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DIY Auto-Watering & Drain to Waste System.


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Guest Randy Marsh

Hi @@ELO

Yeah use a circular ring for equal pressure.

I have a Hozelock water but pump and it delivers perfect pressure to my 8 pot, 16 dripper system.

It was about 50 notes from homebase and is much better than my maxijet 1000 :yep:

Edited by Randy Marsh
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Hi @@ELO

Yeah use a circular ring for equal pressure.

I have a Hozelock water but pump and it delivers perfect pressure to my 8 pot, 16 dripper system.

It was about 50 notes from homebase and is much better than my maxijet 1000 :yep:

@ thats what I have sitting there, think it's 2000L/hr they are rated at but I think they are higher pressure.

I might go with the new jet pumps as they are adjustable, might even get the 3000L/hr as t can be turned down to 1700L/hr.

I'll see how it pans out lol

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Guest Randy Marsh

I like the hozelock pump for is connectivity as well as the pressure.

I can hook it up to my lance, water the little ones then plug it back to the drippers so easily. The maxijet is just recirculating the resivour.

Good luck whatever you decide on @@ELO :yep:

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Excellent thread, I got the bits from homebase. Had to pay through the nose, but was spur of the moment. So using the standard hozelock drippers.

Used a bit of hosepipe instead of the black 13mil pipe, as it only came on a roll for silly money.

I too fucked up and had the rig with the Nipples on, ie hosepipe, in the res under the water. This made them drip constantly due to the pressure from the water causing a syphon. I re did it with a longer bit of pipe so the connections are above the water line. In my case on top of a 25l mixing bucket.

Now it's working lovely.

Been testing and measuring run off the past few nights.

Wanted to feed every 4 hours, as I think this will force more air into the roots, and push out the salt build up.

Bit of help needed.

S0 over 24 hours, I set if for 5 mins on, at 6, 10, 2, day and night. So 6 times over 24 hours. This took 5.5litres from the res.

But I had 3l of run off, so only 2.5l of feed over 6 plants works out at 416ml to each plant, or 916ml before the run off.

I think this is too much run off, for the age and size of the plants.

I've now reduced it to 3 mins from 5 mins, every 4 hours.

Tomorrow I'll measure run off.

Does it sound OK? Never done this before chaps, but plants are really fucking flying.

Advise needed please.

Many thanks


Edited by zztopbudz
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The only way to tell really @@zztopbudz is to just experiment - however I wouldn't be feeding during the night cycle, keep it to the day cycle and make sure the pots are fully rooted out before multiple feedings per day otherwise it'll stunt them! Good luck!

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Well my understanding of it is the plant isn't uptaking the same during the lights off as the lights on, I could be wrong on that one though and another reason is I like to think it gives them a breather, lets the rooots have a rest from being constantly pummeled with water! I'll find out more and come back because I've always been told to feeding about an hour after lights on so the plants had time to wake up etc.

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The only way to tell really @@zztopbudz is to just experiment - however I wouldn't be feeding during the night cycle, keep it to the day cycle and make sure the pots are fully rooted out before multiple feedings per day otherwise it'll stunt them! Good luck!

Cheers Golden, As i suspected trial and error.

Im vegging at the moment so they are only in darkness from 12 till 4. Do you mean when i flip them?

At the moment the growth is quite explosive.

3 mins every 4 hours is only about a half a litre each i think. Anyway , im feeling my way lol.

Im trying to balance between enough feed to dampen the coco till i start to get run off , and getting a decent 20 percent run off.

If tomorrow i find that generally the excess run off has halved and the nutes used from the res has roughly halved too, then i should be OK i think. As things progress i presume i will have to up the minutes.

Am i right in thinking 3l run off from 5.5l fed is way too much .

Rooting out the pots is something im not so confident about as im a long term dwc grower.

But since i started with coco about a month ago iv really seen continuous growth. I see a little 3 or 4 days of slow to no growth after initial pot up with granules , then wallop , fast furious hydro growth that i would expect to see in an extremely aerated perfect condition bubbler.

