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I only discovered this thread yesterday. I knew nothing about HPLVD until then. My current grow is a cut from a local grower. I have a mother and three flowering plants. The mother is a tent with various strains. I'll admit I don't clean my snips between plants but I will start tightening up on sterility.  I used to be proper anal about it, down to not liking other growers entering my grow in case they bought mites in. HPLVD sounds pretty worrying but with cleanliness it can be retarded.


I bet we will start to see HPLVD resistant strains soon.


Thanks for the info. and videos people.

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I’ve always washed my plastic pots with just warm water and a scouring pad, would you guys recommended soaking them in a bleach/water solution first then rinsing them off with plain water in future? 

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3 hours ago, JohnBudman said:

I’ve always washed my plastic pots with just warm water and a scouring pad, would you guys recommended soaking them in a bleach/water solution first then rinsing them off with plain water in future? 

Yes you need to use bleach to kill it. I put it on the the sponge neat then wash it all off in the shower. 

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  • 4 weeks later...

So I’ve flowered my remaining mums and I’m  pretty certain they don’t have the hops. You don’t need to pay for expensive testing and the signs are pretty obvious. First is being a bitch to root. Please everyone be careful with these commercial clone sellers. Wish I would have never have bothered with them they had me doing full crops of hops plants for years. Don’t give them the time of day

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@CHAN Be extra vigilant mate. Some of the symptoms are pretty obvious. Brittle stems and weird horizontal growth are some obvious ones but it can lay dormant for 2 years and the harvest trees I had was riddled with hops and I rooted them out in 8 days no problem. The brittle stems is super noticeable though if that symptoms is showing, my Mac1 split straight down the middle trunk with basically no pressure on my part 

Nothing short of talking multiple samples from top to bottom of the plant can assure its clean. Even if you take a single sample for testing some branches can test clean while other growth on the same plant tests positive. It really is a cruel sneaking disease I’ll give it that. 

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6 hours ago, HazyHashMan said:

@CHAN Be extra vigilant mate. Some of the symptoms are pretty obvious. Brittle stems and weird horizontal growth are some obvious ones but it can lay dormant for 2 years and the harvest trees I had was riddled with hops and I rooted them out in 8 days no problem. The brittle stems is super noticeable though if that symptoms is showing, my Mac1 split straight down the middle trunk with basically no pressure on my part 

Nothing short of talking multiple samples from top to bottom of the plant can assure its clean. Even if you take a single sample for testing some branches can test clean while other growth on the same plant tests positive. It really is a cruel sneaking disease I’ll give it that. 

It rears its head someway or another. The drago of mine went ok then madly hermied mid flower everytime. The zpomoni just started dying mid flower with no explanation. Buds drying up randomly on the plant. And the sour power og has the classic side branching and really weak stems. The weird thing was I got a gary payton cut and it looked just like the other hplvd cuts. It went straight in the bin. They have a weird stretch. And the plants grow in an usual way. 

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  • 1 month later...
  • 1 month later...

So I missed the start of this whole epidemic. Was keeping to myself and mainly just working through what I had. So when I came back online and read this, I took some reassurance in the fact that it seemed to be a cutting based thing.


Firstly, I'm currently growing a mix of autos and photos. All from seed, no cuts in or near my room in years.

Now, I noticed something "strange" a while back I hadn't seen before. A plant had decided to "top" itself. I'd never seen this before but thought it interesting. When I say top itself, I mean it grew up to a certain point, a decent height, and then decided that it would grow as if I had topped it when I hadn't, so the main stem stopped and the side branches all started catching up. I normally top my plants, so it worked out quite well I thought.

Next thing that happened was another seed from the same seedbank did exactly the same thing. Never seen it before and in the space of weeks/months I see it happen twice.
A third seedling from a different seedbank (and older stock too) did something similar at a much younger age, but I think this is probably unrelated.

Anyway, I was going to post about this and ask if others had seen this "genetic" defect before but got stoned and decided not to (think I was in a bit of a bad place at the time so don't always like attention then).

End of story: That original auto that topped itself, every damn branch on it is snapping with any slight sort of pressure putting on it. At first I thought bud weight, but they just aren't that dense. Then as I'm sat here reading articles tonight, this hit me:


In fact, it's now estimated that 8 percent of all cannabis seeds have HpLVd.

