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On 12/02/2022 at 3:21 PM, fatboy77 said:

To help put people at ease a bit, I've had hlvd in my grow for a good three months.  I have been bleaching my snips between plants and so far everything looks clear.  It'll be a few years before I'm 100% certain nothing has been transferred, but the early signs are keeping your tools bleached is enough. 


I’d blow torch them mate. I was regularly cleaning my snips with bleach. Turns out it wasn’t for long enough and now I’m starting again from absolute scratch 

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Just now, crticalcontent said:

I’d blow torch them mate. I was regularly cleaning my snips with bleach. Turns out it wasn’t for long enough and now I’m starting again from absolute scratch 

Holy fuck.  Not what I wanted to hear but thanks for the heads up.  So you've lost the lot?  Reckon I'm in for dark times then. 

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Just now, fatboy77 said:

Holy fuck.  Not what I wanted to hear but thanks for the heads up.  So you've lost the lot?  Reckon I'm in for dark times then. 

Yeah dude gone. Few plants got sick from a Durban cut. Looked like fusarium rot. Hplvd basically mutes the plants immune system leaving the susceptible to infection from opportunistic pathogens. Could be piggybacking in on another pathogen. Everything just burnt up. Then my ssh cut showed classic hplvd symptoms with the branches just plopping off under very little pressure. Everything has had to be scrapped 

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Guest anarchycamp

@Shumroom Good point, might be a future reference point for Joolz and just telling, say a Mod wouldn't cut it either. 


It was bound to happen sooner or later, greed overcomes all.

Stay green:smokin:

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im fuckin gutted 

i got a few plants here wk 5 flower  not doing anything, plants look healthy enough apart from the fact there just not flowering right for the stage they are at, been tearing my hair out ,everything else is dialed checked and double checked,  and checked again, please it cant be can it.


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26 minutes ago, crticalcontent said:

Absolutely no reason to withhold the genetic information of a strain. Why?? Is it to generate so type of hype?? I wouldn’t grow a single seed if I didn’t know exactly what was in it. I’m surprised uk420 would allow such fuckery. Is it supposed to create some mystery @HELL YEA or was it an unknown pollen fuck up? I think people have a right to know if they are going to be spending months of their lives growing it out only to find out it is a herm prone, nana spitting, hplvd ridden donkey

Am not on a hype


Nor was there any pollen fuck up.....


I believe you just said yourself " Few plants got sick from a Durban cut"   








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3 hours ago, Shumroom said:

What concerns me,

where did the secret mum for PupsXXX and XX come from @HELL YEA?


I think I already mentioned in my diary perhaps,

that my guess was,

that the mother might be: Humboldt Smooth(Banana Mango) from DHN.


So can you please let us know more @hell yea?



Fortunately I don't have any keepers to loose,

but without more information I may have to dump these genes once this run is complete, 

just in case :( 






@Shumroom PM you

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Just now, HELL YEA said:

Am not on a hype


Nor was there any pollen fuck up.....


I believe you just said yourself " Few plants got sick from a Durban cut"   








I don’t think your picking up what I’m putting down. 
what’s in the pups cross? People are worried because seeds can transmit hplvd. So why keep secret the genetics? What’s the reason? I see no valid reason at all. Especially given this revelation regarding hplvd…My Durban has absolutely nothing to do with it, I have not and will never waste my time growing  seed I don’t know the genetic makeup off. I grow for medicine and like to have an idea of what is in a bean before I pop it 

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24 minutes ago, fatboy77 said:

@crticalcontent bad times, what a fucker.  Got me nervous now.  Oh well, a few years down the swany.  Bean hunting we must go. 

It took me about 4 years to finally find something I like then bang. Struck down with this viroid. I’ve got two remaining strains left. I keep bending the stalks on them and they seem a bit suspect.

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The clone only mum i used was made by me from my seed collection about 4 yrs ago an the mum is still going strong after 4yrs of age an been flowered few time with no problems.....yes mum was made from 2 seeds...seeds was in my collection that was purchased between 2008-2014!


So yes the mum is a clone only this end.I have not got it from any other country or any other person if that clears things up..



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18 minutes ago, crticalcontent said:

I don’t think your picking up what I’m putting down. 
what’s in the pups cross? People are worried because seeds can transmit hplvd. So why keep secret the genetics? What’s the reason? I see no valid reason at all. Especially given this revelation regarding hplvd…My Durban has absolutely nothing to do with it, I have not and will never waste my time growing  seed I don’t know the genetic makeup off. I grow for medicine and like to have an idea of what is in a bean before I pop it 

So why point the finger right at me......I guess its easy theses days to point the finger:unsure:


You said yourself you "Have not an will never waste your time growing seed" So you have not had any of the seeds then:mmmmmmm:


If people want to run them Then run them.If they dont then dont...Its a free world....Ive had some good uk420 growers feedback so not all finger pointing


Think il leave it there.......





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