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My Sweecret laboratory. 5th Sweet Seeds competition grow diary 2018/19


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Loving how you've managed to even the canopy out @jadenugs they're certainly getting ready for flowering and probably wise adding a touch of CalMag as you've got a bit of spotting on some of the older leaves, so hopefully that'll get it under control.


Good luck with the flip bud :yep:

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Thanks lads :)

The CCFV hasn't properly recovered from her earlier ordeal yet and I don't think I should really be giving calmag as my water is hard already :eek: The calmag is just to buy me some time until I can sort it out so I'll have to watch them closely. I've used it sparingly in the past with no probs so hopefully I won't run into more probs. The SPcbd is also getting worse on the older leaves. I think it might be down to root temps being a bit high or me leaving them longer between watering, both can cause a Ca lockout AFAIAA. Anyway I've fired the other lamp up tonight and changed the timers so I'll have it all to dial in again for the root temps. I turned the leccy blanket down tonight then changed my mind and turned it back to where it was  lol I'll wait until tomorrow and see how the root temps were after a full 12 hours without the heat of the lamp and take it from there.

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Ahh didn't realise you're in a hard water area, you might have mentioned it but with that many diaries on the go, its easy to forget :unsure:


Hopefully you get your temps sorted (it can be a battle can't it!) as yes, roots too warm or too cold can cause a whole heap of issues and it looks like we're starting another cold snap, frost on the ground around here this morning :yinyang:

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Kind words dude, thanks.



Haha I know what you mean dude, I can't even keep up with my own diary and what's in it, never mind all the others lol

Yeah I'm hoping I can sort these root temps sooner rather than later and be able to lower or remove the calmag altogether. I was hoping to be more dialled in before flowering so I could keep the stretch down but there's always something happens isn't there mate. All part of the fun though :)


All the best lads

Nugs :yinyang:

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Day 56 update

Welcome to my Sweecret laboratory for another update. The time had come to switch the timers on Monday 28th, day 56, so I am now looking forward to some flowers :yahoo: Ideally they could have done with a few more days veg for the side shoots on the C47 to catch up a bit and the pots to root out some more, but I need to stick to the schedule just in case they go longer in flower than I was expecting and I'm happy with 3 weeks in these pots. The roots looked good on pot up so hopefully there should be a decent root mass.


Here's what's been happening for the past few days.
As mentioned in the last update, my rad started messing up so was replaced with an old 500w one. I've since bought a new one which is 1500w with 3 settings and I set it up in the rad box on the lowest setting which is 600W.
I opted for one with a dial controlled thermostat instead of digital and this is turned up to full.

Day 54
Temps 19-24 (sitting at 22 when I checked soon after lights on)
Roots 26-26 (26)
RH    51-61 (57)


The small rad was doing ok but the weather was still quite mild at the time.


No feed

Day 55
Temps 15-24 (22)
Roots 24-27 (25)
RH    45-64 (48)


The room temps had dropped by quite a bit at lights off so the new rad was put in place after these readings. I don't know what had happened with the root temps high of 27 in spite of the room temps dropping :unsure:


They were fed 1.8L containing 1ml/L Seaweed, 0.5ml/L Bio silicon, 1ml/L Magne-Cal+ and 0.5ml/L Fish mix. The Sweet Pure CBD had 1.5L.

Day 56
Temps 18-23 (21)
Roots 25-25 (25)
RH    45-53 (48)


Room temps had picked up respectably with the new rad and the root temps were very stable over 24 hours but still a bit high.

I turned the leccy blanket down to 19, then back up to 20 when I heard we were gonna get another cold spell.


No feed.

Pics of their progress
Group shot at day 56 veg.



The other lamp with the 930 bulb was swung back into place and the timers set to come on at 7pm and go off at 7am. The 942 bulb is at the back of the tent above the CCFV and C47 and the height from the highest points of the plants at the onset of flowering was 28". The 930 is level with the 942 and 30" above the other two plants at the front. I gave the 930 bulb a wipe with some kitchen roll and all connections were double checked before switching on.

Plant heights from the floor at the onset of bloom:


Crystal Candy FV - 20"
Cream 47 - 20"
Sweet Pure CBD - 18"
Green Poison CBD - 18"


Crystal Candy FV
The four corner mains were loosened on their ties to allow them up more level with the middles and I removed most of the old leaves that were getting scabby. I'll be able to see better if the deficiency carries on getting worse. She'll be getting thinned out soon anyway but not before I sort this issue out.


