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lemons and berries

vince noir rock n roll star

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well not much to report other than the stretch has stopped and the preflowers are a comin on ...happy days .the idea of twisting them over has supercropped the stem it seems so should be better yeilders than the last lemon kushes ..

we shall see ..


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  • 4 weeks later...

sorry for not updating ,had a lot of personal issues and hospital stuff to deal with ..but were back on track ..so our curly wurly plants are well into flowering now ..and what ive noticed is the lemon kush is frosty from week 2 ..and the indigo berry just looks like its not doing anything ...in other words its having a word with itself and prepping for explosive budding ..he says hopefully ..


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the resin on the lemon kushs is heavenly the berry isnt as pronounced but there is fruit there ..


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What a crazy girls you have there, they look like a Cobra snake :punk:

Congratulations on your prize in the photo contest, Vince, you deserve it!

Keep it sweet!



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many thanks  @SweetSeeds-jaypp


yep thats some curly wurly stems but it did the job and controlled that height early on for me .

Edited by vince noir rock n roll star
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ok i want to give people a heads up ..


the weather is on the turn and colder nights are afoot ..ive discovered to my dismay this ,i forgot to plug the tube heater in last night and when lights on came about that lovely bud pictured above was half mouldy ..so i cut out the mould and made the executive decision to chop both lemon kushes ..they are sooo wet resiny feeling ..my hands reeeked of lemon cleaner ..the house stinks of weed n lemons ..

i then checked the indigo berry and decided to cut out half the buds as its growing in a single stem way for me it was getting close to becoming a mould trap ..now it can breath a bit more ..and again my fingers were wet with resin not just sticky ..im talking like cbd plants proper greasy real wet resin ..stinks to high heaven of cream caramel tones not really berry at all yet .


im going to try and reveg one of the lemon kushes to see if they are up for another run ..ive  scrapped the mouldier of the two .


watch those temps folks if your budding .

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  • 2 weeks later...

the reveg has worked ..it took its time ..and the one i put on the floor to dispose of,the one i cut all the green off of ..fucker aint died yet ...it still has a new leaf growing out the stem ..ill take a pc of it soon enough ...but its still going in the compost pile no matter what ..ive got way too many lemony tings on the go ..plus i now have a revegged sfv to go with the two in the tent ..


also the pheno ive been smoking over xmas does not have the same taste as the first one i did ...the first one i said was fizzy on the tongue ..this is more like lemon with a hint of fuel and something else i cant think of ..also not as strong as the fizzy one ..but its ok ..6/10 for this the fizzy id give 9/10

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

@plazid im not sure i did a smoke report ..in fact i think i used it all in medibles ..so ever so sorry for no report but ...it wont be too long as i revegged the indigo berry so ill defo do a smoke report for ya next time ..


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