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I have to say, for me at least this has been more or less the perfect season so far. Plenty of rain until the buds started to set and now I'm getting a good shower once a week/fortnight to save me lugging water. If it can stay like this for the next couple of months I'll be a happy boy. 

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Shitty day today, dark cloud, gusty winds and a touch of rain.. Luckily it won't last and we have 28 on Sunday in the SE! 

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We had that really fine drizzle blowing in all directions in the wind, looked kinda cool a bit like tiny bits of snow lol


The warm weather is returning 🥳

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So far, a much better August than last year. Forecast looking decent too.

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I was walking back from the shop toking on my vape and i see this old man walking on the other side of the road wearing a thick coat and beanie hat, WTF 😮

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We had a spectacular thunder storm on Sunday night, the lighting was amazing 

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@Celtic voyager  I love a good thunder storm, I'm still waiting for a good thunder storm here in east anglia, feels like it's been years since we had one of much significance 😭

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@military grade 

It hard here around 1am.

One rumble/roll hit then, and you could actually feel the house vibrate.

There was a serious amount of fork lighting as well

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