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Water Cal/Mag ratio


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6 hours ago, J.C said:

a send away test was the best course of action for me

It will be for me as well. Ill save that for when I move home, which is on the cards.




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Its been Tuesday since I added the calcium @ 0.78ml/l.

1 plant has the issues, and the issue seems to be continuing on further leaves. 1 or 2 minor signs on another.

this is not acceptable - I dont know how long a deficiency takes to clear up - but still

All 7 will be on calmat'd to 0.4ec RO from now. And Ive ordered a GA water analysis. as even though im moving it will still be applicable in the new place as its the same ST water just a mile or two up the road.

Need to have an answer for sure. As I feel like even the calcium is not enough. Plus, from what ive just re-read on Severn Trent hardness values (the conversion chart/clark hardness etc) it seems to be ~300mg/l which is nearly 3 X what ST technical told me on the phone...(117mg/l)




Edited by mysticriver
they can all drink ro
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2 hours ago, mysticriver said:

Plus, from what ive just re-read on Severn Trent hardness values (the conversion chart/clark hardness etc) it seems to be ~300mg/l which is nearly 3 X what ST technical told me on the phone...(117mg/l)

Is one number for Calcium and the other for Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)?

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1 minute ago, latigid aikon said:

one number for Calcium and the other for Calcium Carbonate (CaCO3)?

I don’t know bro and that’s part of the problem 

I feel like blindly adding calcium or Epsom salts or indeed calmag isn’t helping




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25 minutes ago, mysticriver said:

I feel like blindly adding calcium or Epsom salts or indeed calmag isn’t helping

No, definitely not!


Getting your actual water analysed by horticulturalists is obviously the way forward.


It will be interesting to see if it correlates with the numbers from ST at all... 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ive had the email back from Growers Ark



According to this, the Ca:Mg balance doesn't seem that far off. I'd be interested to know what makes up the rest of the 0.7 ec that my tap water is at.  

The one thing I do know is that using this water, with or without CalMag, causes deficiency problems. Its inescapable. Its happened on all 3 of my previous grows and on this current grow, up until about a week ago when I finally switched to Reverse Osmosis water...

What took me so long?...  I dont know but at least im here now.


Funny thing - in all my other grows ive been able to chuck as much feed at them as I liked, it didn't really make much difference, as the plants were deficient anyway they couldn't do anything with the extra nutes. So I could give them 2, 3, 4 ml/l. + CalMag. It didn't matter that the EC was high.

And now ive switched to RO water, im experiencing a problem ive never had before - overfeeding. Now they are sensitive to the EC levels and have built up nutes that im trying to flush. Hope they recover. They are in pre-flower.


Tagging @Oldbear for your information




Edited by mysticriver
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Wow, so nothing like the analysis from your water company?


Why don't you give his suggestions a try? Get some of their hard water nutes and use them with plain tap water.


If none of this solves it have you considered your environment? What temps are you running at lights on and off? And root temps?

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Im now using Reverse Osmosis water that has been calmag'd to 0.4 EC, and an amount of coco nutes as required - btwn 0.5 & 1.5ml/l coco nutes.

The problem has shifted now the water and calmag is correct, to the overfed thing.

Its only been a week since I switched to RO water. When this issue clears im confident that it will be OK.

Thanks for all of your inputs.




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Just now, mysticriver said:

Im now using Reverse Osmosis water that has been calmag'd to 0.4 EC, and an amount of coco nutes as required - btwn 0.5 & 1.5ml/l coco nutes.

The problem has shifted now the water and calmag is correct, to the overfed thing.

Its only been a week since I switched to RO water. When this issue clears im confident that it will be OK.

Thanks for all of your inputs.




Take your nutes to 1.2 - 1.4ec if your plants are beyond seedling stage... 6 nodes or more,

Edited by catweazle1
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3 hours ago, latigid aikon said:

Which calmag are you using? Most of them have nitrogen too so that might be where your overfeeding is coming from.

Yeah,  there  are nitrates bound  to the Ca and Mg. The nitrate ion on each stops them reacting in storage. If you use Calcium nitrate and magnesium sulphate (Epsom) solution as the calmag source, it wants using fairly quickly, as the sulphate ion will combine with the calcium ion  and drop out of solution eventually.

Edited by catweazle1
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17 hours ago, catweazle1 said:

using fairly quickly

Thanks for that

21 hours ago, latigid aikon said:

Most of them have nitrogen

Yes ive noticed that bro

The girls just need a bit more flushing. And when its time, some more nutrient at around 1.2 EC.




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