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2019 HSO Pot Noodle Challenge (Enter here)

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i go for this thought ..where did that plant come from ..was it more hot a climate ..such as california ..or colder say hindu mountains ..what temp would the rainfall on ground be ?


so bare that in mind ..you can be too hot in the water stakes ..30 seems too high unless it was a sativa strain ..is it landrace kush ..then you need lower temp ..is it a hybrid of something in between ..then try around the 25 mark ..but that may be all bollocks ..all ill say is it makes sense to me and i dont normally have any issue with germination ,a warm tent moist soil ..never water with cold water ..the cause of so many problems even at seed stage ..unless of course it was some very northern strain that couldnt give a shit .they do exist btw ..i had a seed germinate in snow ..in january .


cannabis seed is the tale of goldilocks and the three bears ..

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I've found most of the beans I've done of late really,really like serious humidity levels,whereas you used to be cool with a damp blob of tissue in the corner of the shed.


I'm no genius but could it be mainstream breeders these days are using similar modern homogonised production equipment and the quality of them is more accurate across the board for generation after generation producing tougher little beans all round which is fine until we try to germ them in a spit of water in random dark corner of our homes at various temperature and humidity levels.


Edited by 2Fat2EatThat
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4 hours ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

I've found most of the beans I've done of late really,really like serious humidity levels,whereas you used to be cool with a damp blob of tissue in the corner of the shed.


I'm no genius but could it be mainstream breeders these days are using similar modern homogonised production equipment and the quality of them is more accurate across the board for generation after generation producing tougher little beans all round which is fine until we try to germ them in a spit of water in random dark corner of our homes at various temperature and humidity levels.


i should think homogenised temperatures in controlled grow rooms used by breeders would eventually play a part ..if a plant knows no other enviroment then the offspring will no doubt respond to that same enviroment the best .

remember the gene pool is now so diverse and american strains have been en vogue for a few years now ..

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11 hours ago, 2Fat2EatThat said:

I've found most of the beans I've done of late really,really like serious humidity levels,


From the age of 2 watching the old man he always did 2 things and we have very few seeds fail :)


Those 2 things were simple, 


Plastic container with the paper towel tech. Temps always kept at 86o with R/H always maxed out ;)


Never really had an issue this way, I will germ direct in jiffy7 or rootit cubes most of the time but if I need to do a germination check my dad's old method never fails me. 


The only thing I've changed is the heat source through the years ;)


The old man used an electic blanket where I've used gaming consoles such as a ps3 or ps4 now (obviously tuned on lol )


We did or have ran into seed with very hard shells for these I've got a reverse matchbox. Think a matchbox but with the sandpaper on the inside. Put seeds in and give the box a shake to scuff up the shell/casing :yep:


Let me see if I can find the magic box  as it would be much easier to explain :bong:


Kind regards  :cheers:



Edited by HSO-Mark
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i have to say ..this pot noodle competition has brought out and hand on heart i say this ..some of the best growing skills ive seen in a diary for years ..pleases me no end to think i may be toppled from the throne ..because i know it will be deservedly so ..


well done to everyone who has made it this far with plants alive ..impressive work subjects ..

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On 30/09/2019 at 5:01 PM, vince noir rock n roll star said:

i have to say ..this pot noodle competition has brought out and hand on heart i say this ..some of the best growing skills ive seen in a diary for years ..pleases me no end to think i may be toppled from the throne ..because i know it will be deservedly so ..


well done to everyone who has made it this far with plants alive ..impressive work subjects ..



The king has spoken and I must agree this year's PNC has been amazing so far and really brought some fun to the community  ;)


I think we will do this every year as it's a competition I'm loving :yep:


A massive thank you to all players this year you truly have done a smashing job  :cheers:


Kind regards 



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  • 2 weeks later...

I think that is what is called a 'first world' issue.


If only he had the mental ability to weigh the noodles in a normal and kingsize to finish his research.


Poor chap.

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On 11/10/2019 at 11:38 AM, ROCKSTEADY6 said:

Hey Noodlers. Hope your plants are growing lovely and voodoo free. Check out this guy Jason. If ever there was someone with too much time on their hands it is this guy - https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/snack-fan-spots-flaw-king-20406274


Now that's a guy with a lot of time on his hands but a valid point lol


Why are the king size pot noodles sold with a sachet from a regular pot noodle container? 


Come on guys which one if you was it? lol


Kind regards 



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