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2019 HSO Pot Noodle Challenge (Enter here)

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8 hours ago, Rampa Green said:

My only concern is do i eat the pot noodle or not and do I have to boil the kettle to get it out of the pot or not

Go organic m8, eat er dry an wash it down with the sachet of sauce, man style...:boxing:

It’ll put hair’s on ur chest an blisters on ur @ss...:scared:...           lol

Not sure how that’ll affect ur PnC though... :smokin:

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@HSO-Mark WTF!! Hehehe!! I didn't realise it had become a prize winning game of noodles thought it was just for kudos not 500 euro mate that's serious dollar for a noodle grow but top work HSO and you mark. 


I'll leave noodling for now and train for next year but would be happy to do some standard diary grow outs for you if you like?  Will get  my details to you my friend. 


Best of luck to all the hardcore noodle growers its going to be good fun to watch for sure. 




Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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Bad joke alert @vince noir rock n roll star our PNC King...


Why is PNC like a one night stand? 


















A-  because you wouldn't eat it, but you'd stick something else in there :bag:




I'll just leave.... 

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On 6/25/2019 at 9:25 PM, HSO-Mark said:

Most of the growers just dump the contents into the bin ;)





Thank goodness for that, if ate one it would go through me faster than a Porsche 911 lol

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Who needs irrigation of the colon when you've magic of the potted noodle at the corner shop to hand and sometimes going cheap too :yes: 


lol I love em and don't get all the fuss about this most excellent example of convenience cuisine :yep:   

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Green demon

I hadn't had one in years til I required a Grow pot and then something awful happened, I ate it :russian: and now I can't stop :fart: Must be the MSG 



Thought the Beef and Tomato has gone downhill, tastes of stale noodles an not much else very disappointed. If a cigarette takes 10 mins off then these fukkas take a year off.

Sticky Rib is quite passable


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7 hours ago, ratdog said:



Thank goodness for that, if ate one it would go through me faster than a Porsche 911 lol




Nice to see a bit of laughter from all involved  ;)


Seeds will be landing by Monday at the latest. Has confirmation Tuesday that over 30 had gone out so :yep:


Not long now for members waiting then @vince noir rock n roll star Can get cracking to defend his title  ;)


Kind regards 



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