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Denouncing BlueSkiesVienna


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On 26/06/2021 at 6:33 PM, AustrianToker said:

5 seeds for 190GBP!!!! lol


he offered me a tenner a pack if I allowed him to hawk them here and was promptly ignored
I'd have been more impressed if he'd offered Ot1 50% for the genetics he claims to have lol

I was shown a video the other day, he claims to have visited me at my home, this narrows it down massively as I'm an anti social fucker at the best of times, unless he wants to reach out with more info on that visit,  I'm calling bullshit :yep:

Edited by Joolz
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Another Arjan ,but also a W.Mitty character . I'd bet he's up earlier than most ,most mornings . He's probably worth a fortune already ! 

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Just now, Michael Luchóg said:

Another Arjan ,but also a W.Mitty character . I'd bet he's up earlier than most ,most mornings . He's probably worth a fortune already ! 


Walter mitty :yep:

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I knew the guy from a small private forum, and very very nearly went out to Portugal to work with him...


He was on a hillside growing 100's of plants, big impressive beasts, all from seeds claimed to be OT1 old stock (the same story he shares now). He f2'd the best and the next year in those seeds he apparently found strawberry, blueberry, ESB, RKS etc etc etc. which he crossed and selfed. Obviously we were skeptical about what he claimed to find, especially the RKS, but the forum group was a tiny (80 people) collection of enthusiastic genetic preservationists and sharers, invite only, and included some of the best of the best breeders among the lowly pollen chuckers and seed collectors like myself, so he was given the benefit of the doubt.


Then he disappeared for a few months, turns out a wildfire tore through the mountain and he nearly burned to death (ears gone, eyelids melted, organs burned, in hospital in induced coma for months). We know this is true because forum members tracked him down and he was found while still in hospital in a coma. 

His recovery took many months, and in that time was informed that his property had survived the fire and authorities had found stuff. It was apparently as big a haul as they'd ever seen. There was so much that authorities didn't know how to handle the situation, but someone mentioned the possibility of 14 years in prison so once he was able to he made a run from the hospital but was picked up by police. Bizarrely, they then decided to let him return to the UK while they figured out what to do! 


Once he was back in the UK he started interacting on the forum again but something had changed in him.. He was always antagonistic, pushy, argumentative, and generally a cunt, but in that loveable roguish way. After the fire the loveable aspect disappeared and the negative aspects grew.


Then came a story of him stashing a load of seeds with a neighbour, and managing to get those seeds back. Naturally we were all pretty excited, but when he started sending seeds out to us, there was no RKS just the others. When asked, he said he was keeping it locked. Obviously this didn't sit well with a group formed specifically to preserve genetics through seed making and open sharing! Especially when there were already doubts being voiced about his claims (where the hell would RKS come from in OT1's genetics?!). Things got even worse when people started growing the seeds he'd sent out and reporting frost, terps, and potency were almost non-existent...


During this time, we had set up a seed auction to raise money to help him get on the run, as it looked like the heat from Portugal was coming and jailtime looming. I also gave him half my bud stash, and ended up having no smoke over xmas that year because I ran out before the next crop as a result (not bitter, honest! :P).. 
He fled to Morocco, and found a place to start up again. But by this time, his wild claims and increasingly disrespectful behaviour towards the group (including me, even after helping him out with bud and money) had reached boiling point, there was loads of in-fighting between those who supported him (a small group) and those who thought he was a threat and liability and wanted him gone. Unfortunately the forum founder and owner was on his side, and one day shut down the site in protest. The group tried to carry on, but the infighting had gotten too deep, the community was never the same. It killed my passion for weed, I left the community and even stopped growing for a couple of years. 


I don't interact here very often, but pop in now and again for a browse, and clicked this thread out of curiosity (his name was not BSV when I knew him). It was really upsetting how he treated me and that treasured community who rallied round to help him, and it's pretty fucking shit to find out he's now ripping off innocent people with his bunk seeds... He was pretty mad before but that fire really fucked him up... He thought he was invincible and developed a god complex. Shame it was a twat of a god who doesn't have a conscience... Sad times..




