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Sub seeds for the win.


What a plant that is for only planting 2 seeds and getting a Male and a female


Cant wait to see the cross  grown out .


Nice one 420, some of the nicest  stuff on the boards is coming from subs, keep it up 420..



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@HazyDaze it's a beauty for sure, you know you've nailed it when you're looking at the buds and they're almost to beautiful to destroy in the grinder.lol

Edited by bushdoc
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I must say I'm very very  proud of her :wub:

Such a hardy girl, cold, mites, no probs..

And you didn't even have to sub for them lol


Lucky I did that comp and you  won lol

And you still have a few seeds left to look at yet :)


 Nice one brother doc





Edited by HazyDaze
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I know man I was buzzing when I won as you know I really love those genetics in my weed, it's what weed should taste like to me. Felt bad for @mikeydoughnut as think he was just one seed out. 

At least there should be some more heading to the subbies soon.

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@bushdoc  try and get some of those HoneyBee#1 bonus freebies popped bud, I know how much you liked the HoneyBadgers, HoneyBee#1 being a badger bx is right up your street bud.



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Will try hazy, might be building a better grow room next few months give me a chance to get through more seeds. Too many seeds, nowhere near enough time!

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@twigs How long does the Quackers take to flower I like the description of the buzz you gave sounds interesting thanks 

Edited by Owderb
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:stoned:! @bfehillbilly hi dude! i’ve always looked at finishing signs off any plant I grow from the 7th week in flower onward, just incase you get that special one, and mostly take down on the last day of week 8 or 9 (or in between lol ) and it’s always cool..


i find the times thing a very personal one that changes all the time like when jars are full or empty or you want another crop in or you want it down before it gets worse lol etcetera etcetra.. :stoned:  


it’s still a bendy high lol (for me) 


all the best dude!


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Thanks @twigs I am going to get a pack and give them a go just wanted to make sure with the Hawaiian in it that it didn't take an extremely long time to mature 

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54 minutes ago, bfehillbilly said:

Thanks @twigs


no worrries dude :stoned:  thinking about it, i’m sure the duck i’m just smoking, finished faster than the Kona in the same room..


ive just chucked some more of the same Duck (Quackers) seeds in some compost and they came up real quick  :) 


take it easy

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