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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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@jadenugsNice one dude, those last photos are looking really nice, deffo the best you have uploaded so far. Its a great feeling when all the experimenting finally pays off isn’t it.


I use the Raynox lenses for my macros, it’s worth getting the DCR150 too. 


Best of luck with the final stages of this grow, it’s been a quality diary from start to finish dude. 

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@Smokebelch Yeah it's great when the experimenting pays off but I'll still try something new and forget what I did last time lol I watched a review and they were saying it's good to have both, the 150 for getting more of the subject in the photo I think they said. I can do this with the macro lens and the 12mm extention tube though I think ;) It's good fun learning.


Hi @bluntz27 thankyou mate :bong:


:cheers: dudes, your comments are much appreciated :)

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Update day 52 Bloom

The girls were 52 days into bloom on Thurs 21st. Not much to say really, apart from a few adjustments were made to the stakes to keep the colas upright.
Here's the environmental stats:

Day 49
Temps 18-25 (25 when I checked)
Roots 19-25 (24)
RH    50-60 (50)

Day 50
Temps 20-27 (27)
Roots 19-24 (23)
RH    48-64 (49)

They were fed 1ml/L Bloom and 2ml/L Fish mix. The volumes were 2L for the CCFV and C47, 1.9L for the SPCBD and 2.1L for the GPCBD

Day 51
Temps 19-29 (28)
Roots 19-24 (20)
RH    47-64 (52)

Day 52
Temps 21-29 (27)
Roots 19-22 (19)
RH    49-62 (54)

Feed was 1ml/L Bl and 2ml/L Fish mix. I noticed the leaves curling a bit on the C47 so I checked the pot weights and they were a bit heavy. So I lowered the volumes of the feed. 1.75L each for the CCFV and C47, 1.65L for the SPCBD and 2L for the GPCBD

The usual pics of their progress.
Group shot day 52

The smell is wonderful when I open the tent. Sweet and earthy, pungent.


Crystal Candy FV
I'm getting aromas of sweet jellies, hints of bubblegum


Some bud shots


Cream 47
It's lost the cat pissy smell I could smell before. Smells sweet but I can't say what of yet.


Some bud shots



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Sweet Pure CBD
When you touch this it leaves a sour, spicy, bit skunky smell on your fingers for hours that you can't stop smelling


Bud shots


Green Poison CBD
Still smelling of Melons but more deep fermented now and less fresh


Bud shots


Thanks for looking, be lucky :v:

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Lovely plants @jadenugs and I forget which strain it was (possibly Trainwreck) and it had a strong cat piss aroma, I have three cats and could have sworn they'd took a piss in my tent lol


Getting very close though bud and cracking photos as usual :yep:

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Wow! Very good photos! :yep:


All plants are very healthy looking, Keep it up!


Sweet harvests!




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Update day 57 Bloom

Hi folks, hope you're all well :) The girls were 57 days into bloom on Tues 26th March, here's an update for then. Feed levels were lowered a bit more, before going onto plain water on day 56.

Day 54
Temps 21-28 (27 when I checked)
Roots 19-23 (21)
RH    47-63 (47)

They were fed 1ml/L Bloom and 1ml/L Fish mix. The volumes were 1.75L for the CCFV and C47, 1.65L for the SPCBD and 2.1L for the GPCBD

Day 55
Temps 20-28 (27)
Roots 20-24 (22)
RH    45-56 (47)

Day 56
Temps 20-28 (28)
Roots 19-26 (21)
RH    42-54 (42)

Feed was stopped and they were given plain tap water. Same volumes as before.

Day 57
Temps 20-28 (26)
Roots 20-26 (23)
RH    41-56 (51)

Progress pics
Group shot day 57


Crystal Candy FV


Some bud shots. Bit of purple showing on the bud leaves.


Lower mid plant bud




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Cream 47


Some buds
Nice coating of resin on these. When the resin is disturbed I'm getting a strong woody smell now, a bit like creosote.


Lower bud


Sweet Pure CBD
The other fasciated bud has folded over on it's flat stem and it's a bit awkward to tie up so I've left it as it is


Some buds
I've had a couple more nanas appear so I just nipped them off. No big deal at this stage



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Green Poison CBD
Still smelling wonderfully sweet


The colas have been getting heavier and in need of regular adjustment to the stakes.


Couple morelarge.5ca155a30a087_27ER.jpglarge.5ca155b1b8c19_28ER.jpg

The next updates will be single plant pre chop pics and hopefully some trichome shots if I get the time.
Thanks for looking and be lucky :v:

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Excellent update loving the pics, the Green Posion CBD looks to be the most dense looking buds of the lot and should yield well.


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another diary as good as a catalogue ..i really shouldnt enter these comps lol ..lovely grow there mr 

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@Serpent Thanks mate, started chopping last night and the Cream 47 was the first to go at day 63. I'm just hoping that the weather stays as it is for a week or two for a slower attic dry :yep: If that sun starts blasting out I'm bolloxed, not a lot I can do to slow the process up there. I'll just have to keep a close eye and get them into paper bags if they look like they're drying too quickly ;)


@tokenroll Cheers dude, yeah the GPCBD has performed very well and been the easiest to keep after my early mistakes. The colas are quite firm and heavy and she's making me want to grow the original GP. I'll get something in the pics for perspective when I do the chop update ;)


@vince noir rock n roll star Thanks dude, all good fun at the end of the day. But I won't say the prizes don't tempt me to put extra effort in lol Seriously though, I put loads of detail into all my diaries because it was grow journals that I learnt from before the days of uk420. They're a great tool for learning from each other's ideas (and mistakes).

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