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DIY Auto-Watering & Drain to Waste System.


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And just to add to that, if your antler is in the res make sure that the anti - syphon line is not in the res i.e the end of the line needs to be above the res fill level.

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Let us know how it goes m8

Loving the suggestions for the ends of the 4mm lines, rings or just letting them flow with no blue drippers on the end, sounds good & has got me thinking of just leaving the blue bits off next time, id need to get something to hold the lines tight tho as i wouldnt want one slipping off & giving me a ballache to clean up, sounds good as the wee hole on the blue drippers can get clogged, i usually clean the holes after every grow to make sure they are clear tho but not having any on sounds great. I'll wait on the reports back from making rings :smartass:


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You could just drill a small hole in the top of the pot and use a little cable tie to fix the line to the top of the pot :)

Have you any experience with the stakes that hold the 4mm lines m8? as long as they grip the tube good id use them i reckon

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Yes mate, the HoseLock one's from B&Q do the trick in clamping them in the pot. (The grey one's)

Edited by English Oak
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Yes mate, the HoseLock one's from B&Q do the trick in clamping them in the pot. (The grey one's)

Awesome, cheers m8, looks like my mum will be getting dragged to bnq tomorrow lol

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Well, Ive put everything together and after the first run of tests with just the 4mm feed lines into measuring jugs, all drippers emitted the same with about a 10% difference to the jugs that I raised up to the same level as my plant pots that are set on pots. I have 2 lots of plants about 2 weeks apart, so the 2nd lot are about 6ins shorter that the first batch. Hence the reason they are stood on pots. 2.2L and 2.0L respectively. That took the MJ1000 4mins to deliver. Was so happy that it when without any hitches. Got to keep it simple.

I then started to make my feed rings as I just felt they would give the best coverage. But as I started doing them, I kept changing the method to make the holes, looking for the easiest way to do them quickly. Well, in the end all the rings I managed to do had completely different holes! I thought that would mess up the amount each pot gets. I dont want to do that. So, in the end I thought Id give the blue drippers I alreadh bought a try. And they worked wonderfully. Hooked them up to the feed lines and put them into the pots, with the V shaped feed hole just above soil level. When I turned the feed pump on, the feed jetted out of the drippers in a perfect V shape, and with abit of force. So I repostioned the dripper stakes about 2-3 inches above the soil(or pebble line as all pots have a layer of hydroton pebbles on them. Highly recommended! ) and the feed now jets out over a much larger area. With the added bonus of it getting abit more O2 into the pots. Not alot, I know. But it all helps. The pebbles also help to disperse the feed over an even larger area. When the 4 mins was up, I checked all pots to see how well they were watered. Really pleased to say that the whole of all the pots was throughly watered. I think with the drippers, they are fine up to do smaller pots like mine, which are 7.5L and 6L for the smaller plants. And my whole set up is up off the floor. Well, what Ive done is put a Garland Jumbo tray (120cmX55cm) on top of a wedge shaped base which Ive made from battons and hardboard, and is slighly higher 1 end, so the run off feed runs down the tray and into a bucket. This is done by putting the whole lot up on upturned milk crates. I did try and just have the tray on the milkcrate, with a block of wood at 1 end to slope the tray downwards. But once the pots were watered, they became so heavy that it dipped and all the pots were left standing in the run off feed! Not good. So I had to build the frame to sit the tray on. Works a treat now, and saves any mess, salt build up, humidity rises and spongeing it out. "Ain't nobody got time for that! I got bronchitis! " as Violet Brown would say.

All in all, it went extremely well. So well, in fact, that I flipped them today. Bring it on.

Thanks to everyones help, especially @The Saint and @@English Oak It only went without a hitch because of your input and quick replies to any questions/queries that I had. Top lads.

Atb, reds. :yep:

Ps. Shit, nearly forgot to say. Followed the advice on getting Phosphoric acid for pH down, and adding the nutes a good few hours before adding the pH down. Made up a 50L rez, pHed to 5.8. Feed all the plants. That left about 27Ls in the rez. When I checked the pH this afternoon after 20hrs from being mixed, to my amazement, the pH was still 5.8! Couldnt believe it. Usually rises to 7, at least, in just 12hrs. That was with just base nutes with no HydroSillicon or Root Stim. Just so I could get an idea of whats going on, and by which additive. Ill try it with the other 2 separately as well to see wat gwan. Ill be stopping them soon anyway, ina wk or 2. Soz about the book, but jus alittle chuffed.

Edited by reds
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Glad it went well m8, it really is the lazy way of doing things :rockon:

It is best to use pots the same size tho so you know theyre all being fed the same & you dont have too much runoff from the smaller pots leaking before the bigger pots

glad your happy with it m8, you will find yourself visiting your room when the feeds due, just for a wee look like!, When i first started i used to sit and watch as the drippers came on & went off & i was happy as larry watching thinking how much work id have had to do if id been feeding by hand!

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Nice one TS. Yea, this will save me alot of time. And the original plan was always to have all plants in the same size pots. I cracked a pack of Iced Grapefruit and a pack of Berrybombs but the BBs were a fucked up batch. Half didnt even germ, something Ive never had problems with. So alarm bells were ringing straight away. Then out of the other half only 1 shitty looking plant made it to veg proper. But after the germing probs, I thought Id better crack another lot of seeds. Which, unfortunately was made up of a bit of a mix of single seeds ive bought on a whim whilst buying packs, instead of one strain. So instead of having 8-10 plants of 2 strains, ive now got 10 plants of 5 strains. But ive always done multi strain grows, as I can get bored of just 1 strain very quickly, unless its 1 of my faves. Keeping mothers going somewhere has always been a pain as well. It would make life alot easier again, if I just could find a couple of keepers and mum them up. That's my next mission, I think. Well, after trying to keep this lot happy thru the stretch and flower. All on ec1.2 atm, and all looking grand. Some smaller ones alitte green, but no biggie. And all eqaul height for the batch their in. So far. But thats easy in veg. Not so easy in flower. We'll soon see anyway.

Laterz, reds. :king:

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Ill be setting auto feeding up soon


Get Into it! AF is a game changer. The only down side is that I constantly feel guilty for not spending enough time with my gals. Though what time I do give them is QT;)

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Yea, its weird. I feel like Im cheating abit! Whats all that about? The gals will just have to understand. Im a busy man.

A Q whilst Im here. Does anyone else here use PM Root Stim in there rez. Its just it leaves alot of brown stuff around

the pump filter, even after just 1 day of fluming. Im worried that its goodness from the Root Stim thats not getting thru to the plants because of the filter. Or is it just a build up of other shit. The only way round it would be to buy a chemical based root stim. And I dont really want to do that. Inho, PM Root Stim is 1 of the finest products, full stop, on the market. The best root stim ive used, by far. So should I just squeeze the filter back into the rez, or wash it down the sink? Doesnt smell bad at all, just a brown residue. Not slimey at all.

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