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Best Haze in seed form for that incensy/frankincense smell/taste


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 Just an fyi. None of my seeds are for sale. On site or off site unless you know me in which case they are free. I've got no dog in the game and bigger fish to be frying than selling my seeds.


Also an fyi. I didn't realise you are planning to release crosses using the 98. As I said. I haven't been on much recently so apologies for not keeping up with what your doing and even if I did  it wouldnt stop me passing honest comment just because you have it. What a silly thing to expect. 


Your name and existence never popped into my head. It didn't even occur to me for one second that it may be seen as an attack on you because it straight up wasnt and tbh left me a bit confused.



Also an fyi. It's not my cut. Just the one I've chosen to keep because it's the best around imo.





Or should we just go round pretending these magic cuts with fantastic stories are amazing because someone might have made some seeds using it. 

Fuck that 

 Whata  load of bollocks. 

Id rather be honest and transparent.



Was just trying to share my opinion on a cut. One that's pertinent to the thread and one(myself included ) have spent time chasing and growing only to be disappointed with. 

I'm sorry you've seen that as an attack on yourself or your work. It wasn't even remotely close to being that gs genuinely. It also wasn't meant to cause a stir which I can see now it has as people have become defensive



Sorry if I've pissed on your chips lad. 100% honestly it wasn't written with any intentions of doing.



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What used to be a quaint cottage industry with folks passing cuts around for free just for the sake of preserving decent genetics has ultimately descended into a greed fuelled, egotistical wank-fest.  It never ceases to amaze me how quickly some folks are to bin their ethics and morality when there's money involved.


People throwing shit about like monkeys in a cage, all in the pursuit of material wealth and a following on social media. 



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You're all wrong anyway. SAGE is the best haze clone.... :skin_up:

Apologies for derailing this thread with my initial reply to bpb. 


Goes to show how good SSH is when there are a number of outstanding clones around. 


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My inexperienced brain just hears "sativa" when the word "haze" pops up; would someone mind explaining what makes haze "haze"? Please and thanks :) 

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Just now, Gaijin said:

what makes haze "haze"? 


The same thing that makes Kush a Kush, an OG an OG, or Skunk a Skunk. lol  

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Just now, Saddam said:


The same thing that makes Kush a Kush, an OG an OG, or Skunk a Skunk. lol  



Well that's that cleared up nicely :yep:lol 




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Just now, Brysee said:

@Gaijin I think it started when someone messed up a dry and and ended up with hay

Got rid of the y added the ze now it become famous



lol I'm so glad I asked the question lol 

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The Haze family line dates back to the 1960s and 70s in Santa Cruz, California. As legend has it, these strains were the brainchild of the “Haze brothers”. And according to renowned breeder and Skunk #1 creator “Sam the Skunkman”, the brothers simply went by the names “R. Haze” and “J. - zamnesia

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Saved a few pennies up from my paper round so can people please make some SSH crosses, stop arguing and send some in :yinyang:

Late 90's early Naughty s Dam was an amazing place to score some amazing SSH as that was always my favourite to smoke. Sexy Dutch girl's and a big spliff with Super Sliver Haze mixed with tobacco made for some amazing nights. I would love to try @blackpoolbouncer's Amsterdam Nights if you got a pack spare in the fridge to send in :chef: and @GSZZ's SSH crosses and Lot#5 crosses :v: Celia bx1 was so good it's lead to Enlightenment :D



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10 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:



10 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:



It makes me laugh that one person speaks in such absolutes for everyone and then goes on a diatribe about egos...


If one person saying "different people can like different things and that's ok." Makes you turn around and say shit like:


10 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

Wtf has this place become.




10 hours ago, blackpoolbouncer said:

I remember why I don't come here much anymore now 



I'm not sure what to say to you.


E2A: Passing comment on a plant is one thing, but dismissing anyone with a difference of opinion to you as "they don't know any better" is quite another. I don't think anyone has taken exception to your opinion on SSH certainly not me. You might be 100% correct in all your assumptions and perhaps "the group cut" is the doggys danglies and absolutely everyone might agree with you. But I doubt it, people are too diverse and there no accounting for personal taste, just my opinion, perhaps it's you that doesn't know any better and the 98 SSH you and your crew grew out was a load of BS that you fell for, you can't speak for everyone else's cuts can you?

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OP hasn't been on in six months so I really dont think any answer to this topic will matter too much now.


WTF are people doing slinging thier handbags around on a 5 year old topic about some haze cuts :unsure:


Only came in to have a look cos I aint had an haze in ages.  Dont really fancy it now...

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