I think they must be rooted out to a fashion, because i was hand watering most days , from the start till i saw a decent run off and they never stunted.

I love the sound the coco makes when you water it , like a small hissing as the air is pulled into the coco, then the run off starts.

really quite bomb proof

so far



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so today , after 24 hours and 6 feeds there was just over a litre of run off. Thats much better i think.

They still took 5 litres , over 6 plants over 24 hours , but less wastage . works out roughly 800mil per plant fed, with a 200mil run off each plant. That is just over 20 percent run off, i make that just about right.


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Sorry to keep on chaps,

Today's run off was only a third of a litre.

Again over 24 hour period and 6 feeds.

So does this mean the plants are taking up more of the feed and i should increase the feed times by a minute or so?

They are growing so well you can almost watch them grow.

Something that concerns me is the res is sitting a good 2 foot above the plants and this last run off measurement was the last knockings of the res.

Im guessing that maybe when the res is full, the pump has to work way less due to the pressure of the water and the syphon effect that the pump kicks off. That could be why it starts off with lots of run off and over 3 days , the water pressure is less and the pump gets less help from gravity .

Im thinking it may be better to use the 100l res i have sitting on the floor and run new feed lines from that. Was just a bit concerned diving in on a 100l res in case something goes wrong, seeing as im on new nutes, new medium, and new style of feeding .

I've just filled the res again and if tomorrow i have a much larger run off like 2 plus litres then my concerns will be confirmed.

what u reckon ?


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Do your experiment and go from there, but it's probably due to them drinking more.

Are you feeding to run off every time, or are you feeding a little bit every time culminating to run off?

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Feeding to run off every time mate, but i don't know whether to stick or bust lol. The plants are going fucking mad. There is considerable growth every day. I think im gonna order 30 metres of pipe and run the lines from the dustbin ive got on the floor. will last a lot longer than the 20 l thing im using that was just a mixing tub.

what do u think? I have a large waterbutt that holds 120 litres, this is tucked at the back and has shit in front of it, from there i have a hose with a twisty open and shut valve on the endI was using this to fill my hydro bubblers.

Then i added a dustbin that holds about 80 litres that is very accessible but about a 3 meter run to main drobe. This was added to increase the time between having to fill them both with a garden hose that paranoias the fuck out of me, lol.

The heaters and air-stones were in the dustbin and i used a the pump that came with the nft205, a little microjet 400 to pump to pump out into my mixing bucket. When i went to drippers, i thought it would a-make sense to use the little res and out it next to the drobe so the lines could be short as possible. So now im using a 10 litre watering can x2 to mix the nutes in and tipping them into the 20 l res , approx every three days. so water goes from my hosepipe , to a big butt, then too an 80 litre dustbin, then to a 10 litre watering can, then to a 25 l mixing bucket , then to the plants .

Seems a bit long winded don't it, lol

Im thinking use the dustbin, run new lines , and maybe use the mixing 25l bucket, to rig up another drip system for veg. Smaller pump, the 400 micro jet, 4 smaller vegging plants.

Does this sound like a plan that can?



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  • 2 months later...
Guest spike_weed

Hey great thread here... just wanted to know a few things before i start buying the parts

I'm growing in dutch pro lightmix (soil)

15 pots at 7.5ltrs each, i would like to feed them for 2 times a day at 10mins each.. i dunno i'm sick of hand watering atm.

Any ideas if this would work with the above soil.

Got a 30ltr bin for the res.. dont need a big one as im not in coco and have only 7.5ltr pots, don't mind replacing water in the res every 3days or so.

I could be wrong tho, just this seems spot on for what i need.

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I wouldn't expect a problem with the medium but where you may run in to trouble is with the use of organic nutrients that will clog up the lines and/or drippers. Do you know which nutrients you want to use?

Where do you get the 2 x 10 minute feeds idea from? Seems like a lot, unless you use a small pump. I've fed 16 x 11L's of coco (each with 3 drippers) to 20% run off in only 8 minutes, using a 2,000L/hr pump.

30L res seems small to me, whether in coco or compost I always tend to water 1/4-1/3 of the pot's volume (28-37L in your case).

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