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Punta's Semillas Dulces - Green Poison

Punta Roja

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On 24/2/2019 at 9:12 PM, Punts said:

Update No.: 011                                   Mode: Bloom 12/12                                    Days since last update: 7


Days in veg: 56                                    Days in Bloom:14                                   Days until harvest: 43


Temps: Canopy: 29.8 - 17.7                 RH: Ave. 42%                                              Feed: 2ml/l Biobizz Grow 2ml/l Biobizz Bloom

                Roots: 26.5 - 18.3                                                                                                   


Light: 600w HPS.                                   Height from canopy: 600mm.                Extraction: 45%



Week two of flower completed.

Temps have improved now that the ambient temp has risen.

Changed the bulb on Monday to a 600w HPS.

Bought another 300w red CFL for the BJ....just need to install it.

Made an error on feed the watering before last...I only put half nutes in of what I intended..Ergo: Plants looking a bit hungry 


Green Poison FV. Lot 233 Jun 2018:

Still not much stretch.

Pistils sprouting all over.

Removed suckers from the under carriage.

Yield may be affected by the defoliation and training. I was expecting it to be bigger at this stage.


Green Poison Mother:

Days since taken: 46

Potted up.


Black Jack Auto. Lot 78 Feb 2014:                                          

Days since germination: 38

Under the big light for 12 and under the CFL for 12.

Dusted a bract with THC Bomb pollen...I will be amazed if it makes any seeds.





Green Poison bud shot.



Need to green it up a bit...



Scarred for life...



BJ and the GP mother under the 125 CFL.



Black Jack Auto close up.


Battling on...




Thats not a stem.. thats a trunk! Nice one my friend :yes: very good job!

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15 hours ago, Sweet Seeds -Jaypp said:

Looking nice dude, good luck with the rest of it!!




Gracias amigo..


3 hours ago, G_lab said:

Thats not a stem.. thats a trunk! Nice one my friend :yes: very good job!

Cheers G, you've got some nice things going on I see...

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Update No.: 012                                   Mode: Bloom 12/12                                    Days since last update: 7


Days in veg: 56                                    Days in Bloom:21                                   Days until harvest: 36


Temps: Canopy: 29.9 - 16.6                 RH: Ave. 42%                                              Feed: 1.5ml/l Biobizz Grow 3ml/l Biobizz Bloom

                Roots: 27.8 - 18.8                                                                                                   


Light: 600w HPS.                                   Height from canopy: 600mm.                Extraction: 45%



Week three of flower completed.:) :) :)

Installed the 300w CFL for the BJ and the GP mother.

Watering every four days..the moisture meter is a godsend.

Thinking about boosting up to 660w..for what difference it'll make.


Green Poison FV. Lot 233 Jun 2018:

Hasn't stretched much really...It could have done with a bit more. Next time....

Pistils sprouting all over...14 tops forming nicely. 

Greening up nicely.

Applied some low stress bondage to maintain an even canopy.

Stem rub: A lot of lemon coming through with an earthy/musky/creamy undertone.


Green Poison Mother:

Days since taken: 53

Pristine..I wish it's mother's leaves were as lush.

Under the big light for 12 and under the 300w CFL for 12.


Black Jack Auto. Lot 78 Feb 2014:                                          

Days since germination: 45

Not much growth

Under the big light for 12 and under the 300w CFL for 12.

Loving the CFL....

Bit of frost coming...




Nice buds for three weeks..






BJ auto under the 300w CFL.






Green poison mother


Green poison mother leaf 










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@Punts looking good in there, seems you just a few days behind me in flowering. I see you had a similar experience of no stretch, we will no for next time and im sure things would be different. 

Take care Toke...

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@PuntsStill looking good in here punts, nice plants and training, interesting updates and some quality photos. Keep up the good work and good luck with the rest of flowering.


@tokenrollI think the no stretching may be a Fast Strain thing as mine hardly stretched and they were all FVs. I am going to stick to normal photo periods now as I like to veg them up for a long time and grow out big tall plants with long colas.

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On 03/03/2019 at 9:08 PM, tokenroll said:

@Punts looking good in there, seems you just a few days behind me in flowering. I see you had a similar experience of no stretch, we will no for next time and im sure things would be different. 

Take care Toke...

Cheers T, I was pondering how much stretch there would be before I flipped...in hindsight I reckon another two weeks veg and I'd be needing the machete.  Watching your diary with interest. Good luck mate.


17 hours ago, Smokebelch said:

@Punts Still looking good in here punts, nice plants and training, interesting updates and some quality photos. Keep up the good work and good luck with the rest of flowering.

Thanks @Smokebelch mate...still got a way to go to get anywhere near your pics...having said that the screen on my Fuji DSLR is all rainbowed so all the pics I've taken so far are with the Iphone.

17 hours ago, Smokebelch said:


@tokenrollI think the no stretching may be a Fast Strain thing as mine hardly stretched and they were all FVs. I am going to stick to normal photo periods now as I like to veg them up for a long time and grow out big tall plants with long colas.

.Could be mate, but I've seen them stretch in the wild (my garden)...I think it's down to the butchering..too much defoliation too quickly.


15 hours ago, Serpent said:

All looking good @Punts :yep:

Thanks Serp, hope to be gazing on frosty buds before soon....

Edited by Punts
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On 05/03/2019 at 3:16 PM, jadenugs said:

They seem to have perked up since I last looked Punts, nice one dude, looking good :yep:

Clone looks nice ;)

Cheers J..clone's coming on a treat..


And well deserved congratulations on your win...





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Great info and work your putting in @Punts :yep:


Nice to see you went a bit Bob Ross and got the brush out to give them a little tickle, I hope that goes well buddy :yes:



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On 07/03/2019 at 9:17 AM, BeardedBeardiae said:

Very detailed update @Punts puts me to shame. Great use of all available space too.


Thanks B, yours are looking good mate, flower coming.


22 hours ago, Resonance said:

Great info and work your putting in @Punts :yep:


Nice to see you went a bit Bob Ross and got the brush out to give them a little tickle, I hope that goes well buddy :yes:



Cheers Res...Bob Ross...:)


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