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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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Looking awesome @jadenugs and buds are frosting up nicely :yep:


Cracking shot of the lacewing as well, a shame she's now fallen off this mortal coil so lets hope you don't get any pests :yinyang:


Keep up the good work bud as it looks like you'll be in for a cracking harvest :)

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@Serpent @Salty :cheers: lads. Got a bit of a yellowing problem but I think I've halted it, well I'm hoping so lol

On 2/25/2019 at 0:24 PM, Serpent said:

so lets hope you don't get any pests


Funny you should say that dude, I saw a few fungus twats flying about the attic so I checked an old bag of New Horizons organic compost I had in the corner. There were loads crawling about around the bag and when I opened it, it was heaving with the little fuckers inside. Got it straight out of the house, blocked my intake and sprayed that corner of the attic with fly spray. Let it settle then unblocked the intake again. I'll have to keep an eye out in my tent. I always get the odd one or two flying around in there but the conditions aint right for them to multiply, so fingers crossed ;)

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Update day 27 Bloom

Hi peeps, an update for day 27 which was Sun 24th. They'd started looking hungry on the last update so I started upping the bloom. I always keep bloom feed to a minimum but this time it's caught me out. Either these girls are greedy or something's locking out. Any way here's the stats:

Day 24
Temps 20-27 (sitting at 26 )
Roots 19-26 (19)
RH    44-60 (52)

They were each fed 2L containing 3ml/L Bio Bizz Bloom, 1ml/L PM OT Grow and 1ml/L Bio Bizz Fish mix.

I supported some of the SPCBD colas with canes as they were starting to lean a bit

Day 25
Temps 20-28 (26)
Roots 19-26 (19)
RH    44-63 (54)

No feed. I turned the rad thermostat down to about 2/3ds for the warmer weather

Day 26
Temps 20-27 (26)
Roots 19-24 (19)
RH    47-62 (49)

I fed them 3ml/L Bloom and 1ml/L Grow. CCFV and C47 had 2 litres, SPCBD had 1.9 litres and the GPCBD had 2.1 litres.

Day 27
Temps 20-27 (23)
Roots 20-24 (21)
RH    49-64 (59)

No feed

Pics of their progress
Group shot day 27


Crystal Candy FV


Few cola shots


Couple of bud shots


Cream 47
Still looking happy despite the yellowing


Bit closer


Some bud shots



Others to follow


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Sweet Pure CBD
This one started to yellow quite quickly


You can see I staked this one, some of the outside main colas are a bit floppy


Fasciated bud


And a top. Pistils are starting to wither already



Green Poison CBD
Still looking good and happy


Couple of colas


And a top to finish off with


Thanks for looking and be lucky :v:




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Cheers dude, I always cook them over the time specified so  we're about halfway  for 2 and just under for the other 2.

CCFV 6/7 weeks

GPCBD 7 weeks

C47     8 weeks

SPCBD 9 weeks



Cheers mate, no sign of any twats in the tent, only me lol

Checked last night and found a few nanas in the lower air buds under the canopy on all plants except the CCFV. The only thing I can think of is me taking too many yellow leaves off at a time, or feeds being a bit erratic while trying to solve deficiencies/toxicities etc. Everything else is fine, root temps are creeping up again but I've never had a problem before when root temps have been at 26/27.

Fingers crossed any pollen released will be unviable. I removed all that I could find (4 hour job, I'm half blind lol ) and I'll just have to keep an eye on them and hope that whatever caused it has settled down and no more develop.


Thanks for looking in lads :yep:


Here's some bud shots at day day 29

Crystal Candy FV



A crop of the above



Cream 47



A couple from day 26



Sweet Pure CBD

Back onto day 29



Green Poison CBD



Crop of the above



Another top



And a crop of the above top



Be lucky :v:


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Awesome photos and plants @jadenugs gutted to read you've found some nanas though, but fingers crossed you've nipped them in the bud, yes pun intended :george:

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made it to the home straight ...nice buddage all round there ..

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Update day 31 Bloom

Hi dudes and welcome to my Sweecret laboratory for another update. The girls were 31 days into bloom on Thurs 28th Feb. The yellowing got worse and I ended up finding a few nanas on all but the CCFV. I think this was caused by me removing a few too many yellow leaves at once :wassnnme: I'd thought that by removing the grow feed and upping the bloom to 4ml/L (Biobizz bloom 2-7-4)  there would be enough N in the bloom to halt the yellowing as they would need less N as they went into full bloom. This wasn't the case and they carried on yellowing. Maybe too much bloom contributed to lock out or they are just greedy, I dunno. I still think there's an imbalance in the pots from the earlier problems with calmag. I nearly gave them a reset flush this week until I spotted the hermies, then thought against stressing them any further.
Anyway the flowers are coming along, frosting up and hopefully I can nurture them to harvest with no further problems.

Day 28
Temps 19-27 (27 when I opened the tent)
Roots 19-26 (22)
RH    47-64 (48)

They were fed 4ml/L Bloom. The CCFV and C47 had 2L,  the SPCBD had 1.9L and the GPCBD 2.1L

Day 29
Temps 19-25 (25)
Roots 20-24 (20)
RH    52-60 (52)

No feed

Day 30
Temps 20-27 (27)
Roots 19-26 (22)
RH    48-61 (49)

They were fed 3ml/L Bloom, 1ml/L Grow and 0.5ml /l Epsom salts. The CCFV and C47 had 2L, the SPCBD had 1.8L and the GPCBD 2.1L.
It was while feeding I noticed the nanas on the SPCBD and then spent an hour on each plant checking them over and removing any offenders.

Day 31
Temps 19-27 (23)
Roots 19-26 (23)
RH    48-64 (54)

No feed

Pics of their progress
Group shot day 31


Crystal Candy FV
I took them out of the tent for individual pics for this update and used the flash.


A few tops


Cream 47
The yellow leaves are now being left until they drop of their own accord, or with the slightest of tugs. Not risking any more nanas if I can help it. She did eventually pull the frame apart where it's glued on two of the corners so I reinforced them with some twine.


A few tops
This girl absolutely reeks. A bit cat pissy but very sweet too. It's a weird smell but I like it. Gonna stink when I trim her.



The others to follow


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Sweet Pure CBD
The copper wire you can see is just to keep those two colas apart. The canes were springing towards each other and I didn't want to poke more holes in the roots by taking them out and re-adjusting. I started using copper wire on my last grow because it's strong but easy to manipulate.


Some tops


Fasciated top.
Very leafy but loads of pistils so there must be a lot of calyx buried in there. I'm still quite impressed with the amount of trichs on this plant for a high CBD strain. I wonder how much oil I'll get from her.


Green Poison CBD
Nice plant this one but I still reckon I should have thinned the middle colas out during the stretch to allow more light down the middle. I daren't remove any more leaves, might do near the end though.


Nice tight looking colas and smelling sweet as!


Another update bites the dust
Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :v:

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