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95 again today and gonna be for the next seven at least Wish I could push some of this across the pond you all

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21 minutes ago, bfehillbilly said:

95 again today and gonna be for the next seven at least Wish I could push some of this across the pond you all

It's been lovely here buddy. 

I'll be back here when it's pissing down and I've got something to moan about lol

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Military Grade

It's been 3 days of solid weather around my way, Summer has started 🥳


I plan to go adn plant that cut some where tomorrow, Hopefully the areas i'm thinking of are good enough, I don't want to get caught in the act lol

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Brother B

You'll be fine , worst case you say you lost your dog and seen a random plant pot with it there and picked it up to look at it.

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Military Grade
11 minutes ago, Brother B said:

You'll be fine , worst case you say you lost your dog and seen a random plant pot with it there and picked it up to look at it.

I better not take my bike then lol


Good shout about the dog idea, I need to have an excuse that can't lead to more interaction 👍

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Military Grade

@Brother B  I see you have changed your name recently, i see your avatar and still go to @ your old name lol

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Military Grade

Those in the west might have to be on guard to get their flowering plants in the green house, possible rain👍


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Military Grade


Be on guard guys on the west 👍🤞

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Military Grade

The weather has been really good for a good few days of the trot now, may it continue (with a 2 week cool patch when i need to dry my plants lol )

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Military Grade

There's been a slight change, look away now lol


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Military Grade

We got a Strawberry Moon to look out for👍


The Strawberry Moon will peak in London on Saturday night, June 22, and the best time to spot the event is around 11pm, but if you want its fullest peak, then the best time is 1.08am.

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Crow River

Cloudy here, warm but light rain on and off. Doubt we'll see the moon, strawberry or otherwise.

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