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2 minutes ago, Alys said:

Surrounded by good looking women there! Good luck for the weekend plant out :thumsup:

That will be a first for me dudette lol

Yeah some nice looking ladys in there now so im hoping they will love the great outdoors.. dreading the weekend but ill get it done.

Thanks Alys be lucky :yinyang:

Edited by Revive
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38 minutes ago, CheechChongReturns said:

Lookin good mate. 

Well done Reviving that rucu.

Defo deserve ya name

Thanks buddy :yep: 

Revived lol I never even thought of it like that.

Glad I've managed to rescue her, bless.

Be lucky dude :yinyang:


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Right big day for some of these seedstockers vars, time to meet the big light in the sky and experience the joys of mother nature.. 1 of my fast cookies is on fuking roads I swear everyday she just keep climbing and climbing, she is the fist in the bag.. so ill pick the strongest ones of each var for now and see what space I can find at the end for the overspill.. there all healthy as fuk no all will be getting a crack at life..

My lil rucu is going strong so im confident she will be part of the fun.. shes my special girl lol

Will stay tuned ill update later with some pics of these girls once in  there new homes..

Quick pic of the lil lady and the crazy cookie.

Be lucky y'all :yep:large.20220528_112435_compress24.jpglarge.20220528_112422_compress99.jpg

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Right folksi was to fuked to update this yesterday, I was still putting plants in the ground as darkness fell.. due to that no pics either but ill grab some when I get there later.. the best of each strain  went out so 1x fast cookies 1x gelato 41 and 1x super skunk.. all traveled safely with no damage.. in there lil tubes there isn't much that can happen.. gaffer tape is used for the bottom of the tube and the polly cups stick to that.. they can't tip so as long as the tube stays upright we are go to go.. I decided to sort the plot out first and prep the holes.. each hole got a bag of the soil id knocked up and mixed in, then I removed 2 buckets full sunk the old bottomless buckets with cages into the hole then filled the middle with 1 bucket then used the other foreground the outside so its all nice and snug..ive still got the put some clay and dirt around the edges at some point but ill get to that.. I did dig some clay from around the edges of the old buckets before I removed and reused them and I used this to strengthen around the fence posts as well as the bottom part of the fence  and trod it down.. just trying to strengthen everything up again ready for another season..  well here are a few pics the plot was made when i got there so did spend some time sorting out the knotweed overgrowth.. its very private there now as its all about 10 feet high or more so I just carefully maintain the parts needed to let in the sunshine with compromising the privacy.. here asfew pics of the crazy knotweed and what went down yesterday.. have a great day y'all and keep it green :yinyang:large.20220528_160251_compress99.jpglarge.20220528_160255_compress19.jpglarge.20220528_160312_compress78.jpglarge.20220528_160316_compress22.jpglarge.20220528_160323_compress5.jpglarge.20220528_160346_compress98.jpglarge.20220528_171701_compress34.jpglarge.20220528_171137_compress29.jpglarge.20220528_171140_compress59.jpglarge.20220528_191108_compress94.jpglarge.20220528_191125_compress14.jpglarge.20220528_205922_compress64.jpglarge.20220528_205934_compress60.jpglarge.20220528_215302_compress33.jpglarge.20220528_215307_compress88.jpglarge.20220528_215321_compress51.jpg

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Looking good mate.

Knew i could count on u for updates to read i am bored stupid here not being able to get to my plot.

Thought there would be more diaries on the go this year loads of peeps going outdoors cos the cost of leccy.


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3 hours ago, Revive said:

Right folksi was to fuked to update this yesterday, I was still putting plants in the ground as darkness fell.. due to that no pics either but ill grab some when I get there later.. the best of each strain  went out so 1x fast cookies 1x gelato 41 and 1x super skunk.. all traveled safely with no damage.. in there lil tubes there isn't much that can happen.. gaffer tape is used for the bottom of the tube and the polly cups stick to that.. they can't tip so as long as the tube stays upright we are go to go.. I decided to sort the plot out first and prep the holes.. each hole got a bag of the soil id knocked up and mixed in, then I removed 2 buckets full sunk the old bottomless buckets with cages into the hole then filled the middle with 1 bucket then used the other foreground the outside so its all nice and snug..ive still got the put some clay and dirt around the edges at some point but ill get to that.. I did dig some clay from around the edges of the old buckets before I removed and reused them and I used this to strengthen around the fence posts as well as the bottom part of the fence  and trod it down.. just trying to strengthen everything up again ready for another season..  well here are a few pics the plot was made when i got there so did spend some time sorting out the knotweed overgrowth.. its very private there now as its all about 10 feet high or more so I just carefully maintain the parts needed to let in the sunshine with compromising the privacy.. here asfew pics of the crazy knotweed and what went down yesterday.. have a great day y'all and keep it green :yinyang:large.20220528_160251_compress99.jpglarge.20220528_160255_compress19.jpglarge.20220528_160312_compress78.jpglarge.20220528_160316_compress22.jpglarge.20220528_160323_compress5.jpglarge.20220528_160346_compress98.jpglarge.20220528_171701_compress34.jpglarge.20220528_171137_compress29.jpglarge.20220528_171140_compress59.jpglarge.20220528_191108_compress94.jpglarge.20220528_191125_compress14.jpglarge.20220528_205922_compress64.jpglarge.20220528_205934_compress60.jpglarge.20220528_215302_compress33.jpglarge.20220528_215307_compress88.jpglarge.20220528_215321_compress51.jpg

