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Subbies pic thread


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29 minutes ago, HazyDaze said:

And I've only gone and put all the uk hype strains into one little seed in I...



with all this posting in the subbies i guess you have some to send it to support the site?, i notice you haven't sent any in for ages ;)


that was a ton of pollen you had the other day, you are always posting in here but not sending in seeds, seems a bit weird.

Edited by ratdog
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So im being called out for not sending in seeds fast enough now?

If you tried harder Instead of being a stupid cunt as usual you'd know I lm testing some seeds for subs right now.


I've always been active in the subbies since it's inception pretty much,  encouraging and trying to  inspire others to make seed, and i have done just that with my postings, i think, so what's the problem? 

plus psychobadger and her progeny is knocking about with folk  here and has been in as subs!

What is your problem man, I try to jus post pics and keep myself to myslef and I still get called out for stupid shit by stupid cunts!.


People are odd af.



Edited by HazyDaze
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Stick of the dank looking sweet love that name.


t=Takes me right back too that show as a kid.

Fior some reason i even had the book.



Dont let folks like him get too ya.

Not worth it he is only doing what he always does best .


Them buds looking fine and frsoty .



Just as ya said.

Edited by hashi
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in all fairness I usually leave seeds weathering off for an age in the fridge can't really understand that comment @ratdog unless I'm missing something here.

I do remember sending my chelatos in originally and got pulled up and in my eyes made to luck a cunt, all because I hadn't done a grow journal for everyone here to see

funny fuckin place, here sometimes, dammed if you do and dammed if you dont

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I just spent ages trying to get my potato to take a half decent picture but alas I failed fuckin miserably.

That said here's some killerskunk × roaddawg by @HazyDaze , not my best run tbf bit it's a cracking smoke regardless.


Tbh I think the Mrs has gotten a little heavy handed with the snips since I last made bubble, think I'm gonna have to have a word :unsure:



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Not that I need to explain myslef, but...

Just looked back and last time I sent seeds in to joolz for a subbie(s) was the end of January!!


Sorry I've taken so long to send the latest crosses guys, (haven't been ready that long tbh) some ppl just like to call me out for silly shit from time to time for whatever reasons!

 As some already realise I'm running a few of the latest crosses for a look before sending them in, as my good friend 4k says, damned if you do, damned if you don't.



They're ready when their ready.









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I actually thought you knocked more seed out here on uk420 than in house genetics does on instagram lol

only difference is inhouse genetics are making serious dogh and you just do it for the love of the plant and sharing the love with your fellow comrades.

as jimmy Hill once said

" it's a funny old game "

hazy lad that my attempt at a bit of dry wit lol

4k off to kip now that'll be enough for one day.

adios amigo

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12 hours ago, HazyDaze said:

If you tried harder Instead of being a stupid cunt



so you go on the attack as usual because you are full of shit, you have been promising seeds for ages and not sending any in. you must think some of us here are stupid mate.


anyone would think you just want free advertising  :wassnnme:



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Advertising? lol


 We've been through this before havent we shitcunt!

I have  nothing to advertise ya drippy cunt.. i make a few seeds on each run, what the actual fuk am I advertising exactly? 

Its a weed site, but i get you seem to forget that at times with the  amount of shit you post in other parts of the forum!!


Again,  getting called out for not sending seeds in fast enough, have you fkn heard yourself? Wtf lol


Sadly it's members like you that give this place the piss poor bad reputation it has!!

sad af really.





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So tell me the time frame when seeds should be sent in after their made? 


The last lot of seeds I  made  was germ tested  at the end of june, so  not even a  month and half ago? 

 Edit.. They popped 5 and half weeks ago, I'm still vegging them!!

 so how long a time slot am I allocated to send in free seeds to support  the site (which i do regular and spend a fair bit of time and effort on being a contributing member of the community)

whats my time frames  then fella, you seem so concerned with it all, tell me?


Why is this timeframe so unacceptable to you so much  that makes you feel like  you need to call me out on it?


I'll  tell you what is unacceptable,  your  behaviour here!.  



Wow, just wow!!




I haven't got a clue what your problem with me is, weird af.

Why the fuk im explaining myself to this cunt for I dunno.  


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Just to steer this back in right kinda direction... 


Anyone got any pics of @4kali skunk x widow? Ive only seen a couple, have I missed any diary's or pics on this thread? 

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