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2 hours ago, SkyRider said:

Big Buddha Cheese? Did you grow it from seed?

No (blueberry cupcake) and yes, they came from California 

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  • 1 month later...
On 05/07/2022 at 7:34 PM, zen-ken said:

Im now triple AAA positive that the last BBC had something......I've never had plants do that before and I am using the same nutrients (literally)   etc etc now and its night and day.


The branches just fell off and were shitty as fuck inside....I'll try and get the pic of the other forum....its was a fucking horror show !!

Shit… was this the freebies with the Humboldt seeds Hella Jelly?


If so I got some of those too. Any issues with the Hella Jelly?

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5 hours ago, bishbashbotany said:

Shit… was this the freebies with the Humboldt seeds Hella Jelly?


If so I got some of those too. Any issues with the Hella Jelly?

No.....The blueberry cupcake...I paid full whack for the fuckers and in all my years Ive never seen anything like it....it was just was fucked.

Hermie issues as well on the others....stretched like fook....Was not my best run.(ill get the pic from the other site when I remember lol)


The bud, funny enough, came out alright and was banging but bland tasting....looked fucking amazing and was hard as fook and the yield was there for the one girl.




The Hella Jelly has one or two herms to be had unfortunately but I don't care.

Finding a good pheno is really easy....I sent loads of spares out to other mates, mates, and the reports I got back where, its banging to grow, smells amazing, tastes better, solid, quick.

Im hoping to get some clones back soon as Im pretty sure mine wasn't a one off :yep: 



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  • 4 weeks later...

I've done 3 indoor grows from seed. SLH x Exodus cheese and SLH x Clementine exclusive usa genetics :mellow:. First grow I decided to take clones from I noticed obscure branching on a couple phenos and mutant traits on another pheno. The mutant pheno had leaves with buds developing on the fan leaves and topped itself with leaves willing to overlap and 3 pronged fan leaves and 9 pronged fan leaves it was really a freak. Come flower she had rockhard golfball nugs with nice foxtailing. A true keeper lemon pheno unlike my other lemon phenos that seemed to finish later and gave a wispier bud. Another great pheno from that crop was my "fruity lemon" that finished in 56 days and had resin pouring off when squished for rosin with dense uniform nugs. Weird thing about the fruity lemon was its overcrowded branching and excessive shooting of new branch sites.(ive had bagseed pieface og from amsterdam that was amazing outdoors but had similar flimsey over crowded branches that snapped easily) but the fruity lemon pheno had strong stems whereas another lemon pheno that was good smoke nicknamed 'christmas tree-lemon' for its cola structure that got wider towards the base and more pointed towards the top too had flimsey over crowded stems but wasn't strong once cloned. My fruity lemon is now 4 crops deep each crop I take a cutting from my plant that I massively overveg in pots ive super sized and super sized again to try make up for the yield difference I've seen doing clones vs seed. Fruity lemon seems to get a lot of its vigor back after it gets stressed but my other phenos have been absolutely ruined. The mutant lemon went from golfball foxtail nugs to dream of to flat stemmed 'fascinating' buds with massive overcrowding of pistols and a tiny yield. 3rd round from veg then clone before flower and my mutant lemon has got a better yield but structure is nothing like first or 2nd grow. Since then growth has been uniform just really larfy other than the tops. Im growing in 8 38l airpots vegging for 6-8weeks 2kw worth of lights and pulling like 110-150g a plant its bloody shocking energy prices being where they are I honestly have been thinking what the f is wrong. Plants losing vigor means yield is half what my grows from seed were and im putting them in much larger pots and giving them much more time.  

