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6 Sweet Ladies In Lockdown.


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Yeah I have seen the Dr Bugbee vid he is next level in his lighting knowledge but I have to admit I’ve forgotten most of it now...that’s the problem when watching stuff absolutely baked :mashed: as I usually do lol so I’ll probably have to watch it again now lol

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Thanks @Notorious B.U.D I'm completely get you. My Mrs says she has to tell me things 3 times before it sinks in. Ha. Same with most lessons. I've just read your DIYLed Diary for the 3rd time. (You got my vote). Lovely tree of plant and great trim photos. How long after stretch did you do the final trim I am week or so into flower in predicting stretch to stoop in a week then I can trim all the lowers section and keep the too canopy. 


Thanks @Fragg it's hobbie I am absolutely loving, and documenting in as much detail as I can think hopefully means some others get a little bit out of it too! That's the main win. If one picks something else up everyone's a winner. 


You'd always such a gentleman @Shumroom thank you. Top class.


Cheers the for kind works @Punta Roja Just need to get them to chop looking healthy. Few months to go yet. 



Couple of update will be coming this evening, plenty of photos. I did end up doing a quick mid week visit. It was only fair I gave the ladies the good news. Until this evening. Thanks all.

Edited by growinggold
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Hello All,


I wasn't planning on visiting the ladies until this weekend however with the mid week good news, I thought they deserved to know.

Thanks again @ the sweet seeds team and all involved, to get 2nd place in grower of the month for December really made me chuffed.  



This week has also thrown up a few issues. Due to water butt freezing and running out I have been scrambling around in lockdown trying to find another natural water source so the ladies can have a drink, luckily a mate has pulled through and let me use theirs for the imminent future while my water butt refills. Really really thankful for this as this will allow me to complete to run on purely rain water and I hope the ladies in lockdown enjoy it. 


Ill kick off with the weather:

It been fairly mild week, however we have seen some sunshine the back end, which also means clear skies at night and sub zero temps.




Grow Day:39  - 07.01.20

Flower Week 1-  Day 7

Positions as below.

Jack 47 - Black Jack - Ice Cool

Do Sweet Do's - Mohan Ram - Sweet Zkittlez


Group shot straight from the unzip, they soon reach for the LEDs again after a tuck.  Such resistant things. 



A little further back. 



After the 2nd nett was added, the Jack 47 and Do Sweet Do's just wont stop! So vigorous I had to get the nett out now!


Anything to give the others a chance. 



Little more angle here so you can see how I've the Jack 47 and Do Sweet Do's under and out the edges to try squat them down.

Ice cool is still the smallest by far, bless her. We're different shapes and sizes, so its only natural they're too. 



Couple little close ups of the smallest and tallest.

Ice Cool



Jack 47




I will be looking to turn the lights up on the next visit.



07.01.21-  Added 10l Rain water to tank, 20ml Canna Terra Vega (4ml Per 1L)

08.01.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 20ml Canna Terra Vega (4ml Per 1L)


Equipment Settings

Lights- 12 Hours On (7pm-7am) 12 Hours off (7am-7pm)

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 70w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 70w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 40%



Thanks for reading all, I will drop this weeks full environment report and further pics from tonight's visit later. 

Until further stretch!




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Congrats mate,your girls looks very healthy,I see your ice cool didn't stretch much so I'll keep that in mind to fill the screen more on mine.

Very well detailed and you make me think to give it a go to the Blumat system in the small tent for next round.

All the best with comp mate:cheers:

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Hello All,


Grow Day:41  - 10.01.20

Flower Week 2-  Day 10


Group Shot

I have done a little more pruning and tucking always. Have to make the most out each and every visit. 



Positions as below.

Jack 47 - Black Jack - Ice Cool

Do Sweet Do's - Mohan Ram - Sweet Zkittlezlarge.5ffb70e42e6d8_g1(Large)-Grid.jpg



Close Ups & Individual Shots

Few little white signs of flowers appearing if you look carefully. 






Black Jack




Do Sweet Do's




Mohan Ram




Sweet Zkittlez



Nipping these off the lower stems as I go.




Stretch Heights

I also wanted to take a couple of heights during stretch for future reference. Which breakdown as following from top pots.

Jack 47:              16"- 02.01.21                  26”-10.01.21                                         10” gain

Black Jack:         14"- 02.01.21                 16”-10.01.21                                          2” gain

Ice Cool:              13"- 02.01.21                 16”-10.01.21                                         3” gain

Do Sweet Do's:  16"- 02.01.21                 26”-10.01.21                                         10” gain

Mohan Ram:     15"- 02.01.21                 19”-10.01.21                                         4” gain

Sweet Zkittlez:  15” - 02.01.21                 22”-10.01.21                                         7” gain


Total led height from top of pots: 48”  - So the lights are 22” away form the tallest plants Jack 47 and Do Sweet Do’s, the smaller are 32” away. I have lifted the two LED lights to there max ratchet heights now, I might be able to get an extra Inch if needed by using cable table and wire, however we will see how stretch pans out first.  Upped both LEDs 100w each.



Grow space environment report from the last month.

Please note these readings are air temperatures from the Sensor Push which is hung above plants.

