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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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@Serpent Thanks mate, I'm in agreement with you but I just want a bit of reassurance before I try it. I did say in another diary ages ago that I was gonna email S&P and ask them, but I haven't got around to it yet lol

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Update day 39 Bloom

Hi people, I hope your gardens are green and healthy.
It's time for another update from the Sweecret laboratory and I'm happy to say things are ok, the colas are getting heavier and some are starting to lean a bit. I've done a bit of adjusting but more work needs to be done.
Day 39 was on Fri 8th March so here's the stats from the last update until then. I'm playing catch up all the time because it takes me days to sort out the pics, edit and resize etc

Day 36
Temps 18-24 (23 on opening the tent)
Roots 19-25 (25)
RH    48-64 (50)

They were fed 2ml/L Bio Bizz Bloom and 4ml/L Bio Bizz Fish mix.
Volumes were 2L for the CCFV and C47, 1.9L SPCBD and 2.1L GPCBD. It's quite handy for me that the GP is drinking a little more and the SP a little less over the 48 hourly watering period, as it balances out to mixing 8L every time with no waste and no excess to get rid of. Any run off is soaked back up by the plants instantly. I water the plants with half their feed and by the time I get back round to the first one, it's ready for it's other half. I think this saturates the medium more evenly when the second half is added, less of it runs straight through. This is cool for the organic feeds but I think after the earlier calmag toxicity they might have benefitted from a really good run off or 2 to flush out any excess Calcium salts. A bit late now though if salts have built up over time and crystalised around the roots.

Day 37
Temps 19-25 (23)
Roots 19-25 (23)
RH    47-66 (53)

I had to stake a couple of C47 colas as they were leaning over.

No feed

Day 38
Temps 18-25 (25)
Roots 18-25 (25)
RH    49-64 (49)  

They were fed 2ml/L Epsom salts, 2.5ml/L Bloom and 4.5ml/L Fish mix.
The volumes were the same as on the last feed.

Day 39
Temps 17-25 (22)
Roots 19-25 (23)
RH    47-63 (53)

Staked another couple of colas on the C47.

Pics of their progress
Day 39 group shot


Crystal Candy FV
Some colas are starting to lean over.


One from above


Some colas


Some more tops
Plenty frost on this girl now and I'm starting to see a red/purple tinge coming through on the bud leaves



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Sweet Pure CBD


One from above
You can see a lot of the pistils on the fasciated tops have browned off. I spotted some nanas in both fasciated tops on day 38, hiding in amongst the thick wall of pistils. At first I thought they were fresh nanas and was gonna cull the plant, but after checking previous pics from day 31 and 35 they were just visible back then so must have been from whatever caused the problem earlier on. As much as I hate to admit it, I missed them. Probably because they were buried in a thick wall of pistils, probably because I was concentrating more on the undercarriage and probably because I'm half blind lol Excuses aside, I'm hoping the excess browning pistils are from me disturbing them while removing the nanas, and not from viable pollen. On a good note there haven't been any more in the undercarriage or elsewhere on the plant so I've risked keeping the plant to keep the diary intact. Too late anyway if those nanas have been sat there for 8 days without me noticing :eek: Fingers crossed any pollen released was sterile.


One of the offending tops


Some normal tops
I'm still impressed with the amount of frost for a high CBD strain



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Green Poison CBD
Still impressed with this girl overall. She's taken some hammer and still stayed healthy and producing the goods. Smells wonderfully sweet.


One from above.
A few decent looking colas


Some tops
Down as a 7 weeker but will go at least 8 I think, maybe 9.  Plenty of time for these tops to get fatter.


I'll try and get some close ups to fill in before the next 4 daily update.

Happy growing and be lucky :v:

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Oh aye.....a nice haul comin your way for sure mucker....nice work.


I wouldn't worry about a few yellowing leaves mate....those buds are doin their thing nicely.


All the best for the last week's dude.

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Looking bang on @jadenugs I see what you mean about the SP pistols browning off already :woot:


And I'm the same with feeding, give them 1 litre each in rotation, so by the time I get back to the first plant, any run off has been soaked back up. Prefer feeding that way over sticking 2-3 litres in all at once, you're just asking for trouble :)

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Top job here, mate. Congratulations!

I am really enjoying our diary/pictures ;)


Sweet smokes! 


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@BeardedBeardiae @Salty @Serpent @Sweet Seeds -Jaypp

Thanks for the comments lads :)


Here's a few pics to fill in before the next update


Green Poison CBD

Out of the tent



Back in the tent under the lights and closer uplarge.3.jpg


Crystal Candy FV

Under the lamps



And a bit closer



Cream 47

Same again, under the lamps



And a close up.

Seems to be finishing up quite quickly this one. Trichs turning amber on the bud leaves at 42 days



That's all for now, be lucky :v:

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Update day 43 Bloom

Hello all you good people out there. The girls were 43 days into bloom on Tues 12th so here's an update for then. Feed levels were peaked near the end of week 6 and the yellowing was halted. Since then the feeds have been decreased, in line with the plants needing less as they slow down the main flowering phase. The fan leaves are still fading but steadilly and some of the bud leaves are yellowing now but that's fine as I want to reduce bloom feed for a better tasting weed. Old dying leaves have been removed gradually as they've curled up. I ended up having to stake the leaning colas on the CCFV.

So here's the stats:

Day 40
Temps 17-25 (25 when I checked)
Roots 19-25 (25)
RH    47-63 (48)

They were fed 2ml/L Epsom salts, 2.5ml/L Bloom and 4.5ml/L Fish mix.
The volumes were the usual 2L for the CCFV and C47, 1.9L for the SPCBD and 2.1L for the GPCBD

Day 41
Temps 17-25 (18)
Roots 19-25 (23)
RH    47-64 (58)

No feed

Day 42
Temps 16-25 (29)
Roots 19-25 (25)
RH    47-64 (49)

Feed was reduced to 1.5ml/L Bio bizz Bloom and 3.5ml/L Bio bizz Fish mix. Usual volumes.

Day 43
Temps 17-25 (24)
Roots 19-25 (24)
RH    45-64 (50)

As you can see from the stats, my RH is still a bit on the high side for this stage in bloom. If I had grown them with less and larger colas I would be worried about rot, but the wet/dry cycle is good, the environment is at least steady and airflow is good so I'm not too worried at the moment. As soon as I notice them slow down drinking I'll switch the circulating fan up a notch and leave it on 24/7. In fact I'm gonna do that tonight to stop the RH peaking at lights off and be on the safe side. Hopefully this should be enough without having to wire my Extractor fan to full speed and plug it into the variac to slow it a bit. I emailed Soler & Palau, who make the TD silent fans, about using a variac with their fan but I didn't get an answer. I've managed ok up until now anyway, just need to keep that air moving around.

Some pics of their progress
Group shot day 43


Crystal Candy FV




Bud shots



Couple of closer ones



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Cream 47
Full plant from 3 angles




Bud shots



A few closer ones. Lot's of amber trichs appearing on the bud leaves already, and some purple appearing on the tips of the calyx. Changing the circulating fan settings tonight might cool things a bit at lights out and bring some more colour out.



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Sweet Pure CBD
As mentioned earlier the fast yellowing was halted and the leaves are just fading steadilly now. No more hermies noticed.


The colas haven't joined very well on this plant. I think the fasciated tops have taken a lot of energy that could've been better used elsewhere.


She has her good points though. I keep saying it but she has more frost than I was expecting.


Couple of closer ones



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Green Poison CBD
The colour is steadilly fading from her leaves now I've lowered the feed and her tops are getting heavy


Some tops


I think she's one of those that will ripen up quickly overnight. Looking at the pistils she looks like she's got a while to go,  but there aren't a lot of clear trichs left.  I reckon they should all be well cooked by 8 weeks, we'll see.


That's all for now.
Thanks for looking, happy gardening and be lucky :v:

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