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6 Sweet Ladies In Lockdown.


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Hello all,


So I started this afternoon with a nugget of Sweet Seeds- Cream Caramel Auto.

This was chopped on 8th October and has been curing for around 14 weeks. Really gets me behind the eyes, proper stinking smoke. Love it.




Day 31 - 30.12.20

The lockdown space is really starting to fill up now, each lady is tussling for her space, elbows here, their and everywhere. 

Needless to say I'm really excited for flower in 2021. 


There has been a few issues to worry about. Over the past couple of weeks I've noticed the inside of the shed space getting more and more damp. I believe the hot air from grow room is causing condensation in the uninsulated shed space. This is due fact I'm sucking hot air from the grow space and not venting it outside. I was hopeful the passive vent in the insulated space would help but its not. So to combat this I've installed the house Meaco 20L low watt dehumidifier and set this to switch off at 40% or below. Usually the uninsulated shed space sits at around 12-17c, with no heating. I will be keeping a close eye on this.


I've also switched out the air stone and oxygen pump in the water tank to a submerged pump due to fact I only need circulation in the tank and it's less energy usage. 



In preparation for the new year, I've taken out the scissors for this visit and given each of them their 2021 lock down hair cuts. Let's hope it's not as bad as the one Mrs growinggold gave me. Lol. I jest I do appreciate it Mrs growinggold. 


Group Shots

Group shots taken with Nikon D5200, with only LED light 1 (same wattage) on. This was taken after the defoliation, but before tucking. 



After tucking. 



Taken 4 hours after pruning with both LED lights 1&2 on and little more tucking, I couldn't resist. Ha.

I think you can see how much red LED 2 light adds to space and photo.  Dat far red man. 





From this angle you can see how low the Ice Cool (back right) is compared to the others. She has grown a little and has now reached the net.



Here you can also see the lower areas I have pruned. I tried to remove any leaves, branches or tops which wasn't going to reach the top of canopy. I've been quite ruthless. I will also do this during and after stretch (no later than two weeks into flower). Hopefully making the most of the tops and less trimming of popcorn later. 


While pruning I gave each stem a light squeeze all the way a up and down. Some felt really hollow (Black Jack, Ice Cool, Sweet Zkittlez, Mohan Ram), others felt more hard and solid (Jack 47, Do Sweet Do's). The ones that where hollow made a nice satisfying little crack when squeezed, the sort you get when you crack your fingers. I like to this as it gives them a little massage after all that training pressure. Not a clue what it does scientifically, swear I'd read this somewhere. 



I had taken a cutting from the Jack 47 (you can see bottom right) however when I was going back inside to pot-up my neighbor stopped me in the garden for quick chat and I had to ditch it quick sharp in the flower bed. :( There's always the next round of pruning.




Jack 47

This lady is still the butchest in the room. no stopping this vigorous women, I really hope she is going to fit the space. 



Black Jack

Some what over shadowed by her cousin on the left. I'll keep fighting her cause and want to get a few more tops above the net. 




Ice Cool

Mrs runty is coming along which I am positive. Few little tops reaching. 




Do Sweet Do's

Defiantly the most feed plant of the lot imo. She is real dark green but we don't have feed favourites here and she will carry on getting the same feed as all the others. 6 girls, 1 tank. Would've been a good name that. Maybe next year. 




Mohan Ram

Another lady to be pushed by her neighbours.



Sweet Zkittlez

The spindly lady on the bottom right. 




This weeks weather has been a touch colder than last, we have dipped below zero on numerous days. I can still see this getting lower if I'm honest. We usually always have a good few weeks sub zero. 



Grow space environment report from the last month.

Please note these readings are air temperatures from the Sensor Push which is hung above plants.


04.12.20 - 11.12.20- Insulated grow space test.

