jpglarge.20220604_155507_compress79.jpgthe girls sitting outside the trays are the 4 seedstockers var.. last pic is my lil lady out in the wild and ready to go it alone..

Bonus to this visits the tree finally fell no more shade Cast on this plot from now on, and it fell almost exactly where wanted it to right at my entrance on top of my lil tunnel, perfect..its left some damage this other side where I come out so thats moly gripe.. 6 feet or so the otherwise it would have been spot on but mustn't grumble..


Have a great evening folks..

Be lucky and keep it green


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1 hour ago, B-real said:

Thanks for providing good reading material mate.


Always good to read something / see pics.



My Pleasure mush.. u no me I like to share my journey with you good folk :yinyang:

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Right folks..we appear to have an auto pheno of the fast cookies.. today I noticed she has already started throwing out pistils on her top dispite being on an 18/6 light schedule.

Anyone else experiencing this with the fast cookies??

Best i throw her out on the auto plot asap..  infact she will be gone tonight I think.. I guess she won't get that big if she has already started so ive a lil spot for her where the autos are going.. I guess she will be my early smoke for this season lol

I wonder about her sister now on the knotweed plot, maybe this is why it shot off and was reaching for the skys.. im suprised I never noticed before, but she was at the back cause of her size and only got moved to water.. not sure how old she is but ill check back on this diary in a sec.. I think around 2.5/3 weeks from memory but I cant trust that smoking 20 bangers a day lollol

Quick pic of what im talking about..

Be lucky y'all :yinyang:large.20220605_125052_compress71.jpg

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The plant out looks to have gone really well mate :headbang:


Definitely a thread to watch this season  :yep:


Keep the updates coming mate  :cheers:

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Just now, Seedstockers-Mark said:

The plant out looks to have gone really well mate :headbang:


Definitely a thread to watch this season  :yep:


Keep the updates coming mate  :cheers:

Yeah all good buddy.. any other reports on those fast cookies auto phenotypes?

Be lucky mate :yinyang:

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How do all.. been neglecting the diary a bit but ive had so much on getting all my other girls  out and with juggling work too its been hard to find time.. all done now so I can get back to keeping this in order.. right so the last time iuodated here we still had a few girls in the tent. These have now been homed on my auto plot.. the cookies auto pheno went out a few nights back and the super skunk and gelato 41 went out last night.. now the 3 girls on this plot won't be featuring in the comp as such cause I can't get pics from this plot.. its a night visit only plot and a bit of a cheeky in plain sight shenanigans so although ill still update there progress in the diary I cant really back them up with pics..

So far we are still free from slugs on all plots so that gives us a chance to put on a decent show at least.. weather is now improving so hopefully the girls get on the move a bit more now..

The 4 girls in the comp that reside on the knotweed plot are doing ok.. my lil rucu cucu is still riding the wave, she is slow but standing strong, she had a bit of mutant growth with 1 of her leaves missing a finger but hopefully the next set are as normal, need to look at that infact.. the fast cookies that was flying in the tent is playing up, first her fist set of true leaves died and now she has this crinkly/wrinkly kind of growth thing happening.. again I hope she grows out of it but hasn't settled in very well.. the gelato 41 is doing great and settled in nicely she was just below her cage height so happy with her, still not taken off but she's steady.. same as the super skunk, no real complaints looking pretty healthy and has settled well too.. not as big as the g41 but again weather has played its part in this as they suffered lots of wet weather, pretty much as soon as they went out so they have experienced a bit of shock I would imagine..

I may well visit this plot this eve to check on some on the latest additions so ill grab some pics of these girls if I do so.. 

Its all in the hands of mother nature now folks for now my work is done so lets hope they put on a bit of a performance for us all :yep:

Be lucky y'all and keep it green :yinyang:

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How do all.. bit of an update for you good folk on these lil ladys on the knotweed plot..

Yesterday I noticed that the fast cookies on this plot has also started to flower already.. seems I've been very unlucky here and got 2 auto phenos out of the 3 beans I had.. still got 1 left but won't be messing with that now.. bit disappointing really as I was looking forward to those.. hopefully I'll get some of it over the line to at least try it out.. there won't be much as there gonna be pretty small both of them.. bud on a stick will prob be the outcome here. This 1 has been playing up too since she went out and started getting a bit twisted with funky growth you will see it in the pic and her newest set of leaves look to be going the same way.. no idea what thats about she was pretty perfect before she went out..

Gelato 41 is going great tbf  she's a fast version too but no signs of early flowering on her thank god.. shes had a lil spurt in growth and is happy it would seem so just doing her thing..


