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12 hours ago, Rick Grimes said:

Looking good so far mate. Out of curiosity what’s the idea with the white board with holes in?


Very cool final set up ;)


Going to make that LST a lot easier, also looks cool :bong:


This definitely could be a competitor against last year's king @vince noir rock n roll star:yep:


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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Things have gone ok this week other than stepping on my MH bulb last Tuesday. New one tomorrow I hope. So hot in the loft anyway had to huddle them under the 70w CMH, run them 16/8 and change my intake system. 




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On 27/08/2019 at 8:23 PM, ROCKSTEADY6 said:

Things have gone ok this week other than stepping on my MH bulb last Tuesday. New one tomorrow I hope. So hot in the loft anyway had to huddle them under the 70w CMH, run them 16/8 and change my intake system. 






Another week of steady growth mate ;)


Keeping on top of the temps ain't been easy but your winning  :yep:


Sorry to read you stepped on a bulb buddy lol


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



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Hi all. Plants have been playing captain droopy for a few days. Might have been my dodgy transplant as i have been scarce on the water. They undertook their first bending tonight and I will be switching to 12/12 tomorrow. Little one at back not ready to be bent over. I can't really take underneath pot photos sorry. It's been too hot to have both the 70w and 150w on at the same time but this week looks a lot better for the weather so hopefully both will be blasting these ones. Gave my weegie board a makeover with some kitchen cabinet legs. Two on left are OGKZ and the right is Blue Dream. 




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It has become obvious that I am out of my depth with this competition. Everyone else is smashing it so well done guys and girls on setting the bar high. I am struggling and hit my first hurdle and I am baffled. Plants in 75/25 bio bizz all mix and perlite. I would have thought there was enough food in soil for a little bit but I have only used this soil once before. Last feed was 2 days ago, about 250 mls - canna rhizotonic and canna terra vega at half strength. From the problem pages it seems maybe zinc, sulfur or maybe magnesium deficient, but i have no clue. All three plants showing signs of it so it is 100% me and not the plants. Thank you to anyone who offers advice. 



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Alright there @ROCKSTEADY6


What’s your watering frequency?

Do you water it every day? 


If I was going to have a guess which I am going to, I would have thought it was drying out, or is it still moist? 


Ill give you you all the help I can mate, probably not a lot but it’s the thought that counts.


I don’t think it’s a lack of nutrition, more like the roots can’t take it up.


All Hail the King :notworthy:





Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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27 minutes ago, Jibba jabba said:


Ill give you you all the help I can mate, probably not a lot but it’s the thought that counts.


I don’t think it’s a lack of nutrition, more like the roots can’t take it up.



Thanks Jibba Jabba. You are one of the best as far as i can see so appreciate your help. I had similar thoughts of the plants not taking it up as I don't think there are enough air holes in the bottom of the pots as it was still moist but may not be getting any oxygen. I presume retro drilling holes wouldn't be a good option so i am stuck. They were all showing signs of over watering so i held off for days but maybe it was under watering. Only had about 250 mls each over about 4 days. I am holding off on switching to 12/12 until they look a little healthier. 

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Could be mate, get some more holes in there, have a look at the roots see how filled out they are, that should give you a better idea about watering, every day mine is getting some water/feed.


It is a fine line between drowning and under watering.


All Hail King Milky :notworthy:


Take it easy. Jj :yinyang:

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Hey buddy real sorry your having issues and don't worry every single person in this competition and site has had many nightmares and my grow may look alright so far but at exactly the same time I have royally fucked up 2 other plants/diaries lol


Your compost should be good for about 6 weeks in a normal size pot but in a pressured situation like a noodle pot it could be half of that so I'd be upping Grow nutes a bit to help with the touch of yellowing you have. 


Check your compost first but I think you probably do need more fluids and you should add feed every time you water or you'll wash out goodness rather than add to it and in such a small space that balance is vital. 


Personally I wouldn't have added any perlite as yes it may hold water and create air pockets but it takes up space that could be filled with compost in this set up. Also its drainage ability isn't needed in that pot really as itll run through plenty fast enough in a few hundred mls of compost. 


Add drain holes but to many drain holes with relatively large feeds (for a small pot) will allow the fluid to wash straight through disrupting the vital bacteria needed to feed your plant. Being In that small amount of medium with the roots taking up ever more space will mean any wash through/run of like that will ruin the micro herd quite quickly. 


What I would do (not necessarily the right thing!) is - 


Sprinkle some Mychorizal powder on the compost, on top of that sprinkle a small amount of blood fish and bone as a slow release feed. 


Make up a 500ml feed with grow nutes,a Seaweed extract mixed with 1 teaspoon of Epsom salts. 


Then id feed that to the plant using a hand mister/spray gun a bit at a time over a whole day. 


Misting it rather than pouring will slowly pull the Mycorrhizal and BFB down into the compost without allowing any run of taking more good stuff with it. 


There will be plenty of advice to come so don't rush into doing anything quite yet but that is what I would do personally from reading your issues, 


Best of luck my friend. 



Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Hello rocksteady, are you sure it's not hunger mate, they look quite big now for those pots and if it was deficiencies it would be all over the plant imo. What are root temps?


I hope it's just a blip mate

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