11.12.20 - 18.12.20- Insulated space

18.12.20 - 26.12.20- Insulated space 

26.12.20 - 30.12.20- Insulated space




Temps and Humidity for the last week:

Insulated grow space with tight door: 23.12.20 - 30.12.20

Temps ranged from 32.9c to 21.1c- Average 25.9c 

Humidity from 53.6% to 38.6 - Average 44.9%





28.12.20- Added 5L Rain water to tank, plus 25ml Intense Foundation, 12ml Canna Terra Vega

29.12.20- Added 10l Rain water to tank, plus 10ml Intense Foundation, 12ml Canna Terra Vega

30.12.20- Added 5l Rain water to tank, 15ml Canna Terra Vega


Equipment Settings

Lights On 24/7

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 60w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 60w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 40%



Next Steps

Plan is still on to flip the lights to 12/12 on New year's day around 7am. Giving the ladies their first sleep until 7pm when the flights will flip back on, and so fourth. This will be their first sleep for 32 days.  Its been non on stop LED lights 24/7. I'm sure they will enjoy the rest. Its also going to bring an unknown environment to. Wahoo.


Thanks for checking in all, until flip time.




Edited by growinggold
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Hello All,


Firstly, Happy New year to all, and lets hope its better than 2020 in everyway! Mainly the ganja way yeah ;) 


Secondly, lets get down to growing, all of ours favorite hobby!


01.01.21- Grow Day 33-  Flower Day 1

The ladies was put on their light curfew last night, the timers have been deployed to each LED.

They will be getting 12 hours lights on and 12 hours lights off from now on. Lights being off from 7am until 7pm. Hopefully giving them the warmth of the lights at night when it will be needed most. Their first dark period should be as we speak.  I will double check this later, along with the temperatures. I will need keep a close eye on the environment as this space hasn't been tested under this light regime. This could lead to some low temperatures and deficiencies in the ladies, which something I just need to be mindful of. 


I also woke up frozen butt, which was a little uncomfortable.



This has made collecting the rain water for the Blumat tank a right headache. Its frozen solid!

I will have to await the thaw patiently, it could be days, or weeks. Days I hope. Once thawed I will make sure to collect as much as possible in 5L bottles.

It will then be stored inside to bring temperature back to room temp ready for adding to feeding tank later. I currently have around 10L in the tank and 10L inside at rooms temps, however I'd love an additional 10L on storage room temping. I'll grab the opportunity to get my cold hands on the butt when it arises.



Thanks for checking in all!

Happy New Year!



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Hello all,


Just wanted to drop a little photo update after the flip.

The net has been well over taken an it will be soon time for new one.


Day 34 - 02.01.20

I wanted to drop this low low photo of the lovely @diyleduklighting. Lovely lights!

All da blues an reds. How stacked are them ladies!



Group Shots

Shot taken straight from the unzip.




After a little tucking and pruning. Really trying to fill the top right corner. large.5ff0e43f352c8_group2(Custom).JPG



If you look real careful you can see the Senser-push temperature and humidity monitor hanging in the background, Plus all the lovely squat stacked ladies. ;)  And the oil rad lurking behind the tents net passive intake. 



I also wanted to take a couple of heights before stretch for reference. Which breakdown as following from top pots;

Jack 47:   16" - 400mm

Black Jack:   14" - 350mm 

Ice Cool:   13" - 330mm

Do Sweet Do's:  16" - 400mm

Mohan Ram: 15" - 380mm

Sweet Zkittlez: 15" - 380mm


Total led height from top of pots: 43"

So 27" from top tallest Jack 47 and Do Sweet Do's ladies.  I'll hopefully ramp up the height and watts a little weekly..


So a 3" - 8cm canopy difference right now, lets see if that last through flower. 


The after-mouth;



Spot ya sticker!large.5ff0e4621db4b_height2(Custom).JPG




01.12.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 20ml Canna Terra Vega

02.12.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 20ml Canna Terra Vega



Equipment Settings

Lights On 24/7

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 60w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 60w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 40%


Lets see some flowers!





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Thanks @Resonance


Cheers @ratdog,  Flipped em on NY day mate to keep things simple dates wise and heights a little lower hopefully. I only have 160cm to play with. The first net was full so took the opportunity and cracked on.

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Hello All,


Wasn't planning on updating to so soon, however I noticed a few different bits on tonight's inspection, so quickly grabbed a few shots and couldn't resit a quick trim and tuck.