Killing it pal!!

fingers crossed for a decent bit of sun for a little while.


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23 minutes ago, e55ex0ldb0y said:

Killing it pal!!

fingers crossed for a decent bit of sun for a little while.


Cheers buddy.  Plenty more to go yet :wallbash:

Fuking graft this mush lol


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6 hours ago, murphyblue said:

Looking good mate.

Knew i could count on u for updates to read i am bored stupid here not being able to get to my plot.

Thought there would be more diaries on the go this year loads of peeps going outdoors cos the cost of leccy.


Cheers brother murphy.. you no me mate I do like to take folk on the same ride as myself so detail comes part and parcel lol

You still bad mate? Thought you was on the up after the osteopath.. you must be going bonkers dude.. hope you can still get involved this season?

Be lucky mate :yinyang:

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Few pics of the girls settling in to there new surroundings.. fast cookies gelato 41 and last pic is the super skunk.. there healthy enough so should cope ok I would have thought..

will update on these in a few days once they have had a chance to soak up a bit of that big light in the sky :yep:

large.20220529_155247_compress29.jpglarge.20220529_155301_compress22.jpglarge.20220529_155311_compress91.jpgbe lucky folks :yinyang:

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2 hours ago, Rennie_99 said:

Bloody hell, 10 pages in and i haven't even started mine yet lol. Good effort!

lol im trying to beat last years 50 odd pager..

Cheers buddy :yep: whats your plans this season dude?

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Right you lovely bunch of fuking stoners its about time we got an update on these lil ladys.. im now off work for a well earned rest so I can concentrate on my gardening .. so lets talk about whats still in the tent.. my lil rucu cucu has responded well to being put in a big girls pot.. she aint ready to go out just yet but another week and she can join the rest of them on the knotweed plot.. ive soft spot for her of course as it really was my fair hands that that got her into this world courtesy of a great lol tip from a fellow member @brock1 I doff my cap to you once again buddy, your full of knowledge :yep: 

The other 3 are now really cracking on and getting big so they really need to be homed soonish..I particularly really like the structure on the super skunk  she looks fuking awsome she is a bit of a wildcard for the great outdoors but kets see how she does...The gelato and cookies are equally impressive, very healthy and strong looking.. all very thirsty girls but they are only in tiny polly cups so to be expected with waterings daily almost now.. im gonna grab some pics in a bit of those for you guys to see.. will be going to the plot later too so will grab some pics of the 3 girls that have been planted out.  There has already been a slug attack on 1of the non seedstockers cultivars so I hope they are OK..  we have whats in the tent to fall back on but its a fingers crossed moment this 1.. they destroyed this plot last season and took me for a fair few girls so that's my concern..ive been back there 1 night after work and thats how I knew about the attack so reapplied the pellets before I left.. that was 3 days ago now I think and there has been more rain so we will see later.. for now ive got other plant related activities to attend to so will catch you all up a lil later with those pics:yep:

Be lucky y'all and keep it green :yinyang:

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How do my fellow grow buddys.. sorry on the delay with the pics yesterday went a bit up in the air as something has been digging up some of the holes on the plot.. not where these girls are there all doing pretty good..it just threw me so I forgot to get back to this.. plus time I got back to the seedling box id left my phone at home so no pics ofthose yet.. going there in a bit so ill grab those then.. for now the 3 girls on the plot.. my fast cookies has slowed down and invoices herfirstsetofleaves wasdying and a lil crispy so they was removed.. she looks like she has been lolly popped already as she is quite leggy but has a nice thick stem..the others are just doing there thing so here they are..large.20220603_165436_compress83.jpglarge.20220603_165449_compress28.jpglarge.20220603_165454_compress73.jpgfrom top to bottom

Fast cookies

Gelato 41

Super skunk

Keep it green y'all and be lucky :yinyang:

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