A couple of closer shots




Cream 47
The low patch in the middle is where one of the supercropped upper branches was shading it. Anyway that was the dodgy branch that wasn't healing properly so I removed it to allow more light to the middle of the plant. I'm still turning the plant daily.


And a close up. Still a bit of twisting on the tips of the new leaves but it seems to have improved a bit since I started adding calmag. If I can get the average root temps lower without the lows getting too low I think things will improve and I can lower the calmag or remove it altogether. In the meantime I'll watch out for the leaves getting too dark.


Sweet Pure CBD
Much the same as the CC, older leaves getting spotty and blotchy. I loosened some of her mains to allow them back up a bit and more level with the mid canopy.


A couple of close ups




Green Poison CBD
Doing well up til now, only a few really old leaves have suffered.


A close uplarge.5c50f856b74d1_11ER.jpg


Well that wraps up this update. I need to get some fishmix into them now for the stretch as the compost nutes will be running out soon.


Happy gardening and be lucky :v:







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Day 4 bloom

Hi dudes, hope all is well and your gardens are green. I'm slacking a bit as I've been unwell and was gonna miss this update out as it's nearly time for the next one, but I took the pics and edited/resized them ready so I might as well fit it in before the next one.
My Sweet girls were on day 4 of the bloom phase on 1/2/19 and starting to kick into gear with a little bit of stretch and a few pistils appearing. The CCFV is still looking a bit tatty but in spite of the problems I've had she's still growing well.


Day 1 Bloom
Temps 17-25 (sitting at 25)
Roots 18-24 (23)
RH    39-52 (43)

I'd turned the electric blanket down to 18.5C on the Inkbird thermostat and the root temps had dropped down to a nice level.

They were fed 1.8L containing 1ml/L Seaweed, 1ml/L Magne-Cal+, 0.5ml/L Bio silicon and 1.5ml/L Fish mix. The Sweet Pure CBD had 1.5L.

Day 2 Bloom
Temps 16-26 (25)
Roots 19-25 (23)
RH    40-54 (43)

No feed

Day 3 Bloom
Temps 15-25 (24)
Roots 21-25 (22)
RH    41-51 (43)

They were fed 1.8L containing 1ml/L Magne-Cal+, 1ml/L PM OT grow and 1ml/L Fish mix. The SPCBD had 1.6L.
I'm still not sure what's locking the Ca out so I've had a reset with the nutes. I cut out the Bio silicon as I know it raises ph and my water is coming out of the tap at 7.8!! I know there's no need to ph adjust in compost but maybe it was old compost before I got it and it's lost it's buffering capabilities?  I'm just trying the feed without silicon and see if owt improves.

Day 4 Bloom
Temps 16-24 (24)
Roots 19-23 (23)
RH    42-53 (43)

No feed.

You can see from the stats that the canopy temps have taken a plunge while I've been trying to get the root temps down a bit. The root temps are fine now though so that's what counts and hopefully I'll get around this Ca deficiency/lockout. I think the CCFV is gonna be a fussy girl until the end so I'll just have to do my best and hope she produces some nice flowers.

Pics of their progress
Group shot at day 4 Bloom.

I'll post some stretch figures on the next update to keep track of things.


Crystal Candy FV


Side view


Close up


Cream 47
Nice plant with sturdy branching. I've done a bit more supercropping just to prevent shading of lower bud sites.


Side view


Close up


Sweet Pure CBD
I've removed a few dodgy leaves from this one but she aint looking too bad overall.


Side view

She looks happy and perky


Close up


Green Poison CBD
Nice solid even canopy. Still getting the light coloured crinkly fresh growth that seems to grow out as the leaves get bigger.


Side view


Close up


That concludes another update in the Sweecret laboratory.
Thanks for looking, happy growing and be lucky :v:



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Hope you're back to fighting fit @jadenugs and gotta say, even with the deficiency issues, your girls are looking good :yep:


You might be on to something with the Bio-Silicon, now I know from experience synthetic silicon can raise pH by as much as 2, but for all the years I've used Bio-Silicon, I've never checked the pH as I was of the understanding you don't need to, so might be worth a go with your tap water being 7.8, good luck bud :smokin:

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@jadenugsAwesome updates dude, I love the level of detail that you go into. It’s all looking sweet as you go into 12/12 so let the flower show commence. Keep up the good work and top quality updates Nugs.

Edited by Smokebelch
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