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Did he try and say he was putting Oldtimers name on the packets to raise awareness?! 



Living ‘that life’ has put him too out of touch. 

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Guest Donnyronny
6 minutes ago, Vicfirth12 said:

Did he try and say he was putting Oldtimers name on the packets to raise awareness?! 



Living ‘that life’ has put him too out of touch. 

I think he is a bit thick and cannot keep up with the silly bullshit.  Probably forgets a lot and makes the rest up.  

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Thanks for the details @wotnwhy can't be easy to share that kind of stuff especially after reading about how it negatively affected you, your relationship with weed and the community. That's a really rough account. I'd read some of that stuff in another thread where he'd cropped up on here, but as I recall there were only vague references, nowhere near as much detail as you provide. Your post has helped me join some dots. 


Because he's clearly a pathological liar, I have to admit, I didn't trust the burn victim story. Reading your account, at least confirms he is on occasion, capable of telling the truth. Only when it suits him I guess. You'd like to think people wouldn't lie about that kind of stuff, but life hasn't treated me well in that regard. I've had people I know tell me heinous lies because it gave them an emotional advantage over me. A stranger who seems to be motivated purely by profit has no chance.


This has become an important thread where facts surrounding this whole situation have been documented, thanks for contributing to that.

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So now the fuck do the Portugal police and authorities find the biggest stash they have seen and he’s not immediately locked up ? 
either he flapped his lips or that’s bullshit must be a grass 

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That story sounds.... 

Well, like a story 


I think It's safe to say bsv is  proper full of shite, up there with the best of them lol

Edited by HazyDaze
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On 8/3/2021 at 5:45 PM, NezA said:

Thanks for the details @wotnwhy can't be easy to share that kind of stuff especially after reading about how it negatively affected you, your relationship with weed and the community. That's a really rough account. I'd read some of that stuff in another thread where he'd cropped up on here, but as I recall there were only vague references, nowhere near as much detail as you provide. Your post has helped me join some dots. 


Because he's clearly a pathological liar, I have to admit, I didn't trust the burn victim story. Reading your account, at least confirms he is on occasion, capable of telling the truth. Only when it suits him I guess. You'd like to think people wouldn't lie about that kind of stuff, but life hasn't treated me well in that regard. I've had people I know tell me heinous lies because it gave them an emotional advantage over me. A stranger who seems to be motivated purely by profit has no chance.


This has become an important thread where facts surrounding this whole situation have been documented, thanks for contributing to that.


No worries. I did question after writing whether it was wise to share so much detail, but fuck him. He destroyed my community and family with zero fucks given. Almost no-one in my real life knew I grew, and the few who did didn't even understand indica/sativa, let alone the intricacies of genetics, breeding, and pheno hunting, so they were the only people I could really geek out with, and my passion faded fast when I had no-one to share it with.



19 hours ago, Arthur Mix said:

So now the fuck do the Portugal police and authorities find the biggest stash they have seen and he’s not immediately locked up ? 
either he flapped his lips or that’s bullshit must be a grass 


Exactly, the only parts of the story I can absolutely confirm are his years spent growing on that hillside (he posted multiple pictures every day for years), the fact he was badly burned and in hospital in induced coma (because other people spoke to hospital staff), and that he came back to the UK (because I posted shit to him).

Everything else; the genetics he 'worked', the recovery process after the fire, the bust, the escape and capture, recovering the seed stash, all came from his own mouth and could well be complete bullshit. 

When he first woke up and started communicating again, he'd told us he hid in a cave on his property (you might spot the massive boulder it's under in some of his pics) but the fire surrounded it, and once he started melting from the heat made a run for it through the flames, made it out the other side where he collapsed and was found by his neighbour. 

My guess is he lost the whole property, all his weed, and all his money (easily several hundred thousand) in the blaze, and then started the bust story knowing we'd raise money to help get him out of there. Though we would have done that anyway after what he'd been through, but maybe we weren't acting quick enough for him, he was always pretty impatient. 