Edited by Sixinchcrop
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Also the grow I decided to take clones from I also grew my first cbd hybrid from sweetseeds, Sweet afghani delicious cbd. I took clones on everything and didnt have any sterile practices, most trimming done with my fingers. Took clones of all 9 incase of keepers and kept all 8 SLH x Clementine clones to grow out just to see differences in grows. Most of my lemony phenos that were on the wispy side got even more wispy by 2nd round and I had a couple of comparibally very dense dry sift phenos that rained dry trichomes with a very faint terp profiles. I culled the wispy lemon phenos and saved the dry sift pheno. The dry sift pheno I have photos of the grow from seed when my I believe my plants were asymtomatic or even viroid free with insane trichomes on my trimming area and dense buds through out the canopy. The trait of the viroid being more present in the lower canopy I can really back as anything below 1-2inches becomes larfy wispy buds other than my fruity lemon pheno. God knows why that plant has less hiderence from the viroid but it definately performs well enough to compete with viroid free plants. Shame really as im considering culling and starting fresh.

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I do dabs so have a blowtorch readily available. I blast the snips til the handles start melting. Goodluck anything surviving the incineration process. A couple sciccors seem to have a looser edge but they still cut. I have kevlar sciccors from work, they never lose their edge and have serated edges so they really cut through anything. If there is any sap or plant material left on, theres no scrubbing needed just a wipe of the blade after and good to go again

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thanks for that @mikeydoughnut but it doesnt make a lot of sense.


one of the big problems with organisms is their resistance to bleach - this is mrsa is such a problem at hospitals.


and what is 'heat treatment'? 80 degs in dry air for 20 seconds?  pressurised steam autoclave at 120 degs for an hour? 600 degree flame?

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9 hours ago, Newcouch said:

thanks for that @mikeydoughnut 

and what is 'heat treatment'? 80 degs in dry air for 20 seconds?  pressurised steam autoclave at 120 degs for an hour? 600 degree flame?

You can make heat treatment as complicated as you like or just get a  blowtorch or flame and run it across your blades. 

If its enough to get your blades hot it's enough to kill the viroid. You don't need to go silly. 


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Check this out. This Dr tassa recons that heat treatment does nothing. Bleach is the way forward it seems. No till & reusing soil also seems to be an issue. 

Scary shit 

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Man I am exactly the same. Its such a new thing for us that the info is very limited & everyone just trying different things to avoid or combat the problems. 

I've been firing out misinformation left right and centre.. 


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Last time I had stitches (Dec. NHS) all the equipment was going to be binned after 1 use! I was told they couldn't (or wouldn't) sterilise before the next bod, at the time I thought that was crazy, but maybe not... at least they let me take the set. loverly pincers etc, all medical grade.

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Still trying to work out the most efficient way to keep mother plants & take clones. & how to set the room up.

How do you contract the viroid if don't take any clones in, can you manifest it by poor hygienic practice like pests? Don't really understand that part.

After hearing that plants that share a run off could spread infection via the roots is scary. So just thinking if got to raise every mother off the ground. Suppose that has other benefits too like air flow under the pots so that seems reasonable. 

The reusing soil thing got me coz what's the solution for that with mother plants.. Like make sure the clone is clean as a whistle before even mothering the plant in soil.  

Also dno if i understood this correctly but can some areas of the plant be effected & some not.. Coz just thinking even if use a different razor every plant, could you risk spreading it to different areas of that one plant. If I'm cutting 25 clones off one plant, would 1 razor for that plant be sound or 1 razor for 1 clone or like multiple scissors sat in bleach, cut one plant & into the beach & take a clean pair for another plant. Or cut one clone & then into the bleach. 

God knows how that works over 100s of mother plants haha 

That bird said about sending multiple samples from different areas of the plant in for testing. Going to cost an arm & a leg. Some plants I've got I just keep as mother's, flowering them every now & again but still have to prune them regularly. I couldn't just test production plants & not personal hobby ones. 

What's the cost of keeping a plant library now. 


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Yeah it's a head ache. 

Im not sure if I've had it or it was just coz the plant was a bit ropey coz it's an old mother plant. I wouldn't rule it out though. the branches were weak. I'm trying to tell myself nah it's an old mother plant haha 

I would like to just get everything tested just for peace of mind... For hop latent I mean not aids. Can't get that twice lucky enough lol




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