So, have I got the disease that shall not be named? Think it's worth sending off a part of this plant for testing, just to see?
And if I have got it, what on earth do I do if it's not safe even growing from seed?!

Bout to head up to the grow room now and poke this plant and see how much I break it. I won't mention what seedbank it is unless I actually get it tested as perhaps it's just a funny plant with VERY weak stems?!

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Resin production on this plant is poor compared to others in the room.
I really can't make my mind up... Freaky growth pattern, very weak branches and poor resin production. I would not say the budsites were small though.
Perhaps it's just very poor genetics? Or maybe I'm just in denial lol

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Could potentially be dude but no way of knowing for sure without testing really. 

Lucky for you it's an auto and no harm done spread to any keepers hopefully.


Quite concerning if transmission via seed is possible. 

Makes ya wary of popping anything around your mums.

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Dr Sam Bailey' bitchute video on  tobacco mosaic virus,is interesting viewing........


Edited by Mr mcgregor
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Im now triple AAA positive that the last BBC had something......I've never had plants do that before and I am using the same nutrients (literally)   etc etc now and its night and day.


The branches just fell off and were shitty as fuck inside....I'll try and get the pic of the other forum....its was a fucking horror show !!

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Thanks for the replies both. Having slept on it, I think I am in a bit of denial.

Either, I have just stumbled upon the plant with the weakest branches I have ever seen which simultaneously has a freaky growth pattern and poor THC or I have this virus. Branches shouldn't snap when they bend slightly. I have a plant near it that needs support, it's branches can flop right down to the ground but don't break. This other one I can't even move the pot now without snapping multiple branches. That's not normal and I've never seen a plant do it before. Don't get me wrong, I've had branches snap, just not like this. I gave up trying to tie the broken branches up as I just kept breaking more branches while doing so.
My spidey senses are going crazy over this plant and have been for a while, I should have trusted them before.


11 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

Quite concerning if transmission via seed is possible.


It was the only seed of that strain I popped, wish I had done another as it would be interesting to see if the other plant suffered as well.
Multiple other strains from this breeder have been absolutely fine (I'd guess I've run 15-20 strains this year so far from this breeder). There is this one other plant that self topped - last night I got confused and it's actually the second plant that self topped that I was talking about, the first one is in the drying cupboard lol  This plant didn't present any issues with branches breaking, but it was a runt and perhaps because there were fewer, smaller branches and they had thicker stems that I didn't notice/see the issue... I have taken my foot off the gas indoors the past month or so as I've been trying to get my outdoor plot going, so the girls have had their basic needs tending to, but I haven't been in there properly checking them over like I would like.

So if this is the disease and therefore it's transmitting via seed, either the breeder has only recently contracted the virus and a small population of their strains currently have it, or tranmission via seed happens but isn't common.


11 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

Makes ya wary of popping anything around your mums.

I think the reality is now that we need to divide our rooms up as much as possible going forward. Flower & veg have always been kept separate for most people due to lighting schedules, but it's probably wise that veg and mother rooms are separate now too if cracking seeds. Treat the veg room as an untested holding chamber. Nothing makes it out of there until it has been tested in flower. But even then, you probably still need to have two mother rooms... What if a plant flowered fine, so you moved it to the mother room but the mother plant got infected by another newer strain you had started in the veg room. So does that mean really we need to have, a flower room, a veg room, a temporary holding mother room and a mother room? lol  Fuck it, I might just build each plant their own individual growing environment lollollol

The biggest issue for me now is paranoia. I have a 30 day old plant, started from reg seed. I think the seeds are 2/3 years old, so assumed it would be fine. But the growth on it is "strange". A lot of overlapping leaves and now the leaves have started deforming and twisting down. Proper weird plant. In the old days I'd have flowered it out for curiousty more than anything, just to see what it was like. Now I'm thinking it might be better just to kill it rather than take any risks. I'm sure it's fine and just a mutant (it's nothing like the other plants), but I read something about overlapping leaves and now it won't leave my head..

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Just now, zen-ken said:

Im now triple AAA positive that the last BBC had something..

Big Buddha Cheese? Did you grow it from seed?

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