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Jibba jabba

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hey jibba jabba them seedlings are looking class i need to try the blue fire they all sound amazing

my pals bubba kush went dark purple was a nice smoke too

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Great selection of new strains brother and the flowering plants are looking very nice.

Mango sapphire is a strain that I like the look of especially because it’s a Bubbas Gift cross which I was very impressed with. I think I remember you’ve grown it before haven’t you?

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1 minute ago, Rick Grimes said:

Mango sapphire is a strain that I like the look of especially because it’s a Bubbas Gift cross which I was very impressed with. I think I remember you’ve grown it before haven’t you?



Yes @Rick Grimes, Bubbas gift was the chosen strain for the 2018 pot noodle challenge, that was a right good crack, definitely an amazing strain, but all of what I have grown from Hso has been excellent,


Cheers for the kind words @zabz @TheGr33nMan I have had my beedy little eyes on the bubbas kush for a while, I was going to wait until the next run a do a whole run of her, but I would rather mix them up a bit for a spot of variance.


Take it easy Jj:skin_up:

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looking tip top in here bro. sugar breath look nice and bushy. 

i have tried organics in coco before with good results, i used bio bizz fish mix and bio bizz bloom, with a splash of seaweed extract. no ph ing the water just fed on the same amounts as my soil plants i had in with them. and they stayed a nice green color and smoked smooth as my soil grown buds. :yep:

il pull up a chair for your grow, :yinyang:

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Cheers for that @smokie1 b c f c

I am doing a mix of coco and compost 50/50 ish,  just a small attempt to keep my plants happier, they always have that over/underwaterd look to them, so I am going to have a change up, bio bizz it will be for the up and coming nibblers I’ll continue what I am doing with the flowering plants, seams silly to start half way through.


Take it easy.Jj:skin_up:

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Morning Uk420,


Day 30 Flower.



Sb rear, Ogkz front




Ogkz ^^


Ogkz looks a bit miserable, always looks over/under watered. But battling through well.



Sugar Breath (right)


Sugar Breath (left)


Sugar Breath.


Well as you can see she is frosting up well, tho I have noticed a pailing on the one towards the left, I thought it is hungrier than her sister so I upped the nutes, hopefully that will help her out, unless I am pissing in the wind and it’s bleaching from the led, but I doubt it.


So that’s day 30 of the flower show, 


Take it easy Jj:yinyang:

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Day 30 for the Sugar Breath and OGKZ and now the flower show looks fantastic  ;)


You can really see those buds developing now and trichome coverage looks impressive as we hit the half way point of bloom ;)


The babies considering they are only on water look great to mate :yep:


Another successful week's growth in @Jibba jabba garden  :headbang:


Until next time  :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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Afternoon Uk420.


I decided to pot up all five of the Hso nibblers today, First up the Sapphire Scout large.45359976-D546-4E53-B08E-D13ED03B4AF6.jpeg


Some roots^^

Whole plant in a 3.5 ltr pot, roughly 50/50 mix of coco and compost and a sprinkle of charge.

She is the smallest out of the lot so far but looks healthy enough to me. I also topped her yesterday, 



Next up the Bubba kush.


Well this one was in the outside of the group and decided to grow sideways, obviously towards the light, so when potting up,I put her in straight up, so she is facing the other way, I don’t reckon it will take her long to turn around.


Bubba kush roots ^^^



Here we we have the long awaited Mango Sapphire, some massive fan leaves on this plant, a picture of the roots when I was potting up this morning.



Whole plant in the new 3.5 ltr pot.






Now we have the Blue Fire,





I put a bit more coco in this one about 60/40 coco/compost, I thought the 50/50 seamed a little hot, so we will see how it goes, I gave them all a little bit of charge  that was mixed in with the mix a few days ago, I can’t remember exactly how much I put in but it was basically fuck all, 10 grams  I think in the 20 ltr mix.


