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@sweettooth I'm in the Hertfordshire area mate

Edited by Military Grade
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2 hours ago, sweettooth said:

anyone in the Dorset area

Somerset mate but probably heading Salisbury way tomorrow 

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Just started raining calling for about an inch then back to the 90s for the rest of the week should get my cornfield plants on the go 

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should be a good week to finish those garden autos, who's ready for 30 today?

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Deep Dive 30/07/2024 – Heatwaves and thunderstorms


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Just saw the thunderstorm warnings, excellent GG weather this! 🥳

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been nothing but good weather here in the midlands for the past week 😁


just hope we get the odd showers inbetween and pray for a sunny and dry september 🤞

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Another weird overcast day today, like being in the Arctic Circle or something. Rain forecast from tonight, supposed to get heavy tomorrow. Sunny spells Tuesday, then it's "heavy cloud" symbols and rain showers for the next fortnight! Was that it then? That was our sunshine?

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@CustardVape that's all very well but I've got autos in flower here. What about my autos eh, weather? Can we not at least get sunshine every other day? Gies a break!

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@Crow River I know right. It's been all over the place this season man. Hopefully your autos will hold out for you and the weather improves. Fingers crossed🤞 

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I'm getting a bit sceptical about these so-called "weather forecasts". Pissed down last night, forecast said light rain. Supposed to be raining right now, blue skies and fluffy white clouds is the reality. I'm not complaining, sunny spells during the day and a bit of rain overnight suits me down to the ground. If we'd had that last year, maybe wouldn't have been so much rot and mould. Instead it was the other way round a lot of the time.....clouds and rain during the day, clear skies at night. If it's possible for the weather gods to organise sunny days and a bit of cloud and rain at night, bring it on I say!

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