I really need to stop taking leaves. A couple plants branches are little spindly and limp, I think i might have been a bit heavy handed and carefree when tucking them under the net.  

Leave them alone, ffs. Their in lockdown. :chains:


Grow Day:36  - 04.01.20

Flower Week 1-  Day 4

Group shot straight from the unzip. Things are starting to look really busy in here and its going to be hard work identifying in each lady soon. 

Fingers crossed the buds are exotic colors and smell. My hands smell beautiful after pruning. 

Noticed a little tip burn on the bottom left (Do Sweet Do's) So I've upped the Watts a little to drive them all a little harder, both are running at 70w now.



After a prun and tuck. 




Also noticed the each pot had lovely set roots reaching for more form the Blumats! Greedy things.

I think I will get the Clover Multi purpose compost out on the next visit and give each pot a top up. 

Don't worry I moved the Tropf Blumat dripper back to same location.  I hope :mellow:





04.01.21-  Added 5l Rain water to tank, 20ml Canna Terra Vega (4ml Per 1L)



Equipment Settings

Lights- 12 Hours On (7pm-7am) 12 Hours off (7am-7pm)

LED Light 1. 220w Highlight 70w

LED Light 2. 150w Scope v2 70w

6" RVK - Mode 3 Of 5

Inkbird- Set @ 26c for heat Mat and tube heater.

Tube Heater - Full

Oil Rad- Set @1500w of 1500w

Black Fan- On Low

Water Tropf Blumat Tank- 8v Submersed water pump

Meaco 20L Dehumidifier set @ 40%



Thanks for reading all, hope you ave a lovely week.

Until stretch!




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Superb diary @growinggold your attention to detail is something else and great photo skills too..something I need to up my game on! Gotta love building your own space from scratch although it can be a pain at first getting it all dialled in and making adjustments along the way but it all makes it worth it when it is dialled in and you’ve really made it your own :yep:....but saying that I will never try and insulate a truss loft on my own ever again lol


Nice selection of strains you’ve got there as well mate it’s always exciting when you’ve got a few on the go but does make it a bit more work when they grow at different rates etc. I would usually raise the smaller ones up on pots to bring them up to the same height as the taller ones but I know you can’t do that because of the blue mats so just watch those bigger ones don’t completely take over, if I was you I’d remove that stretch net as they not very good for training they’re just mainly used as basic support, try and get some of the 50mm square pvc wire mesh if you can or just hand train the larger ones by just carefully doing LST on them (bending/pinching)


That dried shot of that green poison had me dribbling that really does look like grade A weed your obviously doing something right!:naughty:


Enjoy your new build and atb with the grow, I’ll be following along :yep:


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Very nice GG ;)


Great diary, all very well organized and clean, with good photos. While vegging they were not very homogenous, some were bigger than others, but the scrog did the trick to get a good horizontal canopy. Good job with that!


Keep it up and sweet smokes :yep:



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Thanks @Notorious B.U.D . There some really kind words and I'm seriously blushing.


 Yes I did want to use that tighter mesh but I couldn't source any in a national lockdown, make do and mend is order of the day atm. 


That green poison was so quick to grow (fastest I've ever done tbh, the buds appeared what seemed like over night) and super nice smokes. Actually gonna make that today's vape I think now. 


Oh yeah I hadn't thought to lift the pots up! Makes sense now.  


Thanks for the heads up on that lights watts power guide. You was bang on about my space needed max about 280w. I spoken with the excellent guys at @Diyleduk Craig and they recommend I don't go over 300w and then every aspect of the grow would need to be on point. All of the 9 cardinal grow areas would need to be perfect. Have you watched Professor Bruce Bugbees works?  Love that guy. Thanks again @Exhale for the intro to Brucee. 


One his best videos is this one:




Thanks @Sweet Seeds-tommy I'm blushing again. Wil have to have a shower to calm down at this rate. 


That is part of the fun of 6 widely different strain grown In 80x80cm . It was always going to be test on space and height.


I am trying to give the ladies a real break from me atm, so I won't be going to visit until the weekend when I will add an additional nett and keep on tucking. 


Good luck all, stay safe.


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