Also I topped all the girls the other day to get the lower stuff going, all of them have just had plain old council pop, tho I have now got the bio bizz orgasmic stuff, and some fish mix, which I will introduce if/when they ask me for it.



Gorilla Breath 



Again the Gorilla Breath has been potted up using about 60/40.



Oh one more thing before I go, the 288 is now off,  so I now have a pair of 304’s running 100 watts each, let’s get this show on the road.


Take it easy. Jj:yinyang:

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I think I’ve only known you grow in coco before. What’s sparked the change to soil coco mix mate? Going organic or less maintanence?


Edited by Rick Grimes
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Alright there @Rick Grimes


Honestly plain old boredom, and part of the ever long quest of self improvement, we’ll not actually myself just my weed really, and I wanted to have a decent go at an organic run, really I only mixed it with mud so I haven’t got to bother with ph’ing,

 So a bit of both really, but mainly so I have something to think about for a bit anyway.


Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:

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On 04/04/2019 at 3:28 PM, Jibba jabba said:

Alright there @Rick Grimes


Honestly plain old boredom, and part of the ever long quest of self improvement, we’ll not actually myself just my weed really, and I wanted to have a decent go at an organic run, really I only mixed it with mud so I haven’t got to bother with ph’ing,

 So a bit of both really, but mainly so I have something to think about for a bit anyway.


Take it easy.Jj:yinyang:

Having a tinker about to mix things up sounds like a good idea brother.

I’ll be interested to know what differences you find in the end product:skin_up:

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Morning Uk420.


Day 38 Flower.







I can’t seam to make this girl happy, I am confident that I am asking too much from the 3.5 pot with one watering a day, well I won’t do that again. She smells very sweet. Had a little bit of overfeeding on the go by the looks of things.



Sugar Breath, 1


The pic above is of the plant on the right hand side next to the exhaust, looks like a completely diffrent plant compared to the other one on the other side, not quite as greedy as the other one, bit still I would call her greedy.

Sugar Breath 1.




Sugar Breath 2.



As as you can see pheno 2 has a fair amount more frost less leaves and is much more hungry, At the moment she is on 2.5 ml per ltr Which is twice as much as I normally feed an average plant.


Take it easy Jj:yinyang:

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On 07/04/2019 at 8:47 AM, Jibba jabba said:

can’t seam to make this girl happy, I am confident that I am asking too much from the 3.5 pot with one watering a day, well I won’t do that again


I agree mate, with the small pot size they would have rooted out 3.5l of medium quite fast ;)


Next time you know to use bigger :yep:


Now onto the Sugar Breath  :)


Plant number 1 looks great. Nice size colas forming and impressive crystal coverage  ;)


Now plant number 2 the trichome production looks amazing and the flowers being produced look much more densely structured  ;)


Plant 2 looks to be my kind of lady :yep:


Going to be interesting as you enter the final stages of this grow :yep:


Until next time buddy  :bong:


Kind regards 



Edited by HSO-Mark
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Afternoon Uk420,


So the nibblers are nibbling away nicely, I gave them a bit more training throughout the week to try and get some main leaders on the go while the plants are short.


First up Bubba kush.


Not a terrible amount of structure to her mainly just massive leaves.


Next Gorilla Breath 


I can seen this plant shooting off in the streach phase so I am planning to keep her short, ish, well we’ll see how that goes.


Mango Sapphire.


She is growing well, the most vigorous out of the lot so far,


Blue Fire.


Really nice even structure to her, a couple more days and I’ll give her a bit of bendy green wire,



And finally the Sapphire Scout.


I am not to sure of the parentage/line she came from but she looks like a girl, smells like a girl, even in fairly early veg.


All of them have had just plain water so far, also there are some fungas gnats, well that’s what I think they are, little black things flying around, so I am going to find some spiders from inside my shed and introduce them in.


I just wanted to add that I had a few days off smoking Dinafems Gorilla as I was going deaf in the brain, after a couple of days I had a jibba and yes that is some serious bud, 


Take it easy. Jj:skin_up:

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