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Dinafem OG Kush


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Unfortunately, last night I noticed some beans forming on one of the lower buds.

On further inspection I found a few opened nana bunches tucked away under the some budleaves, sneaky little fuckers!

So I've got rid of them and sprayed the underside of the canopy with water to wet any loose pollen. I won't give up on her yet though and just keep a close eye out for any new nanas. If she starts forming any more then its end of diary :execute:

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What!!!! Ah man I'm truly gutted for you, they're looking in real good nick too.


Fingers crossed no more appear!

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@beezee @Openairbud


Thanks lads, you know the feeling when something like this happens. Was quite pissed off so I got battered on some few month cured Dinachem :D Top tackle that :yep:

Just bad luck I think, there's always some risk with feminised beans. After 2 of my PO CBDs hermied on the last grow I realised they were the ones closest to my oil rad and electric blanket switch. I have had the orange switch light on the oil rad taped over for years with no probs but I put a few more layers on just to be sure. I also had the switch box on the blanket taped up and along the wires each side for a good few inch. I put extra tape on this too and tucked it down between the tent drip tray and the tent wall before this grow. The tent is cheapo and has leaks in the stitching but it is pitch black up there and I never go up before lights on. My veg cab is 100% light proof.

Last night I turned the lights off and zipped myself up in the tent to check if there was any light from the back of the switch in the oil rad leaking through the vents for the electrics. Nothing! I never checked the blanket switch last as it is off at lights on and I'm quite confident there is no light leaking from it but tonight I'll switch the timer to on and do another check just to be sure. Apart from that, the plants have had no stress and are looking really happy. The only thing I can think of that might have stressed them is lollipopping at 21 days into flower instead of in the first couple of weeks but the OG Kush was pruned first in the first couple of weeks 12/12 and there's no probs with the other plants. On a good note she looks happy so might not throw any more out :)

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Well it doesn't sound like you could do any more to prevent it happening again. Fingers crossed mate!

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Shit man just finished work and read this, hope its not too bad mate fingers crossed for you! :yep:

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As you said this can occur with feminized genetics and with the addition of the pure cbd line this can be even more of an issue due to high cbd strains being very light sensitive. 


Can I ask how many weeks into bloom are you mate? You've done everything correct all I can do is say sorry about this hermi issue and it will get reported to the boss :)


All the best 



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On 01/05/2017 at 11:27 AM, beezee said:

Well it doesn't sound like you could do any more to prevent it happening again. Fingers crossed mate!



Correct mate all has been done that can :yep: let's just hope for the best :)


All the best 



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I've just had a good read through and checked some dates so you are close to the 5 week mark of the flower stage? Just trying to get as much info to let the boss know about this issue :yep:


All the best 



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Doesn't seem too bad mate. No more new culprits yet :)  I'm just hoping I don't find a load of seeds in my other plants too.


 Thanks for your concern mate. All the measures I took were before this grow. All I've done here is double check and everything is fine :) Probably just a very sensitive plant. I'll just add for your info that the beans are splitting the calyx but still very green so are probably about 3 weeks old and yes, 35 days flower yesterday. No signs of new hermies yet which I'm really glad about because this plant smells amazing and I want to see her to harvest if I can :)

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Update at day 35

Hi folks, my OG Kush was 35 days into flower yesterday. Things are going well health wise and flowerwise apart from the hermie issue mentioned in the above comments. Let's hope that is the last of that one :)


SInce the last update she has had two feeds, one of 1.5L with 0.5ml/L HE and 2.5ml/L PM bloom. The last feed was the same but the bloom has been upped to 3ml.


Temps are still great, between 70 and 80F. Root Temps between 72 and 79F.

RH between 33 and 56.


She's frosting up nicely now and the smell is just amazing, very tropical :) I'm not sure what but it smells like a mixture of mango and water melon when I move the pot and her branches brush together. I think this baby is gonna be very tasty :)


I took some pics last night so here she is at 35 days from 3 angles


 And a couple of budshots. Enjoy.



That's it for this week's update.

Happy growing and keep it green.

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