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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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Thanks dude, yeah the fungi is great. I wish I'd not tried the coco/compost mix on this grow and I might not have had to pull them round. slowed them a bit but there was no rush anyway, with having plants still in the tent.


Hopefully no more problems. I always get one problem or another so fingers crossed I've had my bad bit for this grow lol


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Excellent diary mate & fantastic pics.  I`ll keep popping by to see their progress, no doubting these ladies will be beauts! :yep:

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@jadenugsGood job on turning them around dude, they look amazing now and I am loving that root porn, nice and hairy, I don’t think we really to add the Mycorrmax on every pot up but for some reason we all do it don’t we.


I am really pleased you are back on track with your plants and hopefully now you can crack on with your diary without anymore problems, keep up the good work dude.

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Day 40 update

Evening all :bong:
The girls are doing ok since their pot up, no wilting or other problems.
Steady away really with not much to do apart from adjust a few ties to keep the tops level. Prior to this update I'd not pulled the tops down any further on the CCFV to level it with the SPCBD and GPCBD as I wanted to give them chance to settle in before trying to get the girls at the same height. I've still not done anything with the C47. I left them 2 days for the roots to go searching before I gave them any water as I find this better to avoid over watering.
Apart from that I've just been dialling the root temps in.

Day 38
Temps 20-24 (sitting at 22 when I checked)
Roots 17-18 (17)
RH    48-65 (56)

The root temps were low going into the fresh compost so I turned the leccy blanket up to 24 and the rad up to 19C.


Day 39
Temps 20-22 (22)
Roots 19-22 (20)
RH    52-68 (60)

The root temps were rising steadily from the previous day.

I gave them a feed of 1L containing 2ml/L Seaweed and 0.25ml/L Bio silicon. I did this in 2 halves with a fine rose to try and get the medium evenly wet and avoid dry spots as much as possible, considering there was only 1L going into 12L pots.


Water preparation and mixing
I fill 5L water bottles the day before and leave open in the tent for the temperature to stabilise and chlorine to evaperate. The amount I need then gets poured into a 10L container. I pour some of this into a mixing jug to add feeds, mix them and pour back into the 10L container. This then gets stirred before pouring the amount I need for each plant back into the jug, then from the jug into the watering can. After all these container transfers the water should be quite well oxygenated before watering the plants. Any neat water left in the 5L bottles then gets poured into trays for extra humidity while vegging, or binned as i don't like to water my plants with water that's been standing for more than 24 hours.

Day 40 (last night, Saturday 12th)
Temps 20-26 (25)
Roots 26-27 (26)
RH    51-72 (54)

The root temps had risen a bit high so the leccy blanket was turned down to 23, then to 22C. I left the rad the same to try and keep the canopy temps as they were.

No water or feed.

Pics for this update were taken in the tent with the lamp off

Group shot day 40


Crystal Candy FV
I haven't got much to say about the individual plants at this stage of settling in to their finals. They are starting to fill out though as the roots spread. You can still see a few old damaged leaves from the earlier deficiency but no further damage so things are sweet for now.


Cream 47

Nice structure in her natural state and I'd love to leave her to grow out like this so I'm still waiting a while to see how the others grow alongside her as they root out the finals. The mid branches are now about level with the CCFV so I could bend her over at that level now and allow those branches to grow upwards at the same level as the others. I'll just leave it for now and maybe read some Cream 47 diaries to see how they stretch. They're all gonna stretch differently anyway but I like to have a more or less even canopy as they go into flower. We'll see how it goes, winging it as usual lol


Sweet Pure CBD

Nice even level tops but the side branching hasn't got into gear yet compared to the others. I don't want to lower the tops any more just yet to encourage the side branching, as she's a bit shorter than the CCFV. As i pull down the tops on the CCFV some more she'll get wider, while this one just gets taller to catch up. I'll just have to try and balance things to fill the space and get a semi even canopy.


Green poison CBD

Hard to pick a favourite out of this lot but this one is looking like a contender to me. Filling in nicely.


I did have the girls out of the tent for pics before the ones above and I took one of each from a lower side view but I've been struggling to get the white balance right under lighting in the attic room and the pics look totally different to these ones so I've left them out. I keep trying different temperature lights and in different positions to try and get rid of glare and sort the white balance out. I'll get some side views of their structure on the next update ;)

Thanks for looking and be lucky :v:

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lol no two grows of mine are the same. I like to try different things and see how it goes. Hence the coco mix. I won't be trying that again in a rush :wassnnme:


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Just read through yer diary there mate......what a turn around. Well done.


Lookin forward to seein them in flower now.


All the best mucker

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