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Denouncing BlueSkiesVienna


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I won't even try watching the video.


I begrudge giving the guy as so much as an extra view.


The guys a fucking no-mark.  Simple.

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There’s some gold in the first 7 min. Him talking about weather weapons and witnessing clouds doing 90 degree turns then multi colored lighting strikes :wassnnme:

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I remember this clown from ***** (sativa breather) total conspiraloon fuckwit and as proven by this thread a  lying cunt with no morals. Are you still chasing the chemtrails, you muppet.:wanker:

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lol this has all come after his last video on instagram (I can't see whether its been taken down or not cos he's got me blocked) calling me all kinds of cunt, and slagged this thread off and said I was a lying cunt and making stuff up - whilst actually scrolling straight past the screenshots and offering no validation to his "rebuttal".


Clearly we didn't give him the sort of attention he wanted, he's discovered that if he ruffles enough peopes feathers with enough of a following he'll cop a few in the shit storm. But its backfired, as you've only to web search blueskiesvienna to find this thread at the top along with other forums all saying the same thing.


3 hours ago, NezA said:

He's still playing games. There's absolutely no need for the grand standing.


This though, I doubt he'll take it off the packaging, but he's giving it the "I don't want to upset an old man" routine now to appear virtous, apart from the issue is he's called OT1, and all of us, lying cunts so all its a bit too little too late, but I'm sure BSV knows that.



Also, since all this RKS thing has died down have you noticed what his beans all of a sudden contain? With absolutely no coincidence to the latest america hype BTW, is root beer lol So now he's on menegenes case... who has lots of followers lol


Imagine if BSV was your bathroom window, the whole street would see you take a shit lol

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17 minutes ago, GSZZ said:

this has all come after his last video on instagram (I can't see whether its been taken down or not cos he's got me blocked) calling me all kinds of cunt, and slagged this thread off and said I was a lying cunt and making stuff up


Nice of him to bring some attention to this place, will be his down fall though as he's showing people the way to the actual truth.


Funny how none of his "friends" are here arguing the opposite or himself for that matter.

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Never heard of this person but


a quote from the video

"im no putting out my best stuff yet for cunts to rip off and me not get the benefit from or the credit so why the fuck should i" 


also he open laughs about one of his strains having 120-180 phenotypes


wanna buy his beans?

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1 hour ago, Exhale said:



Nice of him to bring some attention to this place, will be his down fall though as he's showing people the way to the actual truth.


Funny how none of his "friends" are here arguing the opposite or himself for that matter.

Think that just shows his guilt.. you know what they say you can't be wrong and strong.. he has no argument, the fella is a fuking melt!!!!  :yinyang:

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17 minutes ago, m2jlv II said:

Never heard of this person but


a quote from the video

"im no putting out my best stuff yet for cunts to rip off and me not get the benefit from or the credit so why the fuck should i" 


also he open laughs about one of his strains having 120-180 phenotypes


wanna buy his beans?


I need not comment further.

This says it all.


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Guest Donnyronny

Listened to 5 minutes, the guy is clearly a village idiot.  

it was embarrassing to listen to and I almost felt guilty laughing at him since he was obviously deprived of oxygen at birth or smoked too much meth when he was a teenager.


bless him

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I managed to listen to 35mins at the start (at least i did it whilst working so i was getting paid lol ) and couldnt listen to any more of his drivil. Got the imperssion the other guy on with him was embarased a couple of times when he mentioned the cloud movements and also the lightening. I also got the impression he has spun a massive yarn to him about who he is and what he has been on the canna scene.


I skipped to 1:01 and listened to his "apology" (if thats what you can call it) and found it to be disingenuous at best. He is a deluded sad individual that is a throbbing boil on the arshole of the cannabis community and needs lancing. 


Crass Unapologetic Nefarious Twat



I think i have run out of superlatives lol



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