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Find it hard to believe the “stash” was ok after a fire of magnitude it  would have combusted imho especially if lost house even if buried on property  would have been damaged and how would it be found lol   Liars are great lots to remember all the time 

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Guest Donnyronny
11 minutes ago, wotnwhy said:


No worries. I did question after writing whether it was wise to share so much detail, but fuck him. He destroyed my community and family with zero fucks given. Almost no-one in my real life knew I grew, and the few who did didn't even understand indica/sativa, let alone the intricacies of genetics, breeding, and pheno hunting, so they were the only people I could really geek out with, and my passion faded fast when I had no-one to share it with.




Exactly, the only parts of the story I can absolutely confirm are his years spent growing on that hillside (he posted multiple pictures every day for years), the fact he was badly burned and in hospital in induced coma (because other people spoke to hospital staff), and that he came back to the UK (because I posted shit to him).

Everything else; the genetics he 'worked', the recovery process after the fire, the bust, the escape and capture, recovering the seed stash, all came from his own mouth and could well be complete bullshit. 

When he first woke up and started communicating again, he'd told us he hid in a cave on his property (you might spot the massive boulder it's under in some of his pics) but the fire surrounded it, and once he started melting from the heat made a run for it through the flames, made it out the other side where he collapsed and was found by his neighbour. 

My guess is he lost the whole property, all his weed, and all his money (easily several hundred thousand) in the blaze, and then started the bust story knowing we'd raise money to help get him out of there. Though we would have done that anyway after what he'd been through, but maybe we weren't acting quick enough for him, he was always pretty impatient. 


It all sounds far fetched and incredibly dramatic to be honest.  

I believe about 5 percent of it.  

serial liars are incredibly good at convincing themselves first, then they just live the life of the lie. 

I will also add that with sociopaths the main part/headline of the story is usually the massive lie, all the small stuff and minor provable truths are just to back up the lie.  Sociopaths just add the truths in the minor detail to back up the bullshit and create an air of confidence and validity.






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Considering the topic is about the creator of road kill skunk has anyone heard of nature farmer and the uncle fester cut. 

their site is full of crosses with it and well there are other claimed creators of rks swami and someone called uncle fester who created the fester rks cut. The stuff I read was this


“1. RKS is a Phenotype. 1 of several.

#2 There ARE 2 people That Are Known to have the ORIGINAL GENETICS that "Contain" the RKS Pheno.

NOT counting Swami.

Swamis version was a Real 1985 RKS Pheno, that was found in 1985.

This cut was taken to near Guadalajara Mexico over 30 years ago, Hybridized, and Stabilized/IBL for the RKS Pheno. I cant tell you if the whole IBL of this is straight RKS, and could possibly the Mexican pheno used in the stabilization process.

Its well known among the Nor Cal community that guy nicknamed UNCLE FESTER is responsible for the Original RKS genetics.

This is NOT the same Uncle Fester the Bomb Maker, who wrote books. Hells Angel Fester may have made Meth, but still isn't the same person. That guy is 60, or less. Real Uncle Fester would be 80+. I think he was born in 35-38

Uncle Fester was a Psychology Professor in the early 60s and turned HELLS ANGEL in the mid 60s. His place in Nor Cal was known to the Angels, and others as The Farm. I'm betting many of his genetics came from BOEL.

Original Sk1... Also known as SK18 and was previously mentioned by an earlier poster that he had beans from The Nature Farm Genetics.

These ARE the Real Uncle Fester Sk18 IBL. It harbors the RKS, but also has the Cheese pheno, and others lurking about.

These genes came from Master Thai.

Master Thai is Uncle Festers Nephew. Master Thai calls it OG Skunk #1.

Nor Cal community is mad at MT for ripping people off, and not keeping his word.

So The Nature Farm Genetics also has the Original, and released it but is now sold out“


for some reason all I want is skunk now yet I have a tent full of Cali varieties gelato, banana smoothie and watermelon punch. Just feels wrong at the minute at least there’s a widow cross in the cupboard.

The cheddar skunk and the banana kush/festers skunk cross on that site sound nice. So does the skunk/white rhino cross.

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