09.12.20 – 10.01.21-- Insulated space

Temps ranged from 32.9c to 21.1c- Average 26.4c 

Humidity from 53.6% to 32.9% - Average 42%





Temps and Humidity for the last week:

Insulated grow space with tight door: 01.01.21 – 10.01.21

Temps ranged from 29.8 to 21.3c- Average 26.4 

Humidity from 51.8% to 32.2% - Average 41.7%


Reasonably happy here, manging to keep above 21c with @lights out and ice outside.





10.01.21-  Added 10l Rain water to tank, 24ml Canna Terra Vega        



Equipment Settings

Lights- 12 Hours On (7pm-7am) 12 Hours off (7am-7pm)

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 100w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 100w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 40%


Let see some flowers. Until next week.




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Looking really lush in there @growinggold your plants really do have that lovely healthy green colour throughout...your looking after them really well mate :yep:


I usually trim off the bottoms at 3 weeks into flower (Day 21) as that when most hybrid varieties stop stretching although some more sativa leaning strains may carry on and vice versa a indica strain may hardly stretch at all. I was actually meant to do a trim tonight on the monster I’m growing now as she’s 21 days into flower now but I didn’t have time so will do it tomorrow now...lookout for the diary if you want to take a look it’s called “Christmas Tree o Christmas Tree” in the normal diary section (not led)


oh and thanks for your vote man it’s very much appreciated :thumsup:

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Thanks again @Notorious B.U.D I will possibly do a another trim up at the weekend and then in week 3 like you suggested. I really wanna get low canopy bare stem shot, with the thick dense canopy above. Cheers for the heads up in your diary I missed that. I see what you do with the 50mm nett now overlayed and thread the tops through great work.  I've subscribed so count me in for the ride bro. 


Take care.

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Looks nice and healthy in there mate, leaves are textbook.


And it looks like you've got a stretchy Mohan pheno, haven't noticed any double serration on your pics.






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looking lovely and healthy still mate :yep: , i wish i could catalogue stuff like that, i can barely remember to write a shopping list most days  lol

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Thanks @Punta Roja that's kind of you to say. No I haven't noticed that is it common on Mohan Ram?

Some stretch heights coming up ;) 


Cheers @ratdog I hope It helps me and few others get a broad picture of the grow. I often find it hard to compute as the grow is so spread out over months I always forget what I have done. 


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27 minutes ago, growinggold said:

I hope It helps me and few others get a broad picture of the grow.



me too mate, i'm just jealous, my attention span is dog shit lol

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Hello All,


This is going to be a bit of a photo heavy update with both the camera phone and Nikon D5200 in action.

Couldn't quite decide my favorite shots so I thought id chuck them all out, I hope you enjoy.


Grow Day:48  - 16.01.21

Flower Week 3-  Day 16


Group Shots

Positions as below.

Jack 47 - Black Jack - Ice Cool

Do Sweet Do's - Mohan Ram - Sweet Zkittlez


As always more pruning and tucking on the lower sections of the ladies, I have been using the first nett as rough guide on where to prune up to.

You can really see how they have stretched up over the 14 days, I don't think its over yet either.large_g5.JPG





One right in the middle here, closest is the Sweet Zkittlez.





And right down low. I plan on adding a few sachets of Amblyseius  soon to be safe side.  




Stretch Heights

In Inch"          
Heights 02.01.21 10.01.21 16.01.21 TOTAL " STRETCH % Increase
Jack 47 16 26 31 15 94%
Black Jack 14 16 22 8 57%
Ice Cool 13 16 23 10 77%
Do Sweet Do's 16 26 31 15 94%
Mohan Ram 15 19 26 11 73%
Sweet Zkittlez 15 22 30 15 100%


As you can see nearly 50% of the ladies have doubled in size. The Black Jack and Ice Cool aren't quite finished I think so i will measure again in a week when stretch should be finished. 

Currently the tallest plants (Jack 47, Do Sweet Do's and Sweet Zkittlez) are around 17" inch from the LEDs with the supplier recommending 18" for flower. This is something I would like to maintain as on previous grows I have grown right up against the LEDs only few inch's away. I want some good distance this time. 



Close Ups & Individual Shots

Id say we have flowers now appearing on most, but not all. Its the Ice Cool and Black Jack that seem a little slow. Once these two show I will switch to Canna Terre Flores feed rather than the Vega. 




Black Jack



Ice Cool

She almost has a matt look about her, real ice like effect. Not sure if this is normal or not. The pictures don't quite do her justice. 



Do Sweet Do's


Mohan Ram



Sweet Zkittlez




Temps and Humidity for the last week:

Insulated grow space with tight door: 09.01.21 – 16.01.21

Temps ranged from 30.8 to 22.6c- Average 26.9c 

Humidity from 59.9% to 35.5% - Average 45.6%

This keep moving in the right direction here, the temperature and humidity has got a little less dispersed over the last week. 

I'm looking to keep lights on and off the same temps around 27c, maybe slightly higher if possible.





12.01.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 22ml Canna Terra Vega        

13.01.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 23ml Canna Terra Vega

14.01.21-  Added 10l Rain water to tank, 23ml Canna Terra Vega

16.01.21-  Added 10l Rain water to tank, 23ml Canna Terra Vega



Equipment Settings

Lights- 12 Hours On (7pm-7am) 12 Hours off (7am-7pm)

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 100w-  @48" From top of pots

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 100w-  @48" From top of pots

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 60%




Good luck all, hope your ladies be treating you nice.







p.s Shit forgot the weather, we had it all windy, rain, sleet, sun and snow. Love it.


Edited by growinggold
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