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The one thing i have learnt about the weather is its local.

And the forecasts are just a rough guide.

For me the weather been great wet warm and humid just what u want for vegging plants.

And because of the extra long cold spell i delayed popping my autos so they are only just starting to flower.


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Just now, murphyblue said:

The one thing i have learnt about the weather is its local.

And the forecasts are just a rough guide.

For me the weather been great wet warm and humid just what u want for vegging plants.

And because of the extra long cold spell i delayed popping my autos so they are only just starting to flower.



I'm in the same boat. The weather's great for vegging, that's true. Glad I don't have any autos in flower just now. It's not cold here, get brighter patches in amongst the clouds but could do with a bit more sun.

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2 weeks of cloudy sun with rain then 3 weeks with sun shine acuweather us saying,  autos in week 4 flower , touch wood they make it.

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B reckon with that forecast for u dude us should be sound and get most of it over the line. :yep:

I got a feeling dude we are in for another weird season could get a long hot spell or it pisses it down.

The way things are and "weather events" happening all over the world it could be either thats the problem.

We as a species have poisoned this earth this is mamma nature fighting back.

She says fuck u little people 200yr and we will be gone and mamma nature takes over again.





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Military Grade
46 minutes ago, CustardVape said:

Not great for the start of July is it 

Definitely not mate👍


Before i went the shop i looked at my Alexa said 21c, i went outside and came back in and go to my mum it don't feel like 21c, My mum says "my Alexa says 17c" turned out my Alexa hadn't updated the weather yet and was indeed colder outside, Not the worst weather but full cloud coverage :nope:

Edited by Military Grade
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@murphyblue wouldnt be surprised if the earth falls out of its orbit and we shoot out so far we have a ice age in 50/100 years or so , the human race has fucked this planet in like u say 200 years since industrialisation has happened and corporations have blindeyed the destruction for profits has caused.



Edited by Brother B
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Sunny here today but a  chilly wind. Should be mid 20s here down south but its 18° today and it was 12° last night.

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5 hours ago, BilgePump said:

I just put my thermals back on for work, ruddy cold in Devon s'mornin'



Every time we go to Devon it bloody rains lol

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