Super skunk.. again no real complaints here. She's happy and also had a bit of a growth spurt but nothing major.. shes settled ok though so ill just let her crack on..


Rucu cucu..

My lil darlin.. she is doing ok, again a bit slow.. I mentioned before about the mutant growth and her missing a finger on 1 of her leaves but after closer inspection that finger has infact split into 2 so its more an extra 1 than 1 missing.. its very odd looking and with the next set not fully formed yet its hard to see if it will carry through.. shes strong and trying bless her so ill give her time to get her grove on with hope..


No slug attacks here either so that was the bonus to this visit  fresh pellets still went down as a precautionary anyway..

Did a lil weeding and took some knotweed down to keep the light comming in and that was me done really.. heres a few pics of these girls and how they looked as of yesterday..

Be lucky y'all and keep it green :yinyang:large.20220612_204203_compress77.jpglarge.20220612_204222_compress72.jpglarge.20220612_204235_compress76.jpglarge.20220612_204255_compress30.jpgfrom top to bottom

Fast cookies

Gelato 41

Super skunk

Rucu cucu 


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Just a quick update here guys... all the girls are safe and sound and still in 1 piece, pellets are really doing there job..

Both the gelato and the super skunk are doing great, starting to move a bit tgese 2 now the weather has picked up.. my lil rucu cucu is officially a mutant.. she has a continuation of this weird leaf structure still coming through as you will see by the pics.. she growing but very slow.. the fast cookies has moved a tiny bit and is at the top of her cage now but ill be suprisedif she gets out of it the way she is going.. I also checked the overspill on the auto plot and the 3 that are on there are also safe.. the fast cookies there that started to flower first while in the tent hasn't moved at all, still healthy looking but thats about it.. she ain't been out that long so prob isn't fully established just yet so we will see in good time what she becomes..

The gelato and super skunk was the last 2 that went out and are ok with to real signs of shock to be seen just yet..

Thats me for now folks with a few pics to finish..large.20220614_212148_compress62.jpglarge.20220614_212156_compress40.jpglarge.20220614_212202_compress44.jpglarge.20220614_212222_compress64.jpgfrom top to bottom..

Fast cookies 

Gelato 41

Super skunk 

Rucu cucu 

Be lucky y'all and keep it green :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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  • 3 weeks later...

How do folks.. ive right neglected this diary so apologies to anyone following it..

Ill be honest here I got a bit pissed off with whats been going on, its not been the greatest experience so far.. both my fast cookies as ive already mentioned auto,d on me..had murders trying to get the rucu cucu to germ and only have the 1 that needed manual help in getting it out its shell and that was mutant.. then my super skunk got an infestation of black aphids that fukung practically ruined her ( unreported here yet)  1 gelato 41 is stunted and tiny but I do have another on my main plot and she is the only 1 thats decent growing really well and still sitting in veg thank christ.. so you see its been abitof a mare for me and being as its a  comp I started to feel like I was pissing in the wind.. 

Well I need to see this through as ive been gifted the beans and either way need to play my part at least.. 

Right its been around 2 weeks since I threw any pics up or updated so lets get back to there.. 

I'd been visiting the plot regularly trying to keep the pellets going and the slugs at bay.. I did give the girls a lil comfrey soil drench when it was dry and not much rain fell here in London.. the girls was moving and aside from the mutant growth on the rucu and the fast coomies looking a bit confused as to what she should be doing all was pretty healthy looking.. id has a small insect attack on anon seedstockers var that I started to treat with a neem soap spray but everything else was fine.. maybe the odd bit of damage to a few leaves here and there but minor really..  well a few days went by and when I returned I noticed the main growth tip on my super skunk looks kinda odd.. I was quite far away from her and at first it looked like she was starting the flower too.. my eyes are shit and I wasn't thinking straight as this couldn't possibly happen being a full 100% photo.. but something was up.. Once I got to her it was clear that something was very very wrong.. she was totally riddled with black aphids.. the growth tip was infested with them and in a right mess along with the rest of her.. 4 days before she was a picture of health so it took hold of her pretty quick.. i had some spray left onsite still so I hit her with that but they was everywhere..she got a good spray down but then after some thought and the infestation to her top I decided its best to just cut it off.. it was so bad this was the only way she was gonna stand a chance i felt..

This is what I was faced with..

large.20220622_204833_compress92.jpglarge.20220622_204855_compress72.jpgpretty bad as you can see.. most of the infestation was on this part of the plant so cutting it off would also remove the  bulk of that.. fuked It in the bushes away from anything else and gave her another spray down..  I went back 2 days later to give her another soaking but she was looking pretty bad still.. good news is she is still growing so we have hope.. she looks like something out of a horror movie but she alive and will suvive..large.20220624_211303_compress29.jpgthis is how she looked 2 days later..

the fast cookies has grown a bit but as ive said she seemed a lil confused and although she has been flowering a few weeks flower production was minimal.. she is close to 1m tall now so hopefully she gives a bit back, we shall see.. 

So fast forward to where we are now.. lets startwith the rucu cucu..she has made it out her cage now but stillhas this mutant growth going on.. its not as bad bu tshe is very slow in growing so I doubt she will end up very big.. she's now been bent overto break the apical dominance of her main growth tip in the hope she fills out a bit.. 

Same thing has been done to the gelato 41 and the super skunk.. the super fast cookies has been pulled over slightly  just to make sure light is hitting all the bud sites as much as poss.. being as she is now in full flower I top dressed her with some SOP and watered that in with other small comfrey drench.. 

All plants have been sprayed with neem and soap a few times now as there isa lil bug fest going on here.. fuk me folks im supposed to be growing plants but most of my time has been spent fighting 1 pest or another.. hopefully I get to enjoy the grow a bit more aswell move forward..

Few pics of the last visit so you can see how there doing..large.20220629_212207_compress24.jpglarge.20220629_212156_compress60.jpglarge.20220629_212139_compress39.jpglarge.20220629_212201_compress84.jpgfrom top to bottom

Rucu cucu 

Gelato 41

Fastest cookies

Super skunk..


Right folks that about it for now, I'll keep from spitting my dummy out now and keep this up to date as we go.. hopefully I can do some justice to these girls with a bit of extra tlc.. 

Until next time, keep it green y'all :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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Had some time on my hands this eve so thought id get back on the knotweed plot to check up on the girls and tie a few more down..

The poor super skunk is really looking shabby but seems free from any aphids now thank fuk..

Not really much else to say but did take a few pics... there a bit shit cause it started to piss down as soon as I reached there, fuking sods law right.. here you go. large.20220702_205221_compress97.jpglarge.20220702_205232_compress81.jpglarge.20220702_205244_compress95.jpglarge.20220702_205304_compress94.jpgfrom top to bottom

Fast cookies 

Gelato 41

Super skunk 

Rucu cucu 


A close up of the shabby looking Super skunk large.20220702_205538_compress97.jpgbe lucky folks :yinyang:

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Hey folks.. lil plot visit went down yesterday...as its been real hot the girls wasn't looking there best tbh.. I check my last post and I was there sat and although it rained not nearly enough it would seem.. i need to open up the ground a bit I think, its got so compressed lately with all the walking on it I don't feel the rain is soaking in much so thats on the to do list next visit..possibly today if I can..

Gave them a good drink last night just brook water ,the gelato was suffering the most but should be ok.. glad I went tbh..id finished work late but had a spare half hour to just do a check.. caught me out so was still watering when it was dark, had no choice looking at them.. the fast cookies is looking better considering it auto,d on me.. she is just past waste high id say and finally putting some energy into flower production at last.. the super skunk is doing ok nowto no more aphids on her but still tatty looking from all the damage sustained when they infested her.. she growing ok still but still suffering insect damage on her new growth.. seems they really like her so I gave her another neem treatment as it was onsite.. the rest have been nibbled here and there but it seems even the insects are seeking some old school flavours lol

Well here is some pics of the girls from yesterday :yep:large.20220704_213259_compress70.jpglarge.20220704_213331_compress72.jpglarge.20220704_213339_compress70.jpglarge.20220704_213352_compress78.jpgfast cookies

Gelato 41

Super skunk 

Rucu cucu 

Be lucky y'all :yinyang:

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Looking a better than yesterday.. 

Got lots of work to do on this plot so was back again last night for a lil dig trying to aeriate the ground as its so compacted.. back again later to get some more done..large.20220705_214209_compress30.jpgfast cookieslarge.20220705_211530_compress47.jpggelato 41

large.20220705_211520_compress36.jpgsuper skunk 



large.20220704_214723_compress15.jpgrucu cucu 

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Looking good pal… should be a good harvest if the weather stays good for everyone.

Had a self inflicted stupidity issue that I’m trying to rectify myself… I’ll post the pics tomorrow even though tbh I’m a little embarrassed!

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59 minutes ago, e55ex0ldb0y said:

Looking good pal… should be a good harvest if the weather stays good for everyone.

Had a self inflicted stupidity issue that I’m trying to rectify myself… I’ll post the pics tomorrow even though tbh I’m a little embarrassed!

Thanks buddy :yep:

Whats happened dude? 

no need to be embarrassed its human nature to make mistakes.. maybe we can help..as long as its fixable there's plenty of recovery time left :yep:

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