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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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Beautiful plants and great pictures.  Your macros are amazing! I'm still surprised at the amount of resin those cbd buds produce.  Keep it up... :guitar:

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Sounds its been a bit of a roller coaster grow @jadenugs on one hand the buds are looking awesome and frosting up nicely, but like you say, it looks like there's a bit of a N deficiency. Maybe it is lock out as my Sweet Special #1 was similar, paling leaves, but was also showing toxicity, it was a head scratcher, so I just carried on as normal and she seems to be OK once I got my temps more stable, not saying that's your issue though.


Fingers crossed that's also the last of the bollocks and from now until harvest, it goes seamless for ya :yep:

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@jadenugsI just managed to catch up with your epic diary Nugs, awesome updates and photos as usual. Damn those nanas though, just lately there seems to be lots of hermies about all over the place. Your flowers look good though so hopefully you can get to the end with no probs, good luck dude.

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@AustrianTokker Thankyou mate, yeah the Sweet Pure CBD has surprised me with the resin content and she smells quite nice too


@Serpent Yeah it's been helluva roller coaster dude. I think if you have problems early doors it's a mission to get the balance right again in compost. N deficiency in older leaves and dark green bud leaves and burnt tips at the same time tell me the bloom feed is too high and locking the N out.  Adding more grow feed just doesn't seem to repair it. I just can't help myself sometimes with raising bloom too early and feeling the need to get as much as I can in from weeks 3 to 6. School boy mistake I know but I keep doing it lol 

I have another update to do where I've left the bloom at 3ml, replaced the grow with fish mix (less P in it than the grow I was using) and raised the fish mix to 3ml. It slowed the yellowing but hasn't stopped it so the mission from now is to lower the bloom and raise the fish mix and see if that improves things, which I think it will. If it doesn't I'm in shit street lol No more nanas up to press  :yep:


@Smokebelch Cheers dude.

On 3/4/2019 at 8:35 AM, Smokebelch said:

Damn those nanas though, just lately there seems to be lots of hermies about all over the place.

I think this time of year and the crazy weather we're having with big temp fluctuations are probably to blame for most. I'll hold my hand up though and blame myself for being a bit hasty removing yellowing leaves. They seem ok now though and if I get the feed right from now, things should be good, fingers crossed.


Thanks for the comments lads, appreciated :yep:

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lol I think we all still make school boy mistakes @jadenugs, well I know I do :george:


But your right, if you have issues early on in soil, you can be constantly chasing your tail, in the end as harvest approaches, you just think fuck it, its getting what its getting and lets see what happens :)

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Just now, Serpent said:

you just think fuck it, its getting what its getting and lets see what happens

Haha you know the score. My head is just about at that frazzled state now but I'll try and persevere a bit longer before the fuck it lol

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@jadenugs Just, erm, Brilliant work mate :toot:


Your really doing your gals proud there for sure, Great pic's and cracking looking specimens you have.

All testament to a greenfingered meastro :guitar:


all the best



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Update day 35 Bloom

Hi peeps, update time for day 35 which was Mon 4th March.
Grow feed was replaced with Fish mix and raised steadily to try and stop the yellowing but it was still creeping through the plants.
The environment has been steady but the RH is a bit on the high side. If it gets any higher I'll lower the lamps a bit. They are still 24" above the plants and I'd like to leave them at that if I can, for now. My extractor is 2 speed but I don't want to set it on full power to lower humidity because my temps will probably be all over the place and the heater will be on constantly. I do have a home built Variac speed controller I could plug it into and slow the high speed down but I'm not sure if it is healthy to do this to a fan that already has in built speed settings. Anyone know?

It's a bonus having multiple smaller tops so I'll leave the fan as it is for now, although they are fattening up a bit and it's still early days.

Day 32
Temps 19-27 (25 when I opened the tent)
Roots 19-26 (24)
RH    46-59 (48)

They were fed 0.5ml/L Epsom salts, 3ml/L Bloom and 2ml/L Fish mix.
Volumes were 2L for the CCFV and C47, 1.8L SPCBD and 2.2L GPCBD.

Day 33
Temps 19-24 (22)
Roots 19-24 (24)
RH    54-65 (58)

Made some slight adjustments to the SPCBD to keep the colas upright and spaced.

No feed

Day 34
Temps 18-24 (22)
Roots 18-25 (25)
RH    49-62 (54)

They were fed 2ml/L Epsom salts, 3ml/L Bloom and 3ml/L Fish mix.
Volumes were 2L for the CCFV and C47, 1.8L SPCBD and 2.2L GPCBD.

Day 35
Temps 18-24 (24)
Roots 19-25 (25)
RH    50-64 (53)

No feed.

Pics of their progress.
Group shot day 35 bloom


Crystal Candy FV


Got a nice covering of crystals now and still smelling of bubblegum


Cream 47


Some tops



The others to follow


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Sweet Pure CBD


Some tops


Green Poison CBD


Some tops
I think it smells like melons. Not sure but it's sweet, sickly sweet.


That's all for now peeps, thanks for looking and be lucky :v:


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@Smokebelch Thanks dude :)

I was hoping to grow them more to their full potential but as we all know, things don't always go to plan.

The smell when I open the tent is wonderful so I'm looking forward to tasting these delights


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@jadenugs seems all is running well for you except the crystal candy f1, it's a really strange plant for sure as im having  the same problems with mine. I have clones here so running them to see if I can get to the bottom of the problem. From reading around the net it seems if you want this strain stick to the standard crystal candy. 

I hope the rest of your plants do well for harvest time.


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Blooming lovely @jadenugs and frosting up nicely :)


Not sure about your fan, I reckon if you run it at full speed, but slow it via the Variac, it should be alright, but don't take my word for it as I'm no electrician :ninja:

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@tokenroll Nice to know you're not giving up on her and you're running clones. It will be interesting to see how you can improve on the second run and find out what she likes ;)

I think my problem is my water being hard and having a Ca/Mg ratio of 4:1 and I just thought the CCFV was more sensitive to it than the others.


When I read up about using RO the general consensus is that the RO water should be made up to EC 0.4 containing Ca/Mg at 2:1. Also I read that calmag additives are mixed at 2:1.

My water is already at EC 0.4-0.5 but at the wrong ratio I think (if my water report is accurate) . So I've been trying to balance things a bit by adding Epsom salts. I won't know for sure if this is doing a lot of good because the damage is already done and I'm chasing my tail. I would have to do another grow with minimum feed in the first few weeks, adding ES early on and seeing if I get the usual yellowing leaves. Of course, my environment would have to be bang on to test properly. I'll see how it goes on my next grow. Thanks for